"Quality and Life" № 4(12) 2016
The implementation approach as specific effective practice considering the relations of the subject and object of knowledge, all their relations staticizes application of the concept of quality management. Here a special role is allocated for a ratio of criteria and applications of its theoretical-methodological aspects.
Keywords: quality management, methodology, model, efficiency, criterion, application, system.
Keywords: oil and gas complex (OGC), import dependence, oilfield service's companies, tax and credit policy in OGC, competitiveness.
In this work an attempt to consider a statistics role in the problems connected with quality is made. The role of statistical methods in the different countries and at different times is discussed. Assumptions of the course of further development become. Rapprochement of statistics and quality – command of time.
Keywords: statistical investigations, quality management, statistics tools, Taguti's methods.
In this article the author introduces some ideas about application of the terms "quality" and "product quality" in the light of harmonization of the international standards of the ISO 9000 series with domestic. This process should be a competent processing of the international standards and their adaptation to experience of domestic standardization.
Keywords: terms, determinations, quality, product quality, compliance degree, characteristic.
In article eight principles which are the cornerstone of creation and implementations of productive quality management system are considered and analysed.
Keywords: quality management, ISO, leadership, orientation to the consumer, PDCA
Approach to leadership as to one of the principles of quality management which is based not only on increase of responsibility of the top management for results of organization activity and its personnel in the field of quality, but also on creation of conditions, in particular implementations of a method of the personnel escalator, for preparation and education of leaders at all levels of a management is considered.
Keywords: the quality management system, quality management principles, leadership, involvement of staff, education of leaders, human escalator.
Keywords: qualimetry, metrology, interpretation, estimation technique, measurement reduction.
The modern market economy imposes essentially other quality requirements on products. Product quality is one of the most important performance indicators of activities of the entity. Improvement of quality of products substantially determines survival and success of the entity in market conditions, rates of technical progress, implementation of innovations, production efficiency growth, economy of all types of the resources used at the entity. Competently built production process is capable to provide steadily high-quality products. For preserving efficiency of production process in time, the “reliability” parameter answers.
Keywords: production process, reliability, expert system, fuzzy logic.
The analysis of the most known approaches to quality management and production organization of competitive products is provided in article, special attention is paid to systems of quality management. Information sources: official standards, numerous articles, monographs, textbooks and education guidances. Modern methods and management tools are considered by quality. The possible directions of enhancement of personnel potential of high-tech industries of the industry in the field of production organization and quality management are shown.
Keywords: quality, innovation, competitiveness, personnel capacity.
In article the urgent situation which developed in our country with identification of chemical products is described. The reasons are considered and solutions of problems of such identification are offered.
Keywords: identification, chemical products, technical regulation, standardization, testing.
Process of management of purchases is one of the main business processes performed in participating organization of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025". For effective management of purchases development of the single unified approach is necessary for evaluation of suppliers. In article some approaches used in case of assessment of suppliers, including the rating of suppliers, allowing to estimate objectively their activities concerning a delivered goods, and also data on claims to various conditions of agreements (contracts) are described.
Keywords: quality management system, purchases, purchasing activity, the process approach, evaluation of suppliers, rating of suppliers.
The main activity of team of economical production at the aviation enterprise is the business process’s optimization for the purpose of increase of efficiency in case of achievement of effective objectives of the company. At the same time the team solves a wide range of tasks, beginning from planning before implementation and after-sale service.
Keywords: aviation enterprise, quality management system, economical production, enhancement of business processes, product lifecycle.
In article necessary steps in the sphere of harmonization of interstate standards are brought and analysed. It is shown that achievement of such relevance requires considerable finance costs, long and laborious work from creators of standards.
Keywords: interests of consumers, relevance, interstate standardization, harmonization of standards, nonequivalent standards.
In article features of control of chemical safety of construction materials on the example of the researches conducted by the Lessertika Center and territorial administrations of Rospotrebnadzor are considered.
Keywords: formaldehyde, construction materials, control, certification, chemical safety.
