Teacher Training for Teaching Astronomy in the System of Secondary Education | Качество и Жизнь

Teacher Training for Teaching Astronomy in the System of Secondary Education

E.V. Kondakova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of physics, radio engineering and electronics of Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin; Lipetsk region, the city of Yelets
e-mail: evkondakova@gmail.com
The preparation of teachers for teaching an independent academic discipline «Astronomy» is currently very relevant. A single program of continuing education courses, professional retraining of astronomy teachers does not exist. Meanwhile, the program of such courses should not only take into account specific conditions in the region (the level of teachers’ training, the availability of equipment, resources, etc.), but also guarantee the formation of the necessary competencies for teaching astronomy in the context of the implementation of the GEF SOO. One of the options for the program is discussed in the article.
Keywords: astronomy teaching methodology, teacher training, retraining and continuing education programs for astronomy teachers.
1. Kondakova E.V., Charugin V.M. Astronomy. Notebook workshop. Grades 10–11: a manual for educational institutions: a basic level. Education. Moscow, 2018. 32 p.
2. Kondakova E.V., Klykov D.Yu. Astronomy. Guidelines for practical work. Grades 10–11: a textbook for educational institutions: a basic level. Education. Moscow, 2018. 48 p.
3. Savvicheva V.P., Korobkova L.Yu., Vinnik M.A. Laboratory workshop on general astronomy. Edited by doctor of physics and mathematics, professor V.M. Charugin. The journal «Research work of schoolchildren». Moscow, 2006
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2020-25-1-54-57

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