Quality Management Methods of Health-Resort Treatment for Patients «60+» with Concomitant Diseases

Quality Management Methods of Health-Resort Treatment for Patients «60+» with Concomitant Diseases

S.A. Balakin, candidate of medical sciences, director of Federal State Institution «Volga Cliff Resort» of Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation; Samara region 
Yu.D. Pestov, candidate of economics, head of the office of internal control of quality and safety of medical activities of Federal State Institution «Volga Cliff Resort»; Samara region 
V.F. Kazakov, doctor of medical sciences, professor of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education The First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Moscow 
A.Ya. Dmitriev, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, general director of New Quality LLC, academician of the Academy of quality problems; Samara 
V.A. Strajnikov, doctor-therapist of Federal State Institution «Volga Cliff Resort»; Samara region 
The system organization of treatment of concomitant pathology in a health-resort based on quality management is the guarantor of increasing the effectiveness of treatment and improving the quality of life for older patients «60+». Treatment management based on a process approach with monitoring of both target criteria and analysis of quality of life indicators allows you to personalize the goals of treatment for each patient. The concept of a statistical approach to treatment management is introduced. The results of a statistical analysis of the indicator «glucose level». The results of treatment of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system in combination with arterial hypertension based on quality management methods are demonstrated. 
Keywords: health-resort treatment, process approach, control chart, risk, gerontology, «60+», health-resort. 
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-23-3-15-19

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