"Quality and Life" № 4(8) 2015
Main theme: NUST “MISiS” Release date: 20.12.2015 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
Quality management
Continuous improvement
Yu.S. Karabasov – doctor of technical sciences, professor, president of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
A.A. Chernikova – doctor of economics, rector of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
e-mail: fokina@misis.ru
In article questions of continuous improvement as models of development of higher education institution, relying on the saved-up unique system experience and providing development of competitive advantages of university and its graduates are considered. Achievements of MISiS contact with creation at university of quality management system on the basis of the ISO standards, the principles of TQM, model of National awards on quality, and continuous training in the field of quality, both all staff of university, and representatives of the sphere of production and formation of Russia. It is emphasized, that and today at a new stage of it's development – the NUST “MISiS” keeps commitment to the quality system and continuous improvement.
Keywords: continuous improvement, quality management system, quality of training of specialists, continuous training, ISO standards, principles of TQM
Education in the XXI century: problems, prospects, decisions
Yu.P. Adler – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the NUST “MISiS”, leading expert of UNTs SMIS; chairman of office: "Statistical methods and monitoring of quality" of "Academy of quality problems"; Moscow
V.L. Shper – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the NUST "MISiS", leading expert of UNTs SMIS; full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
Results of research by authors of a state and prospects of development of education systems in Russia, the USA and other countries of the world are given
Keywords: education, quality, system, financing
- Galkina E. Devilish details. Expert online. 2012. Available at: http://expert.ru/expert/2012/43/dyavolskie-detali/?partner=23143.
- Deming W.E. The exit from the crisis: a New paradigm of managing people, systems and processes. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2007. 370 p.
- Deming W.E. The new economy. Moscow. Exmo. 2006. 208 p.
- The Law Of Goodheart. Available at: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki.
- Kumbs F.G. The crisis of education in the modern world. System analysis. Мoscow. Progress. 1970. 261 p.
- Kun T. The structure of scientific revolutions. Moscow. Progress. 1975. 288 p.
- Maykosky B. Leave your mark. How to build a company that changes the world for the better. Moscow. Mann, Ivanov & Ferber. 2012. 208 p.
- Milov G. Global industry of higher education is waiting for serious change. Statements. 2013. Available at: http://www.vedomosti.ru/career/news/10972461/vysshaya_shkola_stihijnyh_b....
- Monro P. History of pedagogy. Moscow. Edition of the partnership World. Part 1. Antiquity and the middle ages. 1911. 325 p.
- Education. Available at: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9E%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%....
- Robinson K. Calling. How to find what you created, and to live in his element. Moscow. Mann, Ivanov & Ferber . 2010. 368 p.
- Russian education: facts and Figures. The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. 2012. Available at: http://xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn--p1ai/%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81-%D1%86....
- Rukshin S.E. We have reached the point of no return. Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti. 2012. Available at: http://www.spbvedomosti.ru/guest.htm?id=10293947@SV_Guest.
- Semler R. The weekend all week. Challenging traditional management. Moscow. Good book. 2007. 256 p.
- Smit A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations. Moscow. Axis-89. 1997. B.1. 256 p.
- University of the future: focus on new content. Available at: http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article/302741/stavka_na_novoe_soderzh....
- Human capital: How to modernize education. Available at: http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article/284633/kak_modernizirovat_obra....
- Chernykh Е. The third Industrial Revolution will transform the entire world. Komsomolskaya Pravda. 2013. Available at: http://www.kp.ru/print/26172.7/3060379/.
- Shey Т. Delivering happiness. From zero to a billion: the story of the creation of the outstanding company first-hand. Moscow. Mann, Ivanov & Ferber. 2011. 304 p.
- A third industrial revolution: Special report. The economist. Available at: http://www.economist.com/node/21552901.
- Deming W.E. The essential Deming: Leadership principles from father of quality. N.Y. McGrow-Hill. 2013. 352 p.
- Kohn A. Punished by rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, a's, praise, and other bribes: 2 ed. Mariner books. 1999. 448 p.
- Robinson K. How school kill creativity. 2006. Available at: http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html.
