Digital Processing of Optical Images of Mars Surface by Cepstral Method

Digital Processing of Optical Images of Mars Surface by Cepstral Method

A.A. Pakhomovdoctor of technical sciences, leading engineer of PJSC «NPO «Almaz»; Moscow 

O.D. Kreerenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (National research university); Rostov-on-Don Region, Taganrog 
The so-called cepstral method of digital image processing is presented to improve their intelligibility, which was first used to process images of the Martian surface taken by the American spacecraft Mariner  and Viking. Visual analysis of the processed images allows you to demonstrate new previously unknown details. Pictures are taken from the Internet.
Keywords: digital image processing, US spacecraft, images of the Mars surface.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-22-2-81-85

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