"Quality and Life" № 2(26) 2020
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Main theme: Quality management organization Release date: 25.06.2020 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-3-6
On the Methods of Social and Scientific Assistance in Solving Quality Problems at the Regional Level. Experience of the Interregional Public Organization «Academy of Quality Problems»
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, scientific director of Department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), First Vice-President of Interregional Public Organization «Academy of quality problems»; Moscow
V.N. Bas, doctor of economics, general director of the Federal State Institution «Rostest-Moscow», president of the moscow regional branch «Innovations and qality of life» of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
N.S. Kruglov, chief scientific secretary of the Interregional Public Organization «Academy of quality problems»; Moscow
e-mail: apq_p@mail.ru
E.V. Dubinskaya, candidate of technical sciences, executive director of the Interregional Public Organization «Academy of quality problems»; Moscow
E.I. Garanina, head of the expert-analytical department of the Interregional Public Organization «Academy of quality problems»; Moscow
Summary. The article discusses the activities of the Interregional public organization «Academy of quality problems», aimed at improving the quality of life at the regional level. The Academy tools used for quality management are given. As an example, one of the most important projects of the Academy is considered - the All-Russian contest of the Program «100 Best Goods of Russia», implemented in two stages - at the regional and federal levels.
Keywords: quality management, regional aspect, quality of life, cooperation, competition, scientific activity.
P. 6-11
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-6-11
Academy of Quality Problems. Results of a Big Way. New Purposes
G.A. Kulakov, doctor of technical sciences, president of the Samara branch of the Academy of quality problems; Samara
D.V. Antipov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department «Production of Aircraft and quality management in mechanical engineering» of the Samara national research university named after S.P. Korolev, president of the Samara office of the Higher School of Academy of quality problems; Samara
V.N. Kozlovsky, professor, head of the department «Theoretical and general electrical engineering» of the Samara State Technical University, full member of the Academy of quality problems; Samara
e-mail: kozlovskiy-76@mail.ru
A.Ya. Dmitriev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department «Aircraft production and quality management in mechanical engineering» of the Samara national research university named after S.P. Korolev, a full member of the Academy of quality problems; Samara
Summary. In the article the analysis of the results is presented, proposals to increase the efficiency of the Academy of quality problems in the implementation of the Program «100 best goods of Russia» are given. The presented materials were reported in December 2019 at the annual conference of the Academy of quality problems.
Keywords: competitiveness, quality, Academy of quality problems, Program «100 Best Goods of Russia».
P. 11-13
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-11-13
The Experience of Organizing the Federal Stage of the Competition for the Program «100 Best Products of Russia» in the Tula Region
D.I. Blagoveshchenskiy, candidate of technical sciences, General director of the Federal State Institution «Tula FMC»; Tula
S.A. Vasin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, president of the Tula regional branch of the Academy of Quality Problems; Tula
E.V. Plahotnikova, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor of Tula State University; Tula
e-mail: e_plahotnikova@mail.ru
Summary. The article describes the features of the organization of the federal stage of the competition of the Program «100 Best Goods of Russia» in the Tula Region, which has become a serious platform for the region in the field of quality. Due to the high consolidation of public, educational and industrial organizations in the region, over the entire history of the competition, about 300 enterprises took part in more than 700 items of products and services. Along with the program «100 best goods» in the Tula region, unique projects are being implemented aimed at improving the quality of life and disseminating best practices in the field of quality. Given the current realities and needs of the population, the authors propose introducing new nominations into the competition program, rebranding it and making full use of the accumulated experience of the Tula region.
Keywords: quality, quality of life, 100 best goods of Russia, Tula quality
P. 14-18
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-14-18
Aspects of Improving the Stages of Risk Management
N.Ya. Samchuk-Khabarova, postgraduate student of department «Safety of technological processes and production» of Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don
e-mail: N.Samchuk-Habarova@sptstroy.ru
V.L. Gaponov, doctor of technical sciences, dean of the faculty of civil engineering of Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don
V.V. Dudnik, professor of the department «Safety of technological processes and production» of Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don
D.M. Kuznetsov, professor of the department «Safety of technological processes and production» of Don State Technical University (DSTU), Rostov-on-Don
Summary. The article deals with the imperfections of the basic risk management techniques, developed and proposed tools to reduce deficiencies and improve the objectivity of identification, assessment and risk management.
Keywords: risk management, identification, assessment, traumatic factor, harmful factor, expert assessment methods, subjectivity, objectivity.