About an independent assessment of quality of education
V.P. Soloviev – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the NUST “MISiS”, academician of Academy of quality problems, Moscow
A.I. Kochetov – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the NUST “MISiS”
e-mail: ladubr@mail.ru
Yu.A. Krupin - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the NUST "MISiS", Moscow
In article the problems connected with providing a quality assurance of preparation by the educational organizations (EO) of Russia graduates of secondary professional and higher education are considered, considering introduction in our country of an independent assessment of quality of education.
Keywords: independent assessment of quality of education, ensuring quality of training of specialists, national competition in the field of quality, the European network of a quality assurance in the higher education, is professional - public accreditation of educational programs
- Glebova L.N., Guskova M.V. Approaches to the formation of an independent quality assessment of vocational education. Higher education today. no 4. 2012. pp.2-5.
- Putin V.V. The moment of truth. Higher education today. no 9. 2011. pp.3-5.
- Kochetov A.I., Grigoriev V.M. The Bologna process. The standards and guidelines of ENQA. Moscow. Publishing House Of MISiS. 2008. pp. 75.
- Solovyov V.P. The guarantee of the quality of graduates in higher education. Higher education today. no 9. 2012. pp. 17-21.
- Karabasov Yu.S., Kochetov A.I., Solovyov V.P., Dubrovina L.A. Overall management on the basis of quality. Moscow. Publishing House Of MISiS. 2003. pp.145.
- The regulation on professional public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities. Approved by decree of the all-Russian associations of employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs and Association of entrepreneurial organizations of employers of small and medium business". OPORA RUSSIA. 30.12.2013. no 224/04-р.
Through formation of an independent assessment of activity of the educational organizations to recognition at the domestic and international level
A.I. Kochetov – candidate of technical sciences, professor of The NUST “MISiS”, academician of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: ladubr@mail.ru
V.P. Soloviev – candidate of technical sciences, professor of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
L.A. Dubrovina – candidate of pedagogical sciences, expert of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
O.V. Blinkova – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of department of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
D.A. Kochetov – expert of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
Yu.A.Krupin - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of The NUST “MISiS”; Moscow
In article the problems connected with providing a quality assurance of training of graduates of the higher and secondary professional education for innovative economy of Russia are considered, considering introduction in our country of an independent assessment of quality of education. Approaches and results of competition of Minobonauki of Russia and Rosobrnadzor "Quality system of training of graduates of the educational organizations of the higher and professional education" during 2000-2013 are presented.
Long-term experience of participation of OO in the competitive EFQM programs, in competitions on an award of the Government of the Russian Federation and in Competition of Rosobrnadzor showed effectiveness of the concept of improvement of activity put in a basis of competition, as mechanism of public state administration by branch.
The development vector - recognition of quality of domestic education at the international level is specified.
Keywords: quality of education, independent assessment of quality of education, self-assessment, Minobonauki's competition Russia and Rosobrnadzor "Quality system of training of graduates of the educational organizations of the higher and professional education", criteria of an assessment, quality standards.
- About long-term state economic policy. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. no. 596 of May 7, 2012.
- Meeting materials in the Kremlin on December 9, 2013 concerning development of professional standards.
- Materials of congress of the Russian union of rectors on October 30. 2014. Moscow.
- Law "About Education in the Russian Federation", 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95 Independent assessment of quality of education.
- Law "About Education in the Russian Federation", 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95.1 Independent assessment of quality of preparation of the trained. An independent assessment of quality of educational activity of the organizations which are carrying out educational activity.
- The law "About Education in the Russian Federation", 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95.2 the Independent assessment of quality of educational activity of the organizations which are carrying out educational activity.
- The law "About Education in the Russian Federation", 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 96 Public accreditation, carrying out educational activity. Professional and public accreditation of educational programs.
- Model of perfection of the European fund of quality management (EFQM).
- "Standards and Directives for a quality assurance of the Higher education in the territory of Europe", developed by the European network (Association) of a quality assurance (ENQA) in the sphere of the higher education.
- International standards of quality management of the ISO 9000 series.
- Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 596 of May 7, 2012. "About long-term state economic policy".
