"Quality and Life" № 4(12) 2016

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Reporting and election conference of Academy of quality problems

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Quality management 

Review of modern measurement methods of quality of population’s working life

E.A. Chekmareva, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Science; Vologda
e-mail: miteneva@inbox.ru.

The article analyzes and systematizes the basic measurement methods of quality of working life. It is shown that at the present moment the three of consolidated methodological approach to quality of working life measurement, characterized by the process of obtaining baseline data on the population‘s working life, are: statistical, sociological and combined approaches. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages, discloses the basic methodological techniques used in contemporary research on the subject.

Keywords: working life, quality of working life, measurement methods, methodological approaches.

1. Andreeva E.L., Palkova T.V. Evaluation of the quality of working life of population of regions of Russia. Economy of region. 2013. No. 3. Pp. 91–100.
2. Apenko S.N., Zhelnova M.V. Monitoring the quality of work life of University teachers on the basis of consulting projects. Bulletin of Omsk University. Series «Economics». 2014. No. 1. Pp. 66–70.
3. Dambovskaya A.A. Diagnostics of quality of labour life of the personnel of the organization as part of corporate social policy. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article candidate of economic Sciences: 08.00.05. Omsk, 2012. Pp. 26.
4. Egorova E.G. Social indicators of quality of working life in the structure of managerial decisions of the organization. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article the candidate of sociological Sciences: 22.00.03. SPb., 2008. 20 p.
5. Zhulin E.G. Labor Motivation and its impact on the quality of working life. Bulletin of Saratov state socio-economic University. 2009. No. 3. Pp. 153–157.
6. Zokirova N.K., Gerasimova E.N., Shermuhamedov O.A. The concept of quality of working life and its realization at the enterprises of light industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Economic revival of Russia. 2011. No. 1. Pp. 174–180.
7. Zonova O.V. Integrated assessment of the quality of social and labor life of employees of the region. Herald of the Voronezh state University. Series: Economy and management. 2011. No. 1. P. 66–71.
8. Ignatenko M.N. Quality of work life of modern Russia: state and trends of development. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article candidate of economic Sciences: 08.00.05. Moscow 2010. 27.
9. Kalaidin E.N. Development of methodology for quantify the quality of life of the population and the quality of working life. Theory and practice of social development. 2012. No. 4. Pp. 271–273.
10. Kozlov S.A. In the region the Quality of working life: issues of theory and practice of management. Ekaterinburg: Institute of Economics UB RAS. 2013. 170 p.
11. Caurel L.V., Kombarov V.Yu. The Quality of working life on the modern industrial enterprise (the results of a survey of engineers). EKO. 2011. No. 10. Pp. 102-117.
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14. Pavlenko A. J. Socio-economic evaluation of the quality of working life in modern Russia. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article candidate of economic Sciences: 08.00.05. Moscow 2010. 30 p.
15. Perfilieva M.B. Prerequisites for managing the quality of working life. Journal of sociology and social anthropology. 2010. No. 2. Pp. 116–124.
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17. Toksanbaeva M.S. Social interests of employees and the use of the labour potential. Moscow. Science. 2006. 259 p.
18. Tsygankov V.A. The quality of working life in Russia: economic nature and mechanism of formation. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article doctor of Economics: 08.00.05. Moscow 2007. 49 p.
19. Tsygankova I.V. The quality of working life of young people of Russia – conceptual framework of formation. Abstract. dis. on competition of a scientific degree. academic article doctor of Economics: 08.00.05. Moscow 2009. 57 p.
20. Shiganov I.P. Comprehensive social programme in the management of the quality of working life employees. Scientific notes of Russian state social University. 2009. No. 7. Pp. 181–184.
21. Hackman J.R, Suttle J.L. Improving life at work: Behavioral science approaches to organizational change. Santa Monica. CA. Goodyear. 1977.
22. Walton R.E. Criteria for quality of working life. The Quality of Working Life. New York. Free Press. 1975. Vol. 1/2. P. 93–97.