P. 19-26
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-19-26
Quality Management of Scientific Projects Based on the Application of Intellectual Decision Support Systems
S.S. Barkov, senior engineer of 4294 military representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Moscow
S.Ya. Grodzenskiy, doctor of technical sciences, Professor of department of metrology and standardization of MIREA - Russian Technological University; Moscow
I.V. Emanakov, deputy head of department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute» Center»; Moscow
e-mail: emanakov2@yandex.ru
S.A. Ovchinnikov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor of department of metrology and standardization of MIREA – Russian Technological University, Moscow
A.N. Chesalin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of computer and information security, Moscow
Summary. The shortcomings and limitations of the existing R&D project management systems at engineering and instrument-making enterprises are considered. The analysis of information systems for decision support in the management of high-tech projects. Actual problems are formulated that arise during the implementation of the intelligent decision-making support system (IDMSS) when managing high-tech enterprise projects as part of the implementation of R&D contracts.
Keywords: management system, project management, lean manufacturing, intelligent decision-making support system, research and development work (R&D project).
P. 27-31
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-27-31
Features of Assessing the Competitiveness of Management Decisions while Ensuring the Quality of Life of the Population
V.V. Kuznetsov, candidate of medical sciences; President of the Regional Public Organization «Association of doctors of Sevastopol»; Sevastopol
K.N. Malovik, doctor of technical sciences, professor, the president of Sevastopol regional branch of the Academy of quality problems; Sevastopol
S.I. Smolyakova, deputy chief doctor for economic issues of State budgetary institution of public health of Sevastopol «City Hospital No. 1» named after N.I. Pirogov; Sevastopol
e-mail: smolyakova_76@mail.ru
Summary. The article is devoted to pressing issues of determining effective management decisions to ensure the quality of life of the population. The subject area of the quality of life processes, which is characterized by heterogeneity and specificity for each direction of provision, is considered. The necessity of organizing individual expert assessment using the method of assessing the competence of experts in determining competencies and characteristics in the format of odd sets is shown. The need for creating a new specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission for the training of personnel to ensure and improve the quality of life is scientifically substantiated. An example of the cross-functioning of expert groups taking into account the use of risk management is shown.
Keywords: indicator of quality of life, areas of ensuring the quality of life, competence, competencies, cross-functioning, risk management.
P. 31-37
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-31-37
Qualimetric Approach in Evaluating the Parameters of the Functional-Cost Analysis of Personnel Processes of the Enterprise
T.P. Mozhaeva, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of information and methodological department of additional vocational education at the Bryansk state technical university, full member , academic secretary of the Bryansk branch of the Interregional public organization «Academy of quality problems»; Bryansk
e-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
A.Z. Simkin, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, vice-rector for additional training and international cooperation at the Bryansk state technical university, vice-president of the Bryansk Branch of the «Academy of quality problems»; Bryansk
A.S. Proskurin, leading engineer of the information and methodological department of additional vocational education at the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
Summary. The approach to assessing the parameters of personnel processes in the quality management system (QMS) of an enterprise based on the methodology of functional cost analysis (FCA) is considered. The analysis of tools to justify the need for corrective measures of personnel processes is carried out. The feasibility of using the procedure for identifying a range of FSA indicators, signaling the need for corrective measures, based on the qualimetric approach, is argued.
Keywords: quality management system, personnel processes, functional-cost analysis, assessment parameters, qualimetric approach.
P. 38-41
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-38-41
Building a Telecommunication Network Based on the SERDES Platforms
Yu.A. Volkov, senior specialist of JSC «Scientific Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin» – JSC «SRIAE», Russia; Moscow
V.M. Kalmykov, head of department of JSC «Scientific and Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin» – JSC «SRIAE», Russia; Moscow
e-mail: nodax@mail.ru
Summary. The authors, on the basis of their know-how, propose to build data transmission networks over fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) on a new principle, using the basic elements of the Serdes technology. This will speed up the transmission of information at times, communicate with subscribers on a one-to-one basis, hold audio-video conferences nationwide, and save significant funds.
Keywords: Telecommunication system, digital information transmission, Serdes platform, TDM channel separation technology, FOCL (fiber optic communication lines).
