"Quality and Life" № 2(22) 2019
p. 9-15
G.S. Getesova, doctor of technical sciences, professor, vice rector for strategic development of the Karaganda state technical university; Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
p. 15-19
p. 20-27
p. 28-34
p. 35-44
p. 44-53
P.V. Barinov, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
V.A. Burkova, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
S.V. Glushkov, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
T.A. Mitroshkina, graduate student of department of production of aircraft and quality management in mechanical engineering of the Samara national research university of a name of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
In the article the approach to management of human processes in the quality management system (QMS) of the organization based on risk-based thinking. The analysis of scientific views on the interpretation of the concepts of «risks» and «opportunities» in relation to personnel processes, noted the lack of unambiguity in their interpretation. Revealed the virtual absence formalized methods of analysis and assessment of HR risk management process, where staff are perceived not only as a source of threats and opportunities created by human resources. The solution to this problem is possible on the basis of the proposed application of the SWOT–analysis, adapted to the staffing processes of the QMS of the organization and the proposed procedure of statistical validity of the results. This approach allows to increase the reliability of the resulting research data.
O.D. Kreerenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university); Rostov-on-Don Region, Taganrog
G.N. Kravchenko, candidate of technical sciences, head of sector, associate professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
V.S. Kolmakov, leading specialist in contract support at Ulan-Ude aviation plant; Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude
Main theme: Assess risks and improve Release date: 26.06.2019 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
Quality management
p. 3-8
Quality and Education
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, scientific head of the Department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of the Moscow aviation Institute (NRU), first Vice-President of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: kaf104@mai.ru
Yu.V. Kryanev, doctor of philosophy, Professor, head of the Department of the Moscow aviation Institute (NRU), President of the Department «Philosophy of quality» of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
The quality management training system is closely related to science and innovation. The essence of innovation is to create new products, new technologies in the field of economy, services, culture, education that meets the needs of society, social groups and individuals that contribute to their development. There is a creation of a new quality. In turn, all the qualitative diversity that arises in the process of innovation, allows to improve the entire system of the latter. Hence the need for quality management, and through it, and the whole society. There was a need to create and implement a unified concept of education in the field of quality and its management.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-3-8
p. 9-15
The Analysis of Foreign Experiment on Development and Assessment of Educational Programs in Interaction by Employers
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
G.S. Getesova, doctor of technical sciences, professor, vice rector for strategic development of the Karaganda state technical university; Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
e-mail: zhetesova@mail.ru
S.K. Abdibekova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, adviser to the director of the Center of Bologna Process and academic mobility; Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
The best foreign practices on development of the competence-based focused modular educational programs in interaction with labor market and their further assessment are presented in article.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-9-15
p. 15-19
Forming Critical Thinking at Learners in Educational Organizations
O.A. Gorlenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of quality management of education at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
Y.A. Malakhov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, associate professor of the department «Information Security Systems» at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
T.P. Mozhayeva, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, head of department «Normative documents of quality management of education» at the Bryansk state technical univer-sity; Bryansk
e-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
The need to form critical thinking in educational institutions is noted. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of such thinking among students in the process of educational activity.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-15-19
p. 20-27
Context of the Organization: Methodical and Practical Approaches to Development and Realization (on the Example of Industrial Complexes and the Enterprises)
S.M. Brykalov, doctor of economics, head of the department of strategic development and development of a production system of Joint stock company «Experimental Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering named after Afrikantov»; Nizhny Novgorod
e-mail: sm-brykalov@okbm.nnov.ru
In article methodical approaches to development are described and practical recommendations about structure and the maintenance of a context of the organization which allow management of industrial complexes or the enterprises to develop one of key documents (a context of the organization) aimed at providing achievement of strategic objectives with necessary quality and the minimum time of course of process are formulated. The results described in the present article are introduced in practice of strategic management of the large scientific and production enterprise (JSC EDBME named after Afrikantov), and the reliability of results is confirmed by a complex of precertified, intermediate, certified and other audits of a system of management of «JSC EDBME named after Afrikantov».
