"Quality and Life" № 3(35) 2022
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Main theme: Security quality Release date: 12.09.2022 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
p. 03-09
Introduction to the Ontology of Quality Engineering. Part 1. Basic Terms and Concepts
A.Y. Dmitriev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
e-mail: dmitriev57@rambler.ru
T.S. Filippova, postgraduate student, Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
Part 1 of this paper is concerned with ontological analysis of the concept of «quality engineering». It defines the terms that form it and are related to it, as well as the rules for their usage. The paper clarifies the nuances of using the word «engineering», discusses various aspects of quality, on the basis of which the concept of quality engineering is revealed.
Quality engineering is an activity based on the application of scientific knowledge and technical principles aimed at designing, manufacturing and operation of a facility that is unique in its properties and meets the requirements to it. Part 2 of the paper defines the interconnection between quality engineering and such disciplines as quality management and quality design. Also, the paper provides a brief overview of quality engineering tools. Creative tasks that arise in the process of quality engineering can be solved by usage of the theory of solving inventive problems, and further development of the discipline is associated with its application.
Keywords: quality, engineering, quality engineering, ontology of quality engineering, quality management, quality design, ontological engineering, knowledge management.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-03-09
p. 10-14
Methodology for the Evaluation of Innovation Management Systems
M.A. Kovshov, postgraduate student of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»; St. Petersburg
e-mail: p355@mail.ru
V.P. Semenov, Professor of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»; St. Petersburg
The existing methods of assessing the quality management systems are considered with reference to the best practices and methods when developing a methodology for the numerical estimate of innovation management systems. A procedure for the numerical estimate of innovation management systems for compliance with the requirements of CEN/TS 16555/GOST R 56273 is presented.
Keywords: innovation management systems, estimate, standard, CEN/TS 16555/ GOST R 56273, certification.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-10-14
p. 15-20
Incident Management to Ensure Cognitive Security Quality
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academic Director of Department 104 «Technological Design and Quality Management», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); First Vice-President, Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
V.L. Balanovsky, President of the Integrated Security Department, Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
V.M. Podyakonov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher at the Research Department (Military and Humanitarian Research), Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, member of the RAS Commission on Technogenic Safety; Moscow
The article discusses the quality assurance of cognitive security through the use of a new approach to incident management. It considers the processes for managing changes in safety quality in the chain: conflict situation – incident – conflict – problem
Keywords: conflict, conflict situation, incident, problem, incident management, act of unlawful interference.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-15-20
p. 21-25
Data Driven as Big Data Analytics in Education in the Context of Digitalization
E.V. Shirinkina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Business, Surgut State University; Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Surgut
e-mail: shirinkina86@yandex.ru
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, thanks to the emergence of educational information systems and Big Data technologies, for the first time in history, the education system got a chance to quickly, continuously and comprehensively register a vast array of observations of the learning process, behavior and progress of students. The purpose of the work is to present the Data Driven methodology in the context of the transition from traditional descriptive analytics to decision-making analytics. The empirical basis of the study was the works of David Niemi «Learning Analytics in Education», Chintan Bhatt, Priti Srinivas Sajja, Sidath Liyanage «Utilizing Educational Data Mining Techniques for Improved Learning: Emerging Research and Opportunities», as well as University 2035 research «Intellectual analysis of educational data». In the article, the author explains what the Data Driven approach means in general and in education in particular; why it is important to measure change and how to do it; what questions you need to ask yourself before building an analytics system for a training program; how data is collected for training analytics. The practical significance of the research results lies in the fact that the presented Data Driven methodology, as big data analytics in education in the context of digitalization, will allow automating many routine processes in the educational analytics system, identifying problems at an early stage and acting preventively.