- About actions for realization of the state social policy . The decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 597 of May 7, 2012.
- The order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2204-r of November 29, 2012.
- The resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 No. 23 "About Rules of development, the statement and application of professional standards".
- The plan of activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for 2013-2018 and FTsPRO on 2011-2015.
- Available at: www.конкурсоу.рф.
Training of specialists in the field of quality in The NUST “MISiS”
V.A. Philichkina – candidate of chemical sciences, department chair of The NUST “MISiS”
T.M. Polkhovskaya – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of The NUST “MISiS”, director of Educational scientific center of systems of management and certification "Metallsertifikat"; Moscow
e-mail: metsert@mc.mail.ru
Twenty years' experience of pedagogical staff of "Certification and Analytical Control" chair on training of specialists in the field of quality is briefly stated.
Keywords: quality, training, programs, federal educational standard
"Metallsertifikat" – 19 years on service of quality
T.M. Polkhovskaya – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of The NUST “MISiS”, director of Educational scientific center of systems of management and certification "Metallsertifikat"; Moscow
e-mail: metsert@mc.mail.ru
In article twenty years' experience of works of specialized division of the NUST "MISIS" in the field of quality and certification is briefly described.
Keywords: training, certification of production, certification of systems of management
Requirements to system of an assessment and certification of qualifications on metallurgical production
A.I. Kochetov – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the NUST "MISIS", academician of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: ladubr@mail.ru
Yu. A. Krupin – candidate of physical and mathematics sciences, associate professor of the NUST "MISIS"; Moscow
In article requirements to system of an assessment and certification of qualifications, as the general, and in relation to metallurgical production, taking into account the expected risks of its practical realization are analyzed. As the approach providing system effectiveness as independent and objective assessment of quality of professional education, coherence of models of an assessment of competence of the expert of his professional activity and competences of the university graduate is offered.
Keywords: system of professional qualifications, system effectiveness of an assessment and certification of qualifications, requirements to an independent and objective assessment of quality of professional education
1. Meeting on a question of development of professional standards. Available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/19812.
Integration of scientific-pedagogical schools is the key to the development of science in NUST "MISiS"
M.R. Philonov – doctor of technical sciences, professor, vice rector for science and innovations of the NUST "MISiS"; Moscow
e-mail: filonov@misis.ru
The main results of scientific and innovative activity of university, institutes and branches, chairs and laboratories for 2014 are presented in article.
Keywords: science, innovations, materials science, metallurgy and mining, biomedicine, information technologies, economy and business management, the operating research teams, the program “5-100”, the International scientific council, the amount of financing, indicators of dynamics of printing activity and a quoting of articles, legal protection abroad
1. Science MISiS 2014, The scientific publication, the Editor-in-chief – V. E. Kindop. Publishing house MISiS, 119049, Moscow, Leninsky Ave, 4, 348s
Stavropol state agricultural university: commitment to excellence
V.I. Trukhachev – doctor of economics, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, rector of FGBOU VO “Stavropol state agricultural university”, corresponding member of the RAS; Stavropol
e-mail: rector@stgau.ru
In article original interpretation of stages of introduction of fundamental concepts of the European fund of quality management is presented to conditions of the Russian University. Defining the priority directions at various stages of the development, the University was guided by fundamental concepts of Perfection of EFQM which formed fundamentals of philosophy of quality and inspired University on searches of new areas for application of the gained knowledge and experience.
Keywords: quality management system, management of processes, competitive advantages
- Khokhlova E.V., Fedisko O. N., Dub G.V. Quality management system of education: experience of STGAU. The Higher education in Russia. 2010. no. 10. pp. 62-68.
- Khokhlova E.V. Positive and negative results of introduction of SQM.Quality of education. 2011. no. 4 (April). pp. 32-33.