P. 41-47
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-41-47
Quality Management of Information Security of a Transport Infrastructure Facility
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, scientific director of Department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), First Vice-President of Interregional Public Organization «Academy of quality problems»; Moscow
V.V. Denisov, candidate of military sciences, associate professor of the department «Transport security and mobilization Preparation» of the Russian academy of railways of the Russian university of transport; Moscow
L.V. Balanovsky, head of national certification center LLC Informzaschita CJSC, corresponding member of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
Summary. The article discusses the results of the work carried out by the Russian Academy of Railways of the Russian University of Transport in conjunction with the Academy of Quality Problems, the RAS Commission for Technological Safety and the Academy of Military Sciences to identify new types of threats implemented during hybrid wars, to determine ways to ensure the safety of critically and strategically important facilities. The analysis showed that ensuring effective quality management of information security is the driving force behind the formation of transport security of a transport infrastructure facility (TIF). Its absence is the cause of serious failures in the management of TIF safety quality, which increases the likelihood of an act of unlawful interference (AUI) or an act of terrorism in the territory of TIF.
Keywords: act of unlawful interference, hybrid warfare, transport infrastructure object, security quality management, information security, security threat model, security culture, critical elements, quality management system.
P. 48-52
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-48-52
Compliance with the Requirements of ISO 14001:2015 when Planning Environmental Protection Activities as a Means of Improving the Environmental Efficiency of the Enterprise
E.E. Galkina, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: mai503@yandex.ru
O.A. Aphonina, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
D.O. Rassadina, master of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
T.I. Guseva, master of Moscow Aviation Institu- te (NRU); Moscow
S.A. Nezvedova, master of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
Summary. One of the ways to improve the environmental performance of enterprises is to introduce the requirements of the ISO 14001: 2015 standard into their practice. Changing approaches to environmental protection in accordance with the requirements of the standard contributes to the systematic coverage of enterprise problems related to environmental pollution, environmental risks, and requirements of interested parties. Systematic planning, taking into account environmental risks, will allow the company to move away from financing environmental protection work on a residual basis and increase the environmental performance of its activities, which in turn will provide increased competitiveness and access to new green markets.
Keywords: environmental management system, environmental protection work planning, environmental efficiency, environmental aspects, work program.
P. 53-58
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-53-58
Analysis of the Efficiency of a Section of Longitudinal Turning Machines with Numerical Control at the Enterprise of the Military-Industrial Complex
K.R. Solovey, deputy head of thep and dispatch department of JSC Aviaavtomatika named after V.V. Tarasova, post-graduate student of Southwest state university; Kursk
e-mail: solovey.kir@yandex.ru
S.A. Chevychelov, candidate of technical sciences associate professor of Southwest state university; Kursk
Summary. The article analyzes the sources, it was revealed that there is no methodology for calculating the OEE indicator based on the data used at most enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
The calculation of the indicator of the overall efficiency of the equipment without the use of monitoring systems for machine tools with numerical control (CNC) is presented, based on the data available at most enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
The developed methodology was tested on the site of longitudinal turning automatic machines with numerical control of the machine shop of JSC Aviaavtomatika named after V.V. Tarasova.
The application of the indicator of the overall efficiency of equipment to identify opportunities and directions for further increasing the productivity of production units is considered.
Keywords: Improving efficiency, CNC machines, overall equipment efficiency, lean manufacturing, OEE.
P. 58-63
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-58-63
Robotic Manipulation of Objects
R.R. Sosnin, undergraduate of the Department of Mechatronics and robotics of Naberezhnye Chelny Kazan Federal University; Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
e-mail: rus-sosnin@mail.ru
Summary. The solution proposed in the article will allow to transfer the enterprise to a new technological level, on the one hand, due to automation and robotization of production, a significant reduction in labor intensity is achieved, the dependence on the human factor is reduced and the quality of movement is improved; on the other hand, the proposed model allows you to quickly respond to a request, distribute tasks and complete them. A feature of the proposed solution was the use of a loader in production using a monitoring and forecasting system, augmented vision technology for monitoring and maintenance.
Keywords: automation, robotics, model, production, forecasting.
P. 64-70
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-64-70
Quality Management for New Car Design
V.N. Kozlovsky, professor, head of the department «Theoretical and general electrical engineering» of the Samara State Technical University, full member of the Academy of quality problems; Samara
e-mail: kozlovskiy-76@mail.ru
D.I. Blagoveshchenskiy, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, director of Federal budget institution «State Regional center for standardization, metrology and testing in the Tula region», full member of the Academy of Quality Problems; Tula
D.V. Aidarov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Technospheric safety and certification of production» of Samara state technical university; Samara
D.I. Panyukov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Quality management and innovative technologies» of the Volga state university of service; Samara Region, Tolyatti
Summary. The article presents the results of the analysis of experience of quality management in the design of new products of leading car manufacturers, on the basis of which a formalized set of tools for quality assurance in the process of design of new products in mechanical engineering (automotive industry) has been developed.
Keywords: competitiveness, quality, design, automobile.