Keywords: Data driven, digital technologies, analytics, data mining, methods, efficiency, evaluation, metrics, education.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-21-25
p. 26-32
Methods for Improving the Quality of Software Development Based on DOR and DOD
I.V. Garanin, Department of Quality Management and Certification, Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems, MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow
e-mail: Garanin_i.v@mail.ru
N.E. Sadkovskaya, Department of Quality Management and Certification, Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems, MIRE Russian Technological University; Moscow
At the moment, it is impossible to conceive modern approaches to software development without the application of quality management standards. The variety of approaches to agile software development and the thoroughly described quality management standards are sometimes opposed by the unwillingness of managers to delve into them, and this, in turn, reduces the quality of the software developed. It is proposed to introduce software quality management standards based on the DOR and DOD approaches to cope with this problem. These approaches will serve as the foundation for the transformation of the IT department in a particular organization, namely the systematization of the software development approach, as well as the reduction of the so-called uncertainties in working with tasks in the project.
Keywords: software development, quality management, product life cycle, standardization, quality assurance, agile software development methodologies, DOR, DOD, LeSS, SCRUM, Agile, checklist as a quality tool.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-26-32
p. 33-41
Standardization is an Effective Way of Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment
E.A. Sysoeva, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Management Information Technology, N.P. Ogarev Moscow State University; Republic of Mordovia, Saransk
e-mail: sysoewa@mail.ru
The article discusses the current national standards in the field of creating a comfortable urban environment, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Russian cities, creating an effective urban management system. The emphasis is placed on the standards put into effect, which provide for the digitalization of the urban economy, the introduction of advanced information and communication technology in urban management and housing and communal services, in the creation of an innovative urban environment and a system of public and environmental safety.
The article provides information on the documents developed by the International Organization for Standardization focused on the implementation of projects to improve urban infrastructure and create safe and comfortable conditions for human life.
Keywords: urban environment, urban services, urban infrastructure, standards, smart city, Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-33-41
p. 42-45
Quality Management of Socio-Psychological Climate in Expert Community
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academic Director of Department 104 «Technological Design and Quality Management», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); First Vice-President, Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
V.L. Balanovsky, President of the Integrated Security Department of the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
V.M. Podyakonov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, researcher at the Research Department (Military and Humanitarian Research), Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, member of the RAS Commission on Technogenic Safety; Moscow
This article examines the problems of managing the quality of the socio-psychological climate of the expert community of situation centers.
Keywords: scientific and technological revolution, socio-psychological climate, quality management, human security, self-sufficiency.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-42-45
p. 46-52
Analysis of Practices and Prospects of State Support for Regional Aviation in Addressing Strategic Infrastructure Projects
p. 53-58
Flight Safety Assessment in the Development of Abakan Airfield Operator Production System
V.V. Rozhnov, General Director of Abakan Airport JSC; Abakan, the Khakass Republic
D.M. Melnik, Deputy Director General for Flight Safety Head of the Flight Safety Inspectorate of JSC RusJet; Moscow Region, Vnukovo-3 Airport
e-mail: melnikdm@mail.ru
This article discusses the efficiency of the production system of a civil aviation aerodrome operator within the framework of the new concept of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on the integrated risk management of all functional systems of the aviation service provider in order to efficiently ensure the aircraft flight safety. The new ICAO concept on the need to determine the integrated risk in the production system can be implemented when determining critical interconnections between various indicators, which the authors of the article managed to do at the Abakan Airport.
Keywords: Operator, airfield, airport, production, system, quality, safety, development, integration, factor, risk, efficiency.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-53-58
p. 59-66
Quality of MAI Students Training at the Department of Helicopter Design – the Key to Flight Safety
A.I. Resinets, Candidate of Military Science, Associate Professor of Helicopter Design Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: ResinetsAI@mai.ru
A.A. Resinets, Assistant of Aircraft Design and Certification Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
M.N. Patrakeyeva, Leading Engineer, Helicopter Design Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI); Moscow
The article is timed to the 70th anniversary of the Helicopter Design Department of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI National Research University), the history of its formation and development.
Keywords: department, student, helicopter, training, retraining.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-59-66
p. 67-72
Development of Design Solutions Improving Helicopters Maintainability
A.I. Resinets, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Helicopter Design Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: resinetsai@mai.ru
The article analyzes the design solutions that improve the helicopters maintainability by minimizing the quantitative and qualitative indicators. The most important in this case are the stages of the initial work on the products design: a technical proposal, conceptual design, when they decide on the fundamental issues of design scheme, structural and technological parts breakdown, design calculations, comparative analysis of the existing designs, which should be aimed at ensuring the greatest possible adaptability of helicopter design for maintenance.