p. 28-34
Product Life Cycle Management from the Position of the New Owning of the Organization of Production Systems
A.V. Tsyrkov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Technomash Research and production association; Moscow
e-mail: tias@inbox.ru
E.S. Yurtsev, Deputy director of the center for Scientific and production association «Tehnomash»; Moscow
A.V. Ragutkin, candidate of technical sciences, the vice rector for innovative work of «MIREA - the Russian technological university»; Moscow
G.A. Tsyrkov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
E.A. Yermokhin, graduate student of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
The example of the tool means providing the implementation of the elements of the concept «Industry 4.0» is considered. A life-cycle management model based on building end-to-end processes for creating complex technical systems is presented. The workflow formed from such elements helps to reduce the cycle of creating products in a pilot production. The methodology of design and operational flow management allows the consolidated support of the processes of creating experimental and serial products. Digital twins of the facility, production and production system are used to analyze design decisions, processes and the state of production systems.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-28-34
p. 35-44
Role of Technical Regulation in Product Quality Control of Mechanical Engineering
E.P. Plavelsky, doctor of technical sciences, professor of National research university «Moscow State Construction University», Central scientific test site of the construction and road machines; Moscow region
e-mail: eplavelsky@gmail.com
Safety indicators are defining indicators of the quality of engineering products. Therefore, technical regulation (standardization and conformity assessment) of engineering products is the main tool for quality assurance in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which is implemented through technical regulations of engineering products. The formation of technical regulation proceeded through the development and implementation of technical regulations, first in the Russian Federation, then the development and implementation of regulations in the Customs Union (CU), then the introduction of technical regulations of the CU and the development and implementation of new technical regulations in the EAEU. Analysis of the existing technical regulation systems showed the preference for the Russian Federation of a modern EU concept with the introduction of a new and global approach. At the same time, the tools for implementing this concept are the development and harmonization of basic technical requirements at a mandatory level, on the one hand, and the fulfillment of the above requirements under the exclusive responsibility of the manufacturer of products through the declaration of conformity with the implementation of the principle of presumption of conformity of engineering products, on the other.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-35-44
p. 44-53
Modern Methods of Improving Quality of Design of the Special Industrial Equipment for Tests of the Assembly and Protective Block of the Scientific and Power Module
R.S. Zagidullin, design engineer of the test center of Joint stock company «Progress State research and production space centre»; Samara
P.V. Barinov, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
V.A. Burkova, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
S.V. Glushkov, student of a magistracy of Institute of the aircraft equipment of the Samara national research university of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
T.A. Mitroshkina, graduate student of department of production of aircraft and quality management in mechanical engineering of the Samara national research university of a name of the academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
e-mail: t.mitroshkina@gmail.com
Application of modern methods and approaches, such as QFD, FMEA, robast design, in total with program systems of KOMPAS-3D and ANSYS, gives the chance of modeling and carrying out calculations of tests on virtual model that allows the organization to follow a way of the competitive enterprise capable to make and carry out tests of the products meeting the requirements and expectations of consumers and to minimize expenses at a design stage and developments. In article approaches to improving quality of design and production on the basis of modern methods of planning of quality and risk analysis of QFD and FMEA with application 3D - modeling and calculations in the ANSYS system on the example of design of the special industrial equipment for realization of test of the assembly and protective block of the scientific and power module for the Russian segment of the International Space Station imitation of influence of aerodynamic loadings are considered.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-44-53
p. 54-60
Risk Management in Russia and Abroad
A.V. Mayakova, candidate of philosophical sciences, research associate, department of philosophy and sociology of the Southwest state university; Kursk
e-mail: BerryAnnett@yandex.ru
Today, science and practice offer risk management methodologies relevant to modern production, economic and socio-humanitarian realities. Interstate understanding of the problem creates a pluralism of opinions in the formation of the goals and objectives of risk management, the establishment of a common terminology, structure and process relevant to modern Russian reality. World practice offers standardization in the field of risk management as a solution to the problem presented. This system successfully operates in the EU, the international organization for standardization (ISO) standards regulate not only risk management, but the management of quality, audit, production management, environmental management and others. Most of the standards are adapted in the Russian environment and presented in the form of domestic GOST R standards. In this study, we consider one of the leading risk management methodologies both in Russia and abroad – risk analysis. We will draw analogies and differences with other modern approaches and methodologies of risk management, and present the practical application of risk analysis.