P. 71-73
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-71-73
Issues of Developing an Environmental Management System at Dairy Enterprises
Yu.V. Ustinova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department «Quality management» of Kemerovo State University; Kemerovo
e-mail: yul48888048@yandex.ru
E.O. Ermolaeva, doctor of technical sciences, professor of department «Quality management» of Kemerovo State University; Kemerovo
Summary. The article discusses the implementation stages, procedures, and a graphic representation of the model of the created environmental management system at dairy enterprises.
Keywords: pollution, waste, documentation, model, manual, identification, audit.
P. 74-81
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-74-81
Innovative Structural and Technological Solutions for Lightning Strike Protection of Aircraft Structures Made of Polymer Composite Materials
V.B. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, supervisor of the department «Technological design of aircraft and quality management» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
L.R. Vishnyakov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief specialist of Scientific-productional centre Uvikom LLC (carbon fibers and composites); Moscow Region, Mytishchi
e-mail: leon33leon@yandex.ru
M.E. Kazakov, сandidate of сhemical sciences, general director of Scientific-productional centre Uvikom LLC (carbon fibers and composites); Moscow Region, Mytishchi
V.V. Krivonos, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
Summary. When designing aircraft structures, the protection of structural carbon plastics from direct lightning strikes by using knitted-brazed wire mesh was considered. Based on the results of the analysis of the sites of damage to the panels during their testing with a simulated lightning discharge, a calculation-experimental method is proposed for evaluating the effectiveness of using such lightning protection. When calculating the fracture patterns of composite panels, the anisotropy of the electrical resistance of the polymer composite should be taken into account. It is established that the use of dissipative knitted-soldered nets prevents the through burning of composite panels at high pulse currents.
Keywords: ightning protection, carbon fiber, electrical resistivity, layered composite, energy dissipation.
P. 82-87
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-82-87
Modeling and Analysis of Laser Welding Technology for Aircraft Engine Blade Repair
M.V. Voevodin, master student of the department of aircraft production and quality management in mechanical engineering of Samara national research university named after academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
e-mail: m.voevodin@63.ru
T.A. Mitroshkina, engineer NICH-90, graduate student of the department of aircraft production and quality management in mechanical engineering of the Samara national research university named after academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
A.Yа. Dmitriev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of aircraft production and quality management in mechanical engineering of Samara national research university named after academician S.P. Korolev; Samara
Summary. The use of laser welding in the repair of aircraft engine blades made of heat-resistant alloys is due to both technical features (small size, high accuracy requirements), and economic aspects.
The paper considers the application of the QFD quality function deployment method and modeling of the aircraft engine blade repair process using laser welding technologies. The operations that require continuous improvement to improve the quality of repairs and subsequent analysis and reduce risks are identified.
Keywords: laser welding, repair, aircraft engine blade, QFD
P. 88-90
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-88-90
Analysis of the Possibilities of Processing and Obtaining One-Dimensional Radar Signals
A.A. Pakhomov, doctor of technical sciences, leading engineer, Public joint-stock company Scientific and production association Almaz named after academician A.A. Raspletina (PJSC NPO Almaz); Moscow
O.D. Kreerenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university); Rostov-on-Don Region, Taganrog
e-mail: olgadmk@yandex.ru
Summary. A theoretical analysis of the location system, including the propagation of the location signal from the emitter to the studied object of observation, is carried out. It is shown that the echo signal is subject to numerous distortions in the transmission and reception paths, atmospheric distortions. The post-processing of the received signal also contains numerous questions. However, the corresponding construction of the location system allows overcoming these difficulties.
Keywords: location system, location signal, signal distortion.
P. 90-96
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-26-2-90-96
Study of the Quality of Test Methods for Assessing conflict Behavior for the Purpose of Improving the Professional Psychological Selection of Aviation Personnel
O.V. Arinicheva, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of Flight operations and flight safety in civil aviation of Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (SPbSU CA); St. Petersburg
e-mail: 2067535@mail.ru
A.V. Malishevskiy, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of Flight operations and flight safety in civil aviation of Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (SPbSU CA); St. Petersburg
Summary. The paper presents a number of research results conducted in order to identify the subjects’ preferred behavior in a conflict situation and to search for psychological predictors that determine this choice. 68 operators took part in the experiment, including 13 civil aviation pilots and 55 air traffic controllers examined by the socionic MM-1 method and K. Thomas test in adaptation by N.V. Grishina. The analysis of the results and their comparison with the diagnostic results according to these methods obtained in other samples in previous studies is presented.
Keywords: professional psychological selection, aviation accident, human factor, interaction, conflict, strategy of behavior, type of information metabolism.