Keywords: maintenance, developmental work, operational manufacturability, helicopter technology.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-67-72
p. 73-79
Helicopter Emergency Escape: Theory and Reality
A.I. Resinets, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Helicopter Design Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: resinetsAI@mai.ru
A.A. Resinets, Assistant of Aircraft Design and Certification Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
The article analyzes the emergency escape of the Mi-24A helicopter crew by the example of a flight accident that occurred in 1975, but is still relevant today. Recommendations are given to the aircraft staff on the rules of leaving the helicopter and to the developer’s organization on the need to work through all possible options aimed at the safe forced helicopter escape in emergency situations.
Keywords: helicopter, helicopter safe escape, flight accident, layout, emergency escape aids.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-73-79
p. 80-85
Organization of Monitoring of Information Flows of the Automated System of Documentary Exchange
V.M. Sobol, the Consultant-programmer of JSC «RIAA» to them. akad. V.S. Semenikhin special. Scientific and Thematic Center of JSC NIIAA; Moscow
e-mail: sobolvm@yandex.ru
The generalized nomenclature of tasks for monitoring the specialized telecommunication network of the automated system of documentary exchange is considered. The paradigm of an integrated approach in the organization of administrative management of the parameters of the technological process of message transmission and the current states of the switching facilities of the system is postulated. It is shown that permanent visualization of the functioning of subscriber channels allows to avoid unjustified termination of the current exchange.
Keywords: telecommunication network, telecommunication complex, telegraph center, data exchange system, documentary exchange, automated workplace, subscriber service.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-80-85
p. 86-89
Quality Management of Design and Operation Using Risk-Based Information Modeling
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academic Director of Department 104 «Technological Design and Quality Management», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); First Vice-President, Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
V.L. Balanovsky, President of the Integrated Security Department, Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
M.Yu. Kuprikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department Head, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
A.V. Ripetsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Deputy Head, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
N.V. Nikolayeva, Program Director, Security Forums; Moscow
This article discusses the issues of drawing up a methodology for the formation of a design and operation system using risk-based information modeling, which ensures effective quality management of the safety of products, critical and strategically important facilities.
Keywords: safety, quality and safety culture, information model, risk-oriented management, critical and strategically important facilities, simulation modeling.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-86-89
p. 90-92
Product Security of Information Platforms in the Russian Federation
M.L. Rakhmanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department 104 «Technological Design and Quality Management», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); First Vice-President of the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
A.V. Shishkin, postgraduate student at Department 104 «Technological Design and Quality Management» of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: 17andrew07@gmail.com
Currently, various «digital platforms» are being developed and brought to market as part of the import substitution program at the initiative of both government and business community organizations. These initiatives are designed to improve the quality of services provided and to eliminate reliance on a foreign developer, which could potentially be recognized as a foreign agent and collect data from users or transactions.
Keywords: cybersecurity, ecosystem, digital platform, cyberattacks, software application interfaces, digital economy.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-90-92
p. 93-96
Control Filling as a Necessary Element of Instrumentation for Blank Quality Management
R.D. Farisov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of KAMAZ PJSC; Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
M.A. Ioffe, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Litye-Servis LLC; Saint-Petersburg
V.N. Kozlovskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical and General Electrotechnics, Samara State Technical University; Samara
e-mail: Kozlovskiy-76@mail.ru
Mass foundry production is an essential component of the machine-building industry, its successful functioning is important for the development of the country’s industry. The most important condition for this is to prevent the formation of defects in castings, since each defective casting leads to a drop in the profits of the enterprise. In order for the test flood control process to be effective, it is recommended that test flooding be carried out based on the principles of lean, fast response times and qualimetry with a synergistic approach. An algorithm is proposed, and a technique for its implementation is developed.
Keywords: foundry, test pouring, casting, defect, synergetic approach, qualimetry, thrift, fast-response production.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-35-3-93-96