Development of system of the international accreditation in engineering education
A.I. Chuchalin – professor, adviser to the vice rector for educational activity of TPU; Moscow
e-mail: chai@tpu.ru
S.B. Mogilnitskiy – candidate of technical sciences, director of TPU Information and analysis center; Moscow
In article experience of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia (AEER) successfully developing the national system of professional and public accreditation of educational programs integrated into the international structures in the field of equipment and technologies is considered more than ten years. In 2014 by AEER were modernized criteria of an assessment of quality of programs of a bachelor degree (academic), a specialist programme and the magistracies adapted to FGOS 3+ and also were developed new criteria of an assessment of quality of programs of an applied bachelor degree and programs of secondary professional education for the technical directions and specialties. The developed criteria are coordinated with standards of the International engineering alliance (IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competences) and European network on accreditation of engineering education (EUR-ACE Framework Standards for Accreditation of Engineering Programmes)
Keywords: engineering formations of Russia, national system of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, criteria of an assessment of quality of programs of a bachelor degree (academic), specialist programme and magistracy, new criteria of an assessment of quality of programs of an applied bachelor degree and programs of secondary professional education, criteria of professional and public accreditation of educational programs of a bachelor degree, specialist programme and magistracy, procedure of certification and registration
1. Accreditation center of Association of engineering education of Russia. Available at: http://www.ac-raee.ru.
Optimization of processing of experimental data and the main constructional size of the device at measurement of heatphysical properties of heat-insulating materials by method of a flat and instant source of warmth.
S.V. Ponomarev - doctor of technical sciences, professor of chair "Quality Management and Certification" of FGBOU VPO "The Tambov state technical university"; Tambov
V.O. Bulanova - student of gr. MMK-21 of a magistracy of chair "Quality management and Certification" of FGBOU VPO " Tambov state technical university"; Tambov
A.G. Divin – doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department "Quality management and Certification" of FGBOU VPO " Tambov state technical university"; Tambov
E.V. Bulanov - operator of "JSC Company “Kozerog”; Tambov
e-mail: kafedra@uks.tstu.ru
A mathematical model of measurements errors ( during thermal diffusivity and heat conductivity of heat-insulating materials measuring) was worked-out which allowed to create a technique as for choosing the optimal conditions of the experimental data processing and for the main constructional size of the measuring device determination.
Keywords: thermal diffusivity, heat conductivity, measurements, errors minimizing
- Ponomarev S.V. etc… Theoretical and practical bases of heatphysical measurements. Monograph. Moscow. FIZMATLIT. 2008. 408 p.
- Platunov E.S., Baranov I.V., Buravoy S.E., Kurenin V.V. Heatphysical measurements. Manual. St. Petersburg. SPbGUNiPT. 2010. 738 p.
- Gurov A.V., Ponomarev S.V. Analysis of sources of errors of measurement of heatphysical properties of solid heat-insulating materials by method of a flat "instant" source of warmth. Questions of modern science and practice: Un-t of V.I. Vernadskiy. 2013. no 1 (45). pp. 273-282.
- Gurov A.V. Experimental installation for measurement of heatphysical properties of heat-insulating materials by method of a flat "instant" source of warmth. Metrology. 2013.no 4. pp. 16-24.
- Gurov A.V., Ponomarev S.V. Measurement of heatphysical properties of heat-insulating materials by method of a flat "instant" source of warmth. Monograph. Tambov. Publishing house FGBOU VPO "TGTU". 2013. 100 p.
- Korn G. Korn T. The reference book on mathematics for scientists and engineers. Moscow. Science. 1973. 832 p.
- Likov A.V. Theory of heat conductivity. Moscow. The higher school. 1967. 600 p.
- Platunov E.S. etc… Heatphysical measurements and devices. Mechanical engineering. 1986. 256 p.
- Shashkov A.G. etc… Methods of determination of heat conductivity and heat diffusivity. Moscow. Energy. 1973. 336 p.
- Gurov A.V. etc… The choice of the optimum conditions for measuring the thermal properties of materials by the plane «instantaneous» heat source method. Measurement Techiques.2012.V.55.no.10. pp. 1187–1192.
- Ponomarev S.V., Egorov M.V., Lubimova D.A. Mathematical modeling of errors of measurement of heatphysical properties of heat-insulating materials by method of a flat "instant" source of warmth.Metrology. 2014. no. 9. pp. 23-35.