For the solution of tasks on increase in efficiency by the Rostekh State corporation in the field of voluntary certification and quality management for increase in competitiveness of high-technology products which are turned out by the organization which is a part of the Corporation in the unified register of the registered systems of voluntary certification of Rosstandart the System of voluntary certification Rostekh is registered 30.12.2014, registration No. ROSS RU.B1308.04ZhUBO according to article 21 of the Federal law "About Technical Regulation" of 27.12.2002 No. 184-FZ .
Keywords: quality management system, voluntary certification system, accreditation, quality, competitiveness.
The article suggests a probabilistic approach to the estimation of risks for different levels of resource (I, II, III, IV) allows us to scientifically substantiate the development and improvement of terminology in the field of assessment of risks in the monitoring of the technical condition of the exploited products of AME, and offers recommendations to improve the regulatory framework for the operation of the AME products.
Keywords: regulatory framework of the products of armament and military equipment (AME), resource intensity, limit state, assessment of risk.
In article designing of the integrated quality and safety management system is considered in case of production of meat products on the basis of process and system approach with forming of management processes.
Keywords: integrated quality and safety management system, management processes, process model, meat products.
The brief historical information about development of domestic automotive industry is provided in work. The urgent condition of an industry and measures proposed by the state for its strengthening is considered.
Keywords: automotive industry, investment, normative legal act, export orientation.
In article it is shown that the working model of economy didn't allow to achieve real progress in innovative activities for all last years. The substantiation of the claim that the reasons hindering the development of innovative economy are not eliminated. The key role of standardization and real fair quality control and products from the state is shown. In conclusion the author proposes a number of the crisis response measures directed to forming of innovative economy.
Keywords: innovative economy, standards, limited resources, technical and technological development, business.
To have the future, Russia shall change, first of all, the dominating style of decision making and relation with people. In article are considered and offered as new management style the humanistic and system - statistical management implying refusal of adoption of authoritative decisions, refusal of search of guilty persons instead of search of these or those problems, refusal of punishment of the guilty persons found by this search as a problem resolution method. Decisions shall be made on the basis of consensus of competent persons and be carried out with a cast-iron discipline and responsibility.
Keywords: quality management, theory of variability, system thinking, humanistic management, human factor.
In article the problem of effective functioning of quality management system (QMS) is considered from the point of view of accounting in system of a human factor. It is offered the system of requirements characterizing quality of the person as his integrity based on which the subjective oriented model of a quality management system of the entity optimizing processes of improvement of quality of life and product quality is constructed.
Keywords: Quality management system (QMS), product quality, quality of life, the subjective focused approach, PDCA.
The law in Russia has determined the poverty level as the cost of a consumer goods basket, obligatory payments and charges. The dialectics of development of society recognizes need of availability for any society of the poor and the rich. Russia has returned to a regulatory method of calculation of a poverty line. Dynamics of level of poverty in Karelia has the bigger amplitude of fluctuations, than Russia. The person shall feel comfortable in the environment to himself equal. This postulate is important in the conditions of development of migratory processes. The factor of a regional inequality in indicators of poverty remains determining by influence, on gender structure of a family, on birth rate both on support of pensioners and on development of regions. Recognition of parity of the person in modern society guarantees development of regions with leaving against a survival problem to creation of sales opportunities of potential of the personality in the region. The analysis of the trends which have developed in 12 years in Karelia confirms it.
Keywords: poverty level, dialectician of development of society, regional inequality, parity of the person, potential of the personality.
In article specific features of forming and studying of public opinion on urgent complex problems of global nature in the conditions of the limited potential of a paradigm of rationalism are revealed. A number of provisions of article is of also interest in case of implementation of especially significant and large-scale scientific and technical projects.
Keywords: society, public opinion, science, rationalism, empirics, quality of life.
In this work questions of quality of human life, communication of quality of life and meaning of life are discussed, the question of a quantitative quality evaluation of life is considered, examples of calculation are given.
Keywords: quality of life, meaning of life, efficiency, indicator, assessment.
In article the social and psychological factor — primordial synthetical character of society, its influence on stability of life is considered. The reasonable conclusion becomes that if in any society the conditions breaking the specified primordial synthetical character are created, then life of such society is unstable.
Keywords: archetype of the personality according to Jung, an archetype of life of society, a life archetype meme, the shown essence of society, primordial essence of society, primordial synthetical character of society, a social and psychological factor, stability of society.
