Forming Critical Thinking at Learners in Educational Organizations

Forming Critical Thinking at Learners in Educational Organizations

O.A. Gorlenkodoctor of technical sciences, professor, head of quality management of education at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
Y.A. Malakhov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, associate professor of the department «Information Security Systems» at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
T.P. Mozhayeva, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, head of department «Normative documents of quality management of education» at the Bryansk state technical univer-sity; Bryansk
The need to form critical thinking in educational institutions is noted. A mechanism is proposed for the formation of such thinking among students in the process of educational activity.
Keywords: critical thinking, educational organization, technologies of critical thinking formation.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-15-19

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