Evaluation of the Mass (Weight) Characteristics of the Elements of an Airplane Glider According to the Criterion ... | Качество и Жизнь

Evaluation of the Mass (Weight) Characteristics of the Elements of an Airplane Glider According to the Criterion ...

V.F. Ponomarev, senior lecturer of the 109b Department of Moscow Aviation Institute; Rostov region, Taganrog
I.V. Skibina, senior lecturer of Department 109b of Moscow Aviation Institute; Rostov region, Taganrog
e-mail: kaf104@mai.ru
The process of designing airframe assemblies solves the problem of creating an optimal design in terms of quality that ensures the fulfillment of a wide range of highly conflicting requirements. Key requirements include:
•             provision of high quality of complex shape of the outer (aerodynamic) surface of the units, especially the wing and plumage.
•             providing strength from the effects of external and internal loads.
•             provision of a given resource and design life
•             ensuring the manufacturability of the production and operation of the structure, its maintainability, etc.
At the same time, the satisfaction of basic requirements should be ensured with a minimum weight (weight) of the unit design.
Keywords: design, quality, aerodynamic design, design stress, glider.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-25-1-92-96

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