"Quality and Life" № 3(31) 2021
Main theme: Quality management as a tool for improvement Release date: 22.09.2021 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
p. 3-8
Implementation of «Employee Interaction» Principle in University Quality Management System
Mozhayeva T.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Information Expertise Department of Further Vocational Education at Bryansk State Technical University; Full Member and Scientific Secretary of Bryansk Branch of Academy of Quality Problems; Bryansk
e-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
Simkin A.Z., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Principal for Further Vocational Education and International Cooperation, Bryansk State Technical University; Vice-President of Bryansk Branch of Academy of Quality Problems; Bryansk
Proskurin A.S., Leading engineer at the Information Expertise Department of Further Vocational Education at Bryansk State Technical University; Bryansk
An approach to the implementation of the conceptual principle of «Employee interaction» in the quality management system (QMS) of a higher educational institution in the context of international standards ISO 9000:2015 is considered. The analysis of scientific views on the interpretation of this managerial phenomenon, mechanisms and technologies of its identification is carried out. The structure of the parameter «employee interaction» in the interpretation of ISO 9000:2015 is justified, including the procedure for its evaluation. The expediency of applying the proposed approach in integrating the principle of «employee interaction» into the QMS processes of an educational organization is argued.
Keywords: quality management system of the university, ISO 9000:2015, the principle of «employee interaction», the structure of the parameter «employee interaction», the procedure for evaluating the parameter «employee interaction».
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-3-8
p. 8-18
Model of Intelligent Assistance System Using fmea Support System. Part 2
The work was prepared with the support of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation NSH-2515.2020.8
Panyukov D.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, at Samara State Technical University; Samara
Kozlovskiy V.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical and General Electrical Engineering at Samara State Technical University; Samara
e-mail: Kozlovskiy-76@mail.ru
The article presents the main results of the development and implementation of a corporate information system of an engineering management tool – failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
Keywords: quality management; automotive industry; analysis of the types and consequences of failures.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-8-18
p. 19-24
Substantiation of Protective Zones in Specially Protected Natural Areas for Improving their Conditions
Ivanchenkova O.A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Ecology and Technosphere Safety, Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University; Bryansk
e-mail: oa-iva79@mail.ru
Levkina G.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Ecology and Technosphere Safety, Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University; Bryansk
Lutsevich A.A., Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Ecology and Technosphere Safety, Bryansk State Engineering and Technological University; Bryansk
The purpose of this work was to describe the principles and methods of substantiation of protective zones in specially protected natural areas (hereinafter SPNA) for improving their conditions. In this paper, a specific example is used to analyze the main approaches to comprehensive environmental survey of the territory, and consider the regulatory and legal framework, the basic techniques for establishing the boundaries of the protected area. The paper describes the main stages of a comprehensive environmental survey of the SPNA having natural and historical, aesthetic, recreational value. It identifies the main factors and threats of negative impacts in the territory of natural monuments, which can be grouped as follows: development of landslide and erosion processes, recreational load and littering the territory of the protected areas, violation of the protection regimes established in the territory of natural monuments. The methods of substantiating the protection regimes and calculating the erosion resistance have been improved , the principles for determining the stages of recreational digression have been applied. Based on the calculations of the slopes erosion resistance, the following types of areas were identified: slightly sloping surfaces without conditions for runoff concentration, surfaces of medium steepness, on which, after heavy rains and heavy snow melting, streams may form with an eroding rate, primarily on agricultural lands adjacent to the SPNA, inclined surfaces adjacent to the hollows headwaters or branch valleys.
Recommendations were provided for the preparation of reporting documentation to substantiate the establishment of the protective zones, their width and configuration, as well as cartography data specifying the boundaries and turning points. The described approach to the comprehensive ecological survey of protected areas can be used to substantiate the establishment of protective zones for natural monuments of regional significance.