Synergetic approach to determination of the program of diagnostics of a production system

E.V. Kondratiev, doctor of economics, professor of department «Management» of the Penza state university of architecture and construction (SUAC), research supervisor of LLC «Natsionalnie Sistemi Menedzhmenta»; Penza
e-mail: edwabc@yandex.ru
M.A. Yakomaskina, student of a magistracy of department «Management» of the Penza state university of architecture and construction (SUAC); Penza

Need of synergetic approach to the research of a production system is proved. The new system model of the entity consisting of 9 elements of 3 subsystems is offered. Features of the diagnostic procedure of the modern entity are specified.

Keywords: diagnostics, production system, synergetic, system approach, management, management consulting.

1. Adler Yu.P. Doubling of productivity: from words to business. Performance Materials on the I Russian Congress, on November 14-17, 2016. Nizhny Novgorod.
2. Brin B., Hemel G. Future of management. BestBusinessBooks. 2013. 280 p.
3. Glazl F., Livekhud B. Dynamic development of the entity: How the entities-pioneers and bureaucracy can become effective. Kaluga. Spiritual knowledge. 2000. 264 p.
4. Gudz N.A., Kondratyev E.V., Yakomaskina M.A. Diagnostics of the entity as a means of managing the
organizational policy of enhancement. Russian Journal of Management. 2016. No. 4.
5. Kondratyev E.V., Novikov K.V. Humanistic approach in management – «economical» approach to people. Drukerovsky messenger. 2016. V. 2. No. 2(10). Pp. 7–16.
6. Kondratyev E.V., Novikov K.V., Gudz N.A. Synergetic management for economical production systems. Certification. 2016. No. 2. Pp. 25-29.
7. Kondratyev E.V. Development of a managerial personnel of the entity: system and institutional approach. Moscow. Academic project. 2016. 352 p.
8. Kondratyev E.V. System and institutional development of a managerial personnel of the entity: theory and efficiency. Penza. Penza state university of architecture and construction (PSUAC). 2012. 316 p.
9. Lapidus V.A., Kondratyeva I. A., etc. Perspective developments in the field of a lean management: tools, techniques, approaches. Nizhny Novgorod. 2015. Pp. 104–129.
10. Lapidus V.A. Prezumption of responsibility: irresponsibility as mirror of curve Russian management. Nizhny Novgorod. Prioritet Group. 2014. Pp. 247, 255.
11. Lapidus V.A. Theory of LEAN: prospects of development and management of production systems (economical production). Seminar Materials, on December 9-10, 2014. Nizhniy Novgorod.
12. Mintsberg G., Goshal S. Strategic process. Concepts. Problems. Decisions. St. Petersburg. 2001. 688 p.
13. Knyazeva E.N., Kurdyumov S.P. Synergetic’s bases: The person designing himself and his future. Moscow. Book house of «LIBROKOM». 2014. 264 p. Pp. 169.
14. Hoseus M., Layker D. Corporate culture of Toyota: Lessons for other companies. Moscow. Alpina Pablisher. 2011. 354 p.
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16. Huntsman J.M. Shingo prize for operational excellence. Shingo institute, School of Business, UtahStateUniversity.2014. 32 p. Available at: http://www.shingoprize.org/assets/ApplicationGuidelines.pdf
17. Lean: practice guidance on implementation. Electronic magazine. Business portal «Production management». 2014. Available at: www.up-pro.ru.
18. Manktelow J., Carlson A. The McKinsey 7-S Framework. Ensuring That All Parts of Your Organization Work in Harmony. MindTools. 2015. Available at: https:// www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_91.htm. 19. Miller L. Lean Culture – The Leader’s Guide-book. Annapolis. Maryland, 2011. 251 p.

Problem of quality of composites from Tetra Pak packaging waste

A.V. Smirnova, senior lecturer of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; Magnitogorsk
L.G. Kolyada, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; Magnitogorsk
N.L. Medyanik, doctor of technical sciences, professor of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; Magnitogorsk
V.V. Elesina, 2 course’s undergraduate of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; Magnitogorsk
e-mail: a-kremneva@mail.ru

Article is devoted to a problem of improvement of quality of composites from Tetra Pak packaging waste. Such composites can be applied in the construction sphere, therefore, it is supposed that they shall have the increased durability. By means of new instruments of quality management various options of hardening of composites are found. However poll of consumers and expansion of function of quality have shown that also such properties of composites as heat conductivity, moisture resistance, durability, esthetics are important. On the «house of quality» built during quality function expansion it is possible to draw a conclusion and that at composites from waste of packaging of Tetra Pak competitive advantage before analogs is had – big moisture resistance and heat conductivity, and also a capability to reflect warmly that is caused by availability in composition of aluminum foil. It is a desirable profile of quality which provides the niche in the market of offers.