In article the experience of quality assurance of continuing education of adults in EU countries and Russia is analyzed, results of researches of the most widespread quality models of education are given. Process of forming of competences (professional, social, personal) as a part of process of continuing education of adults and actual types of independent assessment and recognition of quality, urgent for it, is considered. The model of quality assurance of this process taking into account the international and Russian experience is provided.
Keywords: quality of life-long education of adults, formal, non-formal and informal education, independent assessment, national system of qualifications, professional and public accreditation, public accreditation, quality model, process approach.
Keywords: space industry, shots, model, innovation, training.
A company can successfully and effectively work in the modern realities in any sector of the economy only if it meets the high technological standards, and to master the modern equipment and to implement the latest technologies and methods, high-skilled employees are necessary.
Keywords: advanced training, professional retraining, training programs and personnel developments.
In article questions of introduction of process approach in education at engineering training of bachelors in the technical directions are considered. Special attention is paid on instilling of ideology of quality.
Keywords: technologies of generation of knowledge, line engineer, educational process, motivation, quality of education.
In article urgent problems of management of educational institutions in the conditions of globalization, methods and methods of ensuring effective management of educational institutions, providing quality assurances of training of specialists in professional education are considered. Possibilities of strengthening of influence of an external independent quality evaluation of results of activities of educational institutions through integration of estimative procedures by expert community for various models of organizational perfection, such as EFQM models, industry tenders and an award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality reveal that allows to lower significantly expenses and to reduce the temporary periods for achievement of objectives on increase in competitiveness of domestic education.
Keywords: globalization of the economy and education, ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions, effective management, the model of perfection, European quality award, award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, the competition of Rosobrnadzor on quality systems.
In article it is shown the necessity of strengthening the role of Competition of Rosobrnadzor "the quality Systems of training the graduates of educational institutions of professional education" and increasing its weight in making important decisions to improve the quality of training by creating and improving quality assurance systems in educational organizations.
Keywords: state control and supervision, quality of education, quality management, EFQM, competitive spirit.
The cardinal changes which happened recently in Kazakhstan bypassed also a management system of higher education institutions. Changes, first of all, are connected with the changes which happened in relations of the state and education sphere with need of participation of higher education institutions in economic processes, by development of the universities as players in market space. Cardinal change of sources of financing, their multi-channel, the competition of higher education institutions for students and highly qualified personnel, leads to creation of new, innovative management model which main difference consists in establishment of collective responsibility at all levels of a hierarchical triangle "Education - Science - Production". Aspiration of higher education institutions to economic independence, their reorientation to the consumer turns universities into "the entrepreneurial organizations" which can become the instrument of implementation of the new management model providing social and economic stability.
Keywords: innovative development, Japanese management model, management system by higher education institution, needs of the region, commercialization.
The intensification of intellectual production in the RF contacts with a number of profound and fast changings in social and economic area, capable to resist to the amplifying bureaucratization. Against enhancement of communication technologies the processes of formation of new subjects were developed. This process can be made effective, on condition of development and deployment in practice the technologies of the intellectually accurate communications. New organizational business game – Inseyfing developed with the assistance of authors of article on scientific base of the theory of dynamic information systems belongs to such technologies.
Keywords: bureaucratization, inseyfing, intellectual production, the intellectually accurate communication, organizational activity game, theory of dynamic information systems.
Design and construction are one of the leading directions of economy in modern Russia.
Keywords: quality management system, information technologies, design and estimate documentation, civil engineering.
High-quality implementation of the process approach oriented to systems management by the interconnected processes and resources of the entity is impossible without creation of a new class of the computer systems of quality management providing the integrated designing and process management of product lifecycle.
Keywords: standards, system management, computer systems, quality, modeling.
Geometrical simulation is an important link in development of aviation constructions and preparation of designer documentation. Application-oriented aspects of this type of activity are insufficiently developed regarding the theoretical and methodological base. As a result, specially don't train in geometrical simulation, accumulation and transfer of knowledge and experience in this area doesn't happen.
Keywords: geometrical modeling, aviation designs, theoretical contour of a wing, three-dimensional solid-state model, systems of automation of design.