Keywords: natural monument, ecological survey of the territory, buffer zone, factors of negative impact, erosion resistance.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-19-24
p. 25-30
Managing Changes in Transport Security Quality
Denisov V.V., Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Integrated Security and Special Programs» of RUT (Russian University of Transport); Moscow
Balanovsky V.L., President, Integrated Security Department at the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
This article addresses the problems of creating a methodology for building transport security systems for transport infrastructure facilities.
Keywords: integrated security, transport infrastructure facilities, security quality management, security quality change management.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-25-30
p. 31-34
Proposals to Create a Unified Information Resource on the Titles of Performance Characteristics of the Armaments and Military and special Purpose Equipment
Makitrin A.V., Ph.D.; member of the Presidium of the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: makitrin46@mail.ru
Zheltukhin P.S., Ph.D.; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
The article presents and substantiates proposals to create a unified information resource on the titles of performance characteristics (PC) of the armaments and military and special purpose equipment (AMSPE). Such a single resource will provide for better planning of the armament system development within the information space of interconnected program and planning documents being developed.
Keywords: planning, armament, information resource, regulatory and technical documentation, regulatory legal acts.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-31-34
p. 34-52
Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Digital Transformation
Azarov V.N., Professor, Russian University of Transport; Moscow
e-mail: vazarov52@gmail.com
Boytsov B.V., Doctor of Engineering, professor, scientific supervisor of Department 104 «Technical Design and Quality Management» of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
Leokhin Yu.L., Vice Principal for Research, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics; Moscow
Chekmarev A.V., Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
The paper considers the problems of organizing digital enterprises during the pandemic. The problems identified during the implementation of measures to counteract the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, in the field of digital transformation and organization of remote operation of various enterprises through remote information and technological services are defined. Approaches to the development of scientific-methodological, organizational, technical and technological basis for the design and functioning of this type of organization are proposed. The approach to the construction of e-learning associated with the development of the university IT-infrastructure, business-architecture and process-service approach is considered. Business processes, services, university IT-infrastructure for e-learning are considered.
Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, business strategy, IT strategy remote mode, remote service, pandemic, coronavirus infection, distributed enterprise, quality, process, IT, IT services, maturity model, e-university, electronic education (E-learning), LMS, CLMS.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-34-52
p. 53-59
Implementation of the Pugh Matrix for Quality Management in Civil Aircraft Logistics
Akhmatova M-S.S., postgraduate student, Department of Standardization and Product Quality Management, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
e-mail: malika_sofi@mail.ru
Deniskina A.R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Standardization and Product Quality Management, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Moscow
Akhmatova D-M.S., Procurement Specialist, Boehringer Ingelheim LLC; Moscow
Petuhov Yu.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent, Department 104 «Technical Design and Quality Management» of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
The research paper addresses the urgent problem of enhancing the objective and reliable managerial decision making for quality management in civil aircraft logistics processes. The authors propose a Pugh matrix model consistent with the ISO 9000: 2015 and ISO 9001: 2015 quality management principles in order to provide the relevant scientific and practical background for strategic planning.
Keywords: quality management, process approach, Pugh matrix, management decision making, logistics, aviation.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-53-59
p. 60-65
Methods for Assessing the Applicability of Seaplanes as an Air Transport Type
Volkova A.A., Senior Lecturer, Department 109b, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Rostov Region, Taganrog
Ponomarev V.F., Senior Lecturer, Department 109b, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Rostov Region, Taganrog
e-mail: pvf5491@yandex.ru
Lappa G.E., Senior Lecturer, Department 109b, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Rostov Region, Taganrog
Khrulenko V.V., Senior Lecturer, Department 109b, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Rostov Region, Taganrog
The article presents a procedure for determining the weatherability as an indicator of a seaplane operation capability under various unsafe sea conditions. There is a proposal to evaluate the coverage of transport operations of the Earth surface by an integral criterion, which includes the relative values of gross productivity, the surface needed for takeoff and landing and vehicle weatherability.