Keywords: Tetra Pak packaging, composites, quality, durability, new management tools quality, quality function expansion, consumer requirements.

1. Derkach Ya.V. Conversion of a container and packaging from the combined materials. Container and packaging. 2004. No. 1.
2. Ageev M.A. Waste paper up classing in paper production. Ekaterinburg. Ural state timber university. 2008. 254 p.
3. Kolyada L.G., Kremneva A.V., Kazakbaeva G.R., Ponomarev A.P. Research of possibility of receiving composites from Tetra Pak packing waste. International magazine of applied and basic researches. 2015. No. 4-1.
4. Secondary raw materials. Industry Access Mode portal. Available at: www.recyclers.ru.
5. Kremneva A.V., Kolyada L.G., Ponomarev A.P. Receipt of polymeric and paper composites from packaging waste. Modern problems of science and education. 2014. No. 2. Academy of natural sciences. Available at: http://www.science-education.ru/116-12900.
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Experience the chromatographic separation of synthetic dyes in the composition of matrices of dairy products

A.P. Patsovskiy, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Research Center of Target Delivery of Drugs (RCTDD), JSC Galenofarm; St. Petersburg
e-mail: patsovskiy_ap@mail.ru

Influence of matrices of dairy products, on chromatografic separation of synthetic dyes azo-, a trifenilmetanovy and indigoidny row, allowed now for use in the food industry of the Russian Federation is studied. The factors exerting impact on completeness and selectivity of sorption of dyes from dairy products are analysed. The available scientific data on a configuration and conformation of proteinaceous matrices, factors of their stabilization in solution and methods of their sedimentation are provided. The main difficulties of release of dyes from difficult proteinaceous matriks are disclosed. The received results open new prospects before the specialists who are engaged in implementation and use of methods of operating control of synthetic dyes in food.

Keywords: synthetic food dyes, dairy products, proteins, adulteration of food products.

1. Titova N.D. Nutritional supplements as nutritional allergens. Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology. 2008. No. 2. Pp. 41–46.
2. Uniform sanitary and epidemiologic and hygienic requirements to the goods which are subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) in edition of decisions of the Commission of the Customs union of 17.08.2010 No. 341, of 18.11.2010 No. 456, of 02.03.2011 No. 571, of 07.04.2011 No. 622; of 18.10.2011 No. 829; of 09.12.2011 No. 889. Chapter II. Section 22 «Safety Requirements of Nutritional Supplements and Fragrances». Moscow. 2011. 331 p.
3. Patsovskiy A.P., Rudometova N.V., Kamentsev Ya.S. Electrophoretic definition of synthetic dyes in alcoholic beverages. Magazine of analytical chemistry. 2004. V. 59. No. 2. Pp. 170-175.
4. OST 10-298-2002 Alcoholic beverages. Methods of identification and determination of content of synthetic dyes. Saint Petersburg. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. 2002. 26 p.
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fraction of synthetic dyes the refrigerated desserts. Moscow. Standartinform. 2015. 16 p.
7. GOST P 53752-2009. Milk and dairy products. Determination of content of preservatives and dyes by method of a highly effective liquid chromatography. Moscow. Standartinform. 2010. 16 p.
8. Tertiary structure. Available at: http://belok-s.narod.ru/tb_4_3.htm.
9. Tepel A. Chemistry and physics of milk. Moscow. Food industry. 1979. 323 p.


The main directions of implementation of public-private partnerships in the field of transport security in modern Russia

N.V. Nikolaeva, assistant to the Chairman of Committee of Council of the Federation FS RF on defense and security; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru

The article is devoted to the problem of transport security. The substantiation that a public-private partnership is the most flexible and effective tool, able to ensure the security of transport infrastructure objects and vehicles against acts of unlawful interference.

Keywords: transport security, public-private partnerships, legislation, socio-economic cooperation, counterterrorism.