In work the analysis of an urgent situation with observance of safety requirements and product quality and services is given. Need of observance by the entities of GOSTs and technical regulations, on the one hand, and real control of producers from the state – with another is shown.
Keywords: GOST, counterfeit, control, safety, quality.
The overview and the analysis of the main results [1-8] received by specialists of department 906 of Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) regarding forecasting of a dynamic condition of aircraft (AC) in case of assessment of safety and durability of elements of their designs in the emergencies leading to impact about a barrier with various mechanical properties is given. By means of the offered settlement models it is possible to create at design stages safely damaged designs of aircraft (AC) for the purpose of reduction of weight of consequences of emergencies and catastrophic crashes.
Keywords: impact of aircraft (AC) with a barrier, dynamic condition and durability of design, plastic deformation in a contact zone, regression model, wave model; viscously-elastic barrier, material with linear hardening, rotation cover; inelastic slanting blow, spatial final and element model of the aircraft (AC), dynamic condition of the helicopter at crash landing, distribution of overloads on elements of designs of aircraft.
In article the question of improvement of quality of machine-building enterprise at the expense of innovations is considered. It is shown that for transfer of the best international experience in the Russian practice it is necessary that, on the one hand, the personnel of the Russian entities knew what and why they shall do, and also wanted and could execute it. From the other, - for the solution of the developed problem of machine-building enterprises by own forces along with the entities participation of the state, a business environment and expert community within project approach is obligatory.
Keywords: machine-building enterprise, quality, innovation, image, competitiveness.
Two-line hydromechanical transfers are widely used in industrial tractors. Two-line hydromechanical transfer consists of the hydrotransformer or complex hydrodynamic transfer and the differential link executed in the form of the three-unit differential mechanism. The main advantage of such transfers is higher value of the maximum efficiency in comparison with the hydrotransformer or complex hydrodynamic transfer. Currently, there are no clear guidelines for choosing the main parameters of the double-flow hydromechanical transmission. The technique of the choice of parameters of such transfers for industrial tractors is given in article. At the same time hydromechanical transfers with a differential link at the input and output are considered. As a differential link three-unit differential mechanisms with the mixed gearing of cogwheels are used. All 12 possible schemes of two-line hydrodynamic transfers are considered. It is shown that in two-line hydromechanical transfer the mode of its work, when the turbine wheel of the hydrotransformer rotates opposite to rotation of a pump wheel aside is possible. This factor is considered at the choice of parameters of two-line hydromechanical transfer. The technique of creation of the external characteristic of such drive and coordination of its load characteristic with the external high-speed characteristic of the diesel engine is given. Coordination is executed in three ways: by the choice of necessary value of active diameter of the hydrotransformer; by the choice of transfer number of the coordinating reducer; by the choice of the characteristic of a planetary row. Influence of parameters of hydromechanical transfer on its operational properties is shown. It is set that for the most widespread diagram of two-continuous hydromechanical transmission in case of reduction of the characteristic of a planetary row its maximum performance coefficient raises, the active diameter of the hydrotransformer decreases and the relative rotating speed of satellites of the three-unit differential mechanism increases. At the same time the relative rotating speed of satellites restricts the minimum value of the characteristic of a planetary row. Increase in the characteristic of a planetary row leads to decrease in transparency of hydromechanical transfer and to increase in her coefficient of transformation. It is shown that two-line hydromechanical transfer allows most fully in comparison with one-line to use reformative properties of the engine to change torque size in case of change of external load of the engine that is very important for industrial tractors.
Keywords: two-line hydromechanical transfer, engine, external and load characteristics of two-line hydromechanical transfer, coordination of two-line hydromechanical transfer with the characteristic of the engine.
In article the results of experimental studies of small fluctuations of a free surface of the transported liquidly fluid freight are given . It is shown that for determination of its rеоdynamic characteristics it is reasonable to use a gravitational and centrifugal method of determination of the seeming viscosity of liquidly fluid freights regardless of a granulometriya of the last.
Keywords: liquidly fluid freight, granulometriya, transportation, rеоdynamic, fluctuation.
