Improvement of the Aircraft Staff Training System of Civil Aviation in the Organization of the Developer...

Improvement of the Aircraft Staff Training System of Civil Aviation in the Organization of the Developer...

Improvement of the Aircraft Staff Training System of Civil Aviation in the Organization  of the Developer and Manufacturer of Aviation Equipment

A.I. Resinetscandidate of military sciences, associate professor «Design of helicopters» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
A.V. Lebedinskydeputy program director of PJSC «Ilyushin Aviation Complex»; Moscow
In article one of the directions of development of a system of after-sales service when developing the new civil aircraft equipment of Russia – the system of training of aviation personnel of civil aviation since 60th years of the 20th century and till present is considered. Special attention is paid to aviation training centers, functioning in the organizations of the developer and manufacturer of the aircraft equipment.
Keywords: aviation equipment, certification, after-sales service, aviation personnel, training.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-86-93

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