1. Semigin G.Y. Globalization is the main trend of the XXI century: contradictions and prospects. Transnational processes: the XXI century. ISP, NAT. Ls scientific. Fund.Moscow. Modern Economics and law. 2004.
2. Federal law «On transport security» dated February 9, 2007 No. 16-FZ. Paragraph 10 of article 1 (with amendments and supplements as of: July 23, 2008 July 19, 2009, June 29, 2010, February 7, July 18, 2011, July 23, 2013, February 3, 2014, June 29, July 13, 2015). Available at: http://base.garant.ru/12151931/.
3. Federal law «On public-private partnership, municipalprivate partnership in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation» dated July 13, 2015 No. 224-FZ. Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_182660/.
4. Sobolev V.A. Cooperation structures and institutions of civil society in the fight against terrorism. Law and security. 2010. No. 2(35). Available at: http://dpr.ru/pravo/pravo_31_17.htm.
5. Federal law «On transport security» dated February 9, 2007 № 16-FZ.
6. Government decree of the Russian Federation of 5 November 2009 No. 1653-R. On approval of list of works connected with maintenance of transport safety.
7. The order of Ministry of transport of Russia dated 31 July 2014 No. 212. On approval of Procedure for preparation of forces of ensuring transport safety.
8. The order of Ministry of transport of Russia from September, 8th, 2014 No. 243. On approval of the model additional professional programs in the field of training of forces of ensuring transport safety.

Clinical features of the syndrome of increased fatigue at ambulance workers (following the results of an active phase of the military conflict on Donbass 2014–2015)

D.S. Parkhomchuk, director of State institution «Lugansk republican center of the emergency medical care and disaster medicine»; Lugansk 
e-mail: sobaka-una-@mail.ru

The clinical and immunological features of the syndrome of increased fatigue (SIF) at 70 workers of fast (emergency) medical care are studied, long living in the territory of Donbass and working in the conditions of the incomplete military conflict in the Lugansk People’s Republic in 2014‒2015. The clinical picture of the SPU was more often taped at women (74,3%) and doctors (60%). At development of the SPU at earlier active and effective to work in special situations of ambulance workers the power attrition and decline in quality of life develops. At the same time chronic pathology of gepatobiliarny system is taped in 65,7%, ENT organs – in 51,4%, chronic diseases of bronchopulmonary system – in 22,9%, a chronic nonspecific colitis – in 11,4%, sex dysfunction – in 60% of cases. Level of the circulating immune complexes exceeds norm by 2,5 times. It needs to be considered when developing the rehabilitation program for this contingent of health workers.

Keywords: health workers, ambulance, extreme situation, syndrome of increased fatigue, the circulating immune complexes.

1. Zeer E.F., Symanyuk E.E. Psychology of professional destructions: the education guidance for higher education institutions. Moscow. Business book. 2005.
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4. Petrash M.D., Boykov A.A. Individual and psychological factors of professional formation of the doctors-interns studying according to the Emergency medical service program. Emergency medical service. 2012. V. 13. No. 1.
5. Pizova N.V. Fatigue, adynamy and chronic fatigue. What is it? Consilium Medicum. V. 14. No. 2.
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7. Frolov V.M., Peresadin N.A. Treatment and prevention of a syndrome of increased fatigue. Beekeeping. 2007. No. 2. Pp. 58-59; No. 3. Pp. 56-57.
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About the ways of implementation of optimum system of catching of drop ablation in galvanic production

V.L. Gaponov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don
V.I. Garshin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don
S.E. Geraskova, senior teacher of department «Production safety» of Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don
e-mail: cjamz-2003@mail.ru

I.G. Yasko, assistant of department «Production safety» of Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don
E.S. Fil, senior teacher of department “Safety of technological processes and productions” of Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don

In article ways and the prospects of implementation of optimum system of catching of drop ablation in galvanic production are considered. Characteristics of methods of electrocatching, acoustic coagulation, foamy protection are provided. Characteristics of methods of calculation of efficiency of catching of ablation are given, their benefits and shortcomings are described. Examples of practical implementation of a method of foamy protection are given. The realized in practice the ways of quality assurances of the air environment of the working area of galvanic productions are formulated.

Keywords: Galvanic production, drop ablation, electrolyte, bubbling, electrocatching, foamy protection.

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2. Fil E.S., Garshin V.I. The analysis of methods of fight against drop ablation in galvanic production. Scientific review. Scientific magazine. No. 11. 2014. Part 3. Pp. 691-694.
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