p. 61-68
Risk-Oriented Approach in Management of Personnel Processes in a Quality Management System of the Organization
O.A. Gorlenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of quality management of education at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
T.P. Mozhaeva, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, head of department «Normative documents of quality management of education» at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
e-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
In the article the approach to management of human processes in the quality management system (QMS) of the organization based on risk-based thinking. The analysis of scientific views on the interpretation of the concepts of «risks» and «opportunities» in relation to personnel processes, noted the lack of unambiguity in their interpretation. Revealed the virtual absence formalized methods of analysis and assessment of HR risk management process, where staff are perceived not only as a source of threats and opportunities created by human resources. The solution to this problem is possible on the basis of the proposed application of the SWOT–analysis, adapted to the staffing processes of the QMS of the organization and the proposed procedure of statistical validity of the results. This approach allows to increase the reliability of the resulting research data.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-61-68
p. 69-73
Identification of Risks when Declaring Compliance of Products
A.V. Kraev, the lead engineer on quality of LLC Arvato Rus; Yaroslavl
e-mail: alex.kraev@gmail.com
V.A. Ivanova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Yaroslavl state technical university; Yaroslavl
The article establishes the sources, causes and consequences of the risk of the declaration of conformity using the methodology of functional modeling IDEF0.
The risk in declaring compliance is the appearance on the market the products that do not meet the requirements of technical regulations, i.e. dangerous to the consumer.
It has been established that the following processes belong to the sources of risk when declaring compliance: sampling of products; product testing; production control; study of the sample for the planned production as a typical representative of products used at hazardous production facilities; analysis of the technical documentation submitted by the applicant and its preliminary assessment; on-site testing or sample testing as representative of all subsequently manufactured products; evaluation of the results of tests (studies) from the standpoint of evidence of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations; analysis of the new requirements for products for equivalence and completeness presented by the applicant in comparison with those established in technical regulations; analysis of the evidence of compliance submitted by the applicant (results of calculations, experiments) with the requirements established in technical regulations; assessment of the risk of harm when applying the requirements proposed by the applicant; management system certification.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-69-73
p. 74-81
Digitalization of Russia – a Way to Improve Quality of Life
E.A. Sisoeva, doctor of economics, the associate professor, professor of department of statistics, econometrics and information technologies in management of the National research Mordovian state university named after N.P. Ogaryov; Republic of Mordovia, Saransk
e-mail: sysoewa@mail.ru
The article deals with the way of usage of informational technologies becoming effective instrument of steady improvement of people’s quality of life. The analysis of human environment spheres where an effective utilization of digital technologies make human life convenient, comfortable and safe, is introduced into the article. It is shown that the digitalization of Russia will give a powerful impetus to the development of the domestic economy and will contribute to the creation of conditions ensuring a decent level of people’s quality of life.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-74-81
p. 81-85
Digital Processing of Optical Images of Mars Surface by Cepstral Method
A.A. Pakhomov, doctor of technical sciences, leading engineer of PJSC «NPO «Almaz»; Moscow
O.D. Kreerenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university); Rostov-on-Don Region, Taganrog
e-mail: olgadmk@yandex.ru
The so-called cepstral method of digital image processing is presented to improve their intelligibility, which was first used to process images of the Martian surface taken by the American spacecraft Mariner and Viking. Visual analysis of the processed images allows you to demonstrate new previously unknown details. Pictures are taken from the Internet.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-81-85
p. 86-93
Improvement of the Aircraft Staff Training System of Civil Aviation in the Organization of the Developer and Manufacturer of Aviation Equipment
A.I. Resinets, candidate of military sciences, associate professor «Design of helicopters» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
e-mail: k102@mai.ru
A.V. Lebedinsky, deputy program director of PJSC «Ilyushin Aviation Complex»; Moscow
In article one of the directions of development of a system of after-sales service when developing the new civil aircraft equipment of Russia – the system of training of aviation personnel of civil aviation since 60th years of the 20th century and till present is considered. Special attention is paid to aviation training centers, functioning in the organizations of the developer and manufacturer of the aircraft equipment.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-86-93
p. 94-98
Estimation of the Probability of Occurrence of Overload Loading Cycles of Power Parts of Transport Aircraft in Operation
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
G.N. Kravchenko, candidate of technical sciences, head of sector, associate professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: gnkrav@mail.ru