- Zaidel A.N. Errors of measurements of physical quantities. St. Petersburg. Science. 1974. 108 p.
- Mochalin S.N., Ponomarev S.V. Measurement of characteristics of moisture transfer of thin-sheet capillary and porous materials by method of a "instant" source влаги. Moscow. Range. 2010. 100 p.
Mechanical engineering and engineering science
Production monitoring in the process of certification of conformance
V.A. Ivanova – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, department chair of FBGOU VPO "The Yaroslavl state technical university"; Yaroslavl
e-mail: ivanova-waleriya@mail.ru
A.V. Kraev - engineer on quality of JSC Sonopress; Yaroslavl
Analysis of existing technical regulations of Eurasian Economic Union shows that the most of them contain the declaring plans including the monitoring of production by an applicant. Since at present there are no documents regulating the process of production monitoring when declaring conformance and the applicant is responsible for carrying out monitoring it is the aim of this work to develop general requirements to standard documentation of production monitoring during the process of certification of conformance.
The paper contains a structure and content of documentation necessary for applicant to carry out the production monitoring in the process of certification of conformance.
Keywords: certification of conformance, production monitoring, technical regulations, documentation, quality management system.
- Provision on an order of application of standard schemes of an assessment (confirmation) of compliance to requirements of technical regulations of the Customs union. The decision of the Commission of the Customs union. no. 621 of April 7. 2011.
- GOST P 54293-2010. The analysis of a condition of production at compliance confirmation". National standard of the Russian Federation [Text]. 2011-07-01. Moscow. Standartinform. 2011. 14 p.
- GOST ISO 9001-2011. Systems of quality management. Requirements. Interstate standard [Text]. 2013-01-01. Moscow. Standartinform. 2012. 28 p.
- About the organization and implementation of production control over observance of requirements of industrial safety on hazardous production facility. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10. 1999. no 263.
- GOST P 50779.42-99. Statistical methods. Shukhart's control cards. [Text]. 2000-01-01. Moscow. IPK Publishing house of standards. 1999. 31 p.
Informatics and computer facilities
Process approach to the evaluation of quality criteria of e-Learning at the Novosibirsk Technical University
M.V. Legan - associate professor of safety of work, manager of educational and methodical department of institute of distance learning of Novosibirsk state technical university; Novosibirsk
e-mail: legan_m@ngs.ru
The article is devoted to evaluation of the quality of e-learning is rapidly entering into the practice of of educational institutions. Аuthors used a process approach (quality management model developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM) вy way of self-concept e-learning process in the NSTU. The purpose of the experiment was evaluating the quality of electronic educational resources and electronic learning environments of NSTU DiSpace 2.0 by interested parties (students). It is shown that self-concept e-Learning process in educational organizations is quite applicable process approach, revealing strengths and aspects of the process and the area to be improving, the level of satisfaction of students as an electronic learning environment NSTU and placed in her electronic resources is in general quite high, it shows the need to refine and additions the electronic resources for programs of additional professional education "Fire Safety" training involving advanced technologies.
Keywords: e-learning, quality criteria, process approach, interested parties, active learning methods
- Samoilov V.A., Semkina T.A. UNIQUE - The European quality mark in e-Learning. The Higher education in Russia. 2008. no. 11. pp. 50-56.
- Rubin Yu.B., Soboleva E.Yu. Quality management of electronic training on the basis of the European standards. The Higher education in Russia. 2010. no. 12 pp. 74-83.
- Watson P. Applying the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model. Gornal of the Association of Building Engineers. v.75(4) . 2000. рр.18-20.
- Legan M.V., Yatsevich T.A. The combined model of training of students on the basis of system of distance learning//the Higher education in Russia", No. 4, 2014, page 136-141.
- The order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 N 645 "About the statement of Standards of fire safety "Training in measures of fire safety of employees of the organizations".
