Risk Management in Russia and Abroad

Risk Management in Russia and Abroad

A.V. Mayakovacandidate of philosophical sciences, research associate, department of philosophy and sociology of the Southwest state university; Kursk
e-mail: BerryAnnett@yandex.ru
Today, science and practice offer risk management methodologies relevant to modern production, economic and socio-humanitarian realities. Interstate understanding of the problem creates a pluralism of opinions in the formation of the goals and objectives of risk management, the establishment of a common terminology, structure and process relevant to modern Russian reality. World practice offers standardization in the field of risk management as a solution to the problem presented. This system successfully operates in the EU, the international organization for standardization (ISO) standards regulate not only risk management, but the management of quality, audit, production management, environmental management and others. Most of the standards are adapted in the Russian environment and presented in the form of domestic GOST R standards. In this study, we consider one of the leading risk management methodologies both in Russia and abroad – risk analysis. We will draw analogies and differences with other modern approaches and methodologies of risk management, and present the practical application of risk analysis.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk analysis, system approach, standardization.
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