Yu.I. Popov, associate professorof Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
Based on the processing and analysis of flight experiment data, the law of distribution of the maximum load cycles of variable loads acting on typical chassis parts of domestic transport aircraft in various operating conditions was determined. The parameters of this law were determined for the most critical parts and the probability of occurrence of overload voltage cycles above a specified level during the operation of the aircraft was estimated.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-94-98
p. 98-105
Improving the Quality of After-Sales Service is a Strategic Direction for the Development of the Domestic Helicopter Industry
A.I. Resinets, candidate of military sciences, associate professor of the Department «Helicopter Design» of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
V.S. Kolmakov, leading specialist in contract support at Ulan-Ude aviation plant; Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude
e-mail: v.kolmakov@uuaz.ru
The article analyzes the existing helicopter fleet in the Russian Federation. Ways to improve the quality of after-sales service of aviation equipment newly developed and in operation, with the aim of making it competitive in the world market, are considered.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-98-105
p. 106-112
Evolution of Low-Cost Airline Business Models – Airport Factor
V.P. Gorbunov, candidate of technical science, General Director of JSC Air Company «Yakutia»; Yakutsk
e-mail: vlad.gorbunov@bk.ru
Various aspects of the evolution of business models of low-cost airlines, due to the airport factor, are considered. The trends in the evolution of business models of low-cost airlines related to the airport factor are systematized. It is noted that business models of low-cost companies, as dynamically developing systems, influence business models of airports, shaping their geographical structure, dimensional parameters and distinctive qualitative and quantitative indicators.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-106-112
p. 113-117
A Rational Way to Solve Canonical Equations of the Force Method
V.E. Kicheev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Moscow aviation Institute (national research university); Moscow
e-mail: m.oskb@yandex.ru
The problem of solving systems of linear algebraic equations of a particular type is considered. Using the geometric approach, a solution method has been developed that is distinguished by a small amount of computation. Presents examples illustrating the capabilities of the proposed method
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-113-117
p. 118-123
Mathematical Modeling in Problems of Quality Management of Technical and Operational Characteristics of Transport Facilities
D.M. Mutushev, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Senior lecturer at the department of mathematical analysis of the Institute of path, construction and structures of the Russian university of transport (MIIT); Moscow
e-mail: dmmm1@yandex.ru
The issues of forecasting and managing the processes of harmonization of economic, as well as technical and operational indicators of transport facilities are considered on the basis of research and adaptation of the time series to the stated problem, applying Fourier transform and others to discrete wave functions. Methodological approaches to the development of algorithms and making optimal management decisions with respect to transport facilities.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-118-123
p. 124-128
Reducing the Risk of Injury to the Driver by Improving the Method of Calculating the Braking Dynamics of the Vehicle
S.S. Sukhov, candidate of technical sciences, head of the Department of life safety of Bryansk state University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky; Bryansk
e-mail: bgd_cc@bk.ru
The article is devoted to the determination of the influence of operational factors of the movement of a motor vehicle on its braking dynamics, affecting the risk of a collision and reducing the level of injury to drivers.
Labour protection
p. 129-130
Efficient Health Safety Management System – Way to Zero Injury
T.Yu. Lustgarten, candidate of technical sciences, Kostroma state university; Kostroma
e-mail: tlustgarten@yandex.ru
The materials of the investigation of accidents were studied. Calculated injury rates. The analysis of injuries at the lime plant for the past ten years. In order to identify the effectiveness of the labor protection management system, the dependence of changes in the indicators of material consequences and the cost of preventive measures to prevent accidents at the plant was investigated.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-129-130
p. 131-133
Results of Estimation of Work Conditions by Different Methods
T.Yu. Lustgarten, candidate of technical sciences, Kostroma state university; Kostroma
e-mail: tlustgarten@yandex.ru
The article examines the results of the assessment of working conditions at workplaces of a lime plant. The analysis of the results of certification of workplaces and a special assessment of working conditions was carried out, the costs of their implementation were determined. Compensation payments to workers for work in hazardous working conditions and the benefits of the employer from switching to a special assessment of working conditions.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-131-133
p. 134-136
The Use of Multifunctional Machines to Improve Working Conditions when Processing Pressed Roughage in the Conditions of Farms
A.V. Ramzaev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Safety of technological processes and production» of the Don State Technical University; Rostov-on-Don
e-mail: Sandr03@yandex.ru
The article discusses issues of the state of labor protection in animal husbandry during feed preparation, justifies the need to use multifunctional machines for preparing rough feeds, proposes a screw grinder design – a conveyor of pressed rough feeds indicating the optimal operating modes established as a result of analytical and experimental studies.