Application of virtual environments for improvement of quality of training of specialists in the field of ICT
V.N. Azarov – doctor of technical sciences, professor of National research University “Higher School of Economics”; Moscow
e-mail: vazarov@hse.ru
S.S. Fomin - associate professor of National research University “Higher School of Economics”; Moscow
Aspects of the use of virtual environments for the training of specialists in the field of Information-Communication Technology (ICT) are reviewed. The need to expand practical work when studying technical disciplines is justified. The definition of a virtual environment together with the content and types of virtual environment is developed. The architecture of virtual practice, requirements for the components of practice, the functional capabilities of modules for managing virtual environments for users and on-line lecturers are given. The influence of virtual practices on the quality of specialist training is discussed. The use of virtual practice for continuous training is considered.
Keywords: distance training, electronic study, virtual environments, practice-orientated courses, virtualization systems, virtual machines, learning management systems
- Fomin S.S., Krivosheev A.O., Sidorov S.I. The organization of a virtual remote practical work for system of professional development in the field of ICT. The Quarterly Scientific and methodical magazine "Informatization of Science and Education. no. 4(12). 2011. pp. 3-13.
- Fomin S.S., Sidorov S.I. Training of masters according to the Corporate Information Systems program. Quality. Innovations. Education. 2013. no. 2(93). pp. 23-30.
- Yurina N.N. Implementation of the concept of training during all life. Available at: http://www.novsu.ru/dept/1108/i.122494/?id=788901.
- 20 Most Popular Learning Management Systems. Available at: http://www.learndash.com/20-most-popular-learning-management-systems-inf....
- Oracle VM VirtualBox. Available at: http:// www.virtualbox.org, 2015.
- Azarov V.N., Fomin S.S. Virtual practical works as the main link of continuous education in the field of information and communication technologies. The Bulletin of the Ryazan state radio engineering university. 2014. no. 4 (release 50). part 2. pp. 83-88.
The reasons and consequences of pollution of water ecosystems molybdenum in a zone of influence of the JSC Apatit enterprise
M.A. Chukaeva – graduate student of the Geoecology of National Mineral and Raw University "Gorny" Chair; St. Petersburg
e-mail: shellx@bk.ru
Near the Kola Peninsula mining it is also mountain the overworking enterprises are the dominating sources of violation and pollution of components of environment. So, today, sources of the increased ecological danger are production objects of JSC Apatit which is one of the largest mining enterprises of Murmansk region. As a result of influence of the mountain enterprise, the water objects located in the territory of land branch of JSC Apatit and beyond its limits are exposed to considerable technogenic loading. The main source of pollution are insufficiently cleared and crude career waters, sewage of a concentrating complex. In the dumped sewage existence about 20 polluting substances concentration of three of which exceed maximum permissible concentration is revealed by the conducted researches. The water objects subject to negative impact of JSC Apatit represent the created hydrochemical anomalies. Quality of life of the population of the Apatity area directly depends on a condition of nearby water objects.
Need of carrying out research of water objects in this territory is caused by existence of considerable hydrochemical pollution and hydrological violations, and also expected deterioration of an ecological situation owing to further increase in productivity of the enterprise.
Keywords: surface water, quality of natural waters, molybdenum, engineering-ecological inspection.
- Pashkevich M.A., Chukaeva M.A. Assessment of negative impact of JSC Apatit on natural waters. Materials of the 8th international scientific practical conference, "Science and education for the XXI century". 2012. v. 40. Ecology. Sofia. "GRAD-BG is white". pp. 51-54.
- Borutskiy B.E., Kostileva-Labuntseva E.E., Sokolova M.N. Mineralogy of the hibinsky massif. Moscow. Science. 1978. v. 2. 591 p.
- Zelikman A.N., Molibden. Moscow. Metallurgy. 1970. 441 p.
- Atlas of Eh-pH diagrams. Intercomparison of thermodynamic databases. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Research Center for Deep Geological Environments. Naoto TAKENO. 2005. 285 p.
- Busev A.I. Analytical chemistry of molybdenum. Moscow. Science. 1962. 302 p.
- Pashkevich M.A. Environmental monitoring: manual. St. Petersburg. SPGGI (TU). 2002. 90 p.
- Emelianova V.P., Lobchenko E.E. Method of a complex assessment of degree of impurity of a surface water on hydrochemical indicators. Rostov-on-Don, 2000. 21 p.