The seaplane weatherability depends largely on its seaworthiness estimated by the wave height limit for a particular type of aircraft, at which the operation from the water is safe. The proposed methodology for determining the seaplane weatherability is based on the analysis of the probability of waves of different heights (histograms) for different regions of the Earth.
Keywords: Seaplane, seaworthiness, histogram, weatherability.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-60-65
p. 65-70
Innovative Methods for Improving the Efficiency of Transport Security Systems
Denisov V.V., Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Integrated Security and Special Programs» of RUT (Russian University of Transport); Moscow
Balanovsky V.L., President, Integrated Security Department at the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
This article addresses the innovative methods for improving the transport security systems efficiency for transport infrastructure facilities.
Keywords: transport security, destructive impact, act of unlawful interference, information security, resilience.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-65-70
p. 70-73
«Controlled Chaos» and Safe Transport Infrastructure Facility
Denisov V.V., Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Integrated Security and Special Programs» of RUT (Russian University of Transport); Moscow
Balanovsky V.L., President, Integrated Security Department at the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
This article describes the process of improving the provision of transport security of transport infrastructure facilities in the conditions of «controlled chaos» using innovative technical solutions and artificial intelligence.
Keywords: technological structure, transport security, vulnerability assessment, «soft power», «controlled chaos», artificial intelligence.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-70-73
p. 74-77
Transportation Problems in Ensuring the Unity of Measurements in Yakutia
Kuprikov N.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), Moscow; Associate Professor, D.I. Mendeleyev All-Russian Institute for Metrology FSUE; St.-Petersburg
Litvinov B.Y., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher at D.I. Mendeleyev All-Russian Institute for Metrology FSUE; St.-Petersburg
e-mail: sztul@mail.ru
Nogovitsyn D.D., Director of State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Ponyaev L.P., Associate Professor of the Department 904 of the Moscow Aviation Institute; Moscow
The features of ensuring the measurements uniformity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are analyzed. The transport problem in the values units transfer is identified. Radial and circular systems are considered while ensuring the uniformity of measurements. A line of research based on the creation of unified mobile metrological laboratories that can be moved by road, water and rail transport is proposed.
Keywords: metrological traceability, transportable standard, container unit, transportable metrology laboratory.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-74-77
p. 78-88
The Quality of Aviation Personnel Training is a Guarantee of the Reliable Functioning of the Aviation Transport System in Emergency Situations
Resinets A.I., candidate of military sciences, associate professor at Helicopters Design Department of Moscow Aviation Institute; Moscow
e-mail: k102@mai.ru
Resinets A.A., engineer at Aircraft Design and Certification of Aviation Equipment Department of Moscow Aviation Institute; Moscow
Gusev A.S., lecturer at Aerodynamics Department of Zhukovsky - Gagarin Air Force Academy; Voronezh
Likhachev V.M., senior lecturer at Army Aviation Tactics of Zhukovsky – Gagarin Air Force Academy; Voronezh
The article examines the direct dependence of the quality and level of training of flight personnel on the reliability of the aviation transport system and its ability to make competent non-standard decisions in emergency situations while maintaining a high level of flight safety.
Keywords: aviation transport system, aviation technology, accident, disaster, flight safety.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-78-88
The All-Russian Contest under the Program «100 Best Goods of Russia» as a Tool to Improve the Activities of Domestic Producers
Boyeva D.Yu., Head of Expert-Analytical Department, International Public Organization «Academy of Quality Problems»; Moscow
e-mail: d.rudak@100best.ru
The article examines the role and impact on the domestic goods production of one of the most important projects launched by the Academy of Quality Problems, the All-Russian Contest under the Program «100 Best Goods of Russia», being implemented as a tool of living standards improvement. Specific examples and analytics are provided including the features and long-term prospects of this unique project.
Keywords: quality, competitiveness, quality assessment, quality improvement, management system, quality competition, enterprises, manufacturers.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2021-31-3-89-95