Ethics of scientific publications
Publishing scientific papers is not a simple process that involves several stages. During these stages, all participants interact with each other, contributing to public awareness of scientific achievements, developments, and research. Compliance with the ethics of scientific publications will allow all participants to complete the process effectively and in a timely manner.
The editorial Board of the journal "Quality and life" is guided in its work by the General rules of scientific publications, including the relevance, reliability, timeliness of materials, and also necessarily relies on a system of standards of professional behavior in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of publishing and distributing scientific publications. In its activities, the editorial Board follows the recommendations Of the Committee on publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics), and also relies on the experience of reputable journals and publishers.
The ethics of scientific publications are aimed at observing intellectual property rights, improving the quality of published materials, and preventing a plagiarism and the misuse of copyright materials due to interests of individuals and organizations.
Main terms and definitions:
the Editor is a representative of a scientific journal that prepares materials for publication, as well as supports communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.
the Author is a person or group of persons (a team of authors) involved in creating a publication of the results of a scientific research.
the Reviewer – an expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and leading a scientific expertise of author's materials in order to determine the possibility of their publication.
the Publisher is a legal entity or individual performing issue of a scientific publication.
the Reader – any person who has read the published materials.
Principles of activity of the Editor of a scientific journal:
- the Editor of a scientific journal makes a decision to publish materials based on an assessment of the reliability of data of their scientific significance and relevance of the work under consideration. The Editor is responsible for everything published in the journal;
- the Editor strives to improve the quality of published materials, therefore he remains faithful to the principles of scientific integrity and protects freedom of opinion;
- the Editor evaluates the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status, or political preferences of the Authors;
- the principle of confidentiality applies without fail, both to texts accepted for publication and those rejected for publication. Information or ideas, data or other factual indicators obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used for personal purposes or transmitted to third parties without the written consent of the Author;
- the Editor does not allow information to be published if there are reasons to believe that it is plagiarism;
- the Editor and the publisher, in case of a conflict, take actions together to restore the violated rights.
Principles of the Reviewer's activity
The Reviewer conducts a scientific examination of the author's materials, as a result of which his assessment must be unbiased, consisting in the implementation of the following principles:
- the Reviewer gives an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results, thereby helping the editorial Board to make a decision about publication;
- the Reviewer can interact with the Author and thus help him to improve the quality of the submitted materials;
- materials received for review are confidential documents that can not be passed for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority to do so from the editorial Board;
- if the Reviewer does not have, in his own opinion, the required qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or can not be objective, in case of a conflict of interest with the Author or organization, he must inform the Editor.
Principles that should guide the Author of scientific publications:
- the Author (or team of authors) is fully responsible for the relevance and novelty of the materials offered for publication;
- the Author provides the texts of scientific research with reliable theoretical proofs and statements, as well as the results of research;
- the Author guarantees that the theoretical calculations and research results proposed for publication in the journal are completely original, i.e. they are being published for the first time. Borrowed fragments or statements should be drawn up according to the rules of the Russian language, indicating the Author and the original source. Plagiarism in any form, including unformed quotes, paraphrasing or assigning rights to the results of other people's research, is unacceptable;
- the author must not submit to the journal texts that had been sent to another journal and are under review, as well as materials that have been already published in another journal. If the article or parts of it had been already published before, the authors should provide a link to this publication and justify the fundamental difference between the new publication and the previously one;
- all persons participating in the process of research or development of a scientific problem are listed as co-authors of the publication. All materials, illustrations, calculations and other data obtained from third parties can be used in the publication only with the written permission of the source;
- if the Author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the material submitted by him at the stage of its review, preparation for printing or after publication, he promptly notifies the Publisher to develop a joint strategy for accepting and / or correcting the error.
Publisher's responsibilities:
- the Publisher must follow principles and procedures that facilitate the ethical performance of editors, reviewers, and authors in accordance with these requirements;
- ensure confidentiality of materials received from Authors, research results, and developments until they are published;
- to be prepared to publish corrections, rebuttals, and apologies if the need arises.
Compliance with the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants in this process contributes to:
- providing the reader with relevant and reliable information on scientific developments in different areas of the scientific community, thus providing information to industrial enterprises, educational institutions and other interested circles;
- compliance with the authors ' intellectual property rights;
- improve the quality of the publication and exclude the possibility of misuse of copyright materials in the interests of individuals.