Justification and Development of a Lean Manufacturing System for a Trade Organization

Justification and Development of a Lean Manufacturing System for a Trade Organization

I.Yu. Reznichenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of quality management of Kemerovo State University; Kemerovo
e-mail: Irina.reznichenko@gmail.com
K.A. Brusova, undergraduate of of the department of quality management of Kemerovo State University; Kemerovo
The purpose of the work was to justify and implement the developed system of lean production in a small-format trade organization to increase the effectiveness of its activities. The work used methods regulated by the requirements of regulatory documents (GOST R 56407-2015, GOST R 56036-2014): 5S when analyzing the organization of the workspace, Poka-Yoke to prevent unintentional errors and eliminate them; visualization; work standardization; and Kaizen tools, timing. When assessing the satisfaction of internal and external consumers, we used the questionnaire method. The research results include a list of identified causes of losses from defective sold goods, loss of working time, reasons for customer dissatisfaction; processed data on satisfaction of internal consumers, data on improvement of working conditions and safety. The analysis and systematization of the results obtained made it possible to formulate specific proposals for the involvement of employees in the process of improving the working space, increasing the efficiency of the trade organization and introducing the results into practice.
Keywords: Lean production; trade organization; tools and techniques; customer satisfaction; reduction of losses; employee engagement.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-27-3-62-66

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