Work is devoted to assessment of indicators of quality of processes of production and control by results of repeated checks. The author defined the important indicators characterizing quality of control of production – average of defects at the product arriving on control, and reliability of control operation. In article cases when depending on the established rules of control, defects can be eliminated at once after their detection or be fixed and be eliminated after completion of repeated control are considered.
Keywords: repeated quality control, reliability of control operation, single indicators, average of defects, statistical estimates.
In article characteristics of metal-containing oil-soluble composition "Valena SV" are provided ; five problems of the wear caused by the friction in interfaces of details of cars and mechanisms are covered; researches of influence in lubricants of concentration of composition "Valena SV" on its thermal stability and also on wear resistance of tribo-coupling are given; ways of increase of resource of mechanisms and cars at application of composition "Valena SV" in lubricants are considered.
Keywords: composition "Valena SV", thermal stability, wear resistance, lubricants, concentration of additive.
In article the Generalization of numerous pilot studies of innovative methods combined (deforming - cutting) handling and superficial plastic deformation by the tool with regular micro geometry of a surface in the conditions of various technologies of use of the modern metal plating lubricants realizing fundamental scientific discovery "effect of a without wearing at friction" of Garkunov – Kragelsky is given ; the received results in the form of reduction of power costs to 25 ….72% and in the form of formation of a servovitny film of the plating metal which is presumably in an amorphous condition during mutual movement of details in couple of friction, are reasoned apply for the status of the new scientific discovery in the "tribology on the basis of self-organization" direction oriented to production of innovative lubricants.
Keywords: scientific discovery, effect of without wearing at friction, regular micro relief; the metal plating lubricant; reduction of power costs; servovitny film; the plating metal.
Experimental studies of influence of granularity of diamond whetstones, specific pressure, speed of rotation and the axial movement on the processing productivity, a roughness of a surface and accuracy of a form at a honing of pig-iron sleeves of the internal combustion engine. Results of the experiences executed by a technique of a complete factorial experiment are presented by the regression equations with static independent coefficients.
Keywords: honing, a complete factorial experiment, processing, roughness of a surface, machining accuracy.
In article are considered the quality management tasks when designing technical systems connected with rational use of capacity of systems and creation of conditions for development of "system quality" within an effective objective - providing the consumer with useful function with the minimum mass, dimensions and power consumption of an end product. The process of expansion "system quality" is provided in article as one of stages of a flow of value creation of a product. The practical example of implementation of process when designing the systems "the electric drive-shutoff valves" is given.
Keywords: quality management, technical system, expansion "system quality", design.
In article the brief historical background of creation and development of National institute of aviation technologies is provided . Problems and their decisions when using composite materials in aircraft industry are considered.
Keywords: composite materials, aircraft, coal plastic, thermoplastic binding, space equipment.
Now development of designs of aviation and the missile and space equipment, power, mechanical engineering and other industries is inseparably linked with use of composite materials.
Keywords: winding, calculation, composite materials, Ishikava diagram, the control paper.
The description and justification of works on development of the design-layout scheme of the console of a wing without use of a chassis’s beam is provided in article. Application of such scheme allows to reduce the mass of a design of the console. In work flow has been developed the working design documentation (WDD) on elements of "prototype", KEM of elements of "prototype" and the draft of the program of its tests, strength calculation of elements of a design is carried out.
Keywords: aircraft, composite material, design, coal plastic, vacuum infusional technology.
The methodology of the analysis of the failures of the electronic equipment influencing safety of operation of technically difficult objects is considered. The examples of failures in operation of converters of pressure which have entailed a stop of power units because of operation of emergency protection are given.
Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, technically difficult objects, method of expert evaluations, investigation of failures of functioning.
The possibility of application of a method of the analysis of hierarchies to consideration of the failures of the electronic equipment influencing safety of operation of technically difficult objects is considered. The examples of failures in operation of converters of pressure which have entailed a stop of power units because of operation of emergency protection and results of their investigation are given.
Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, technically difficult objects, method of the analysis of hierarchies, investigation of failures of functioning.
The main methods of assessment of quality of the electronic component base (ECB), stages of the life cycle (LC) of products are considered, distribution of indicators of quality on groups is shown.
Keywords: electronic component base (ECB), quality evaluation methods, quality indicator, products, product lifecycle.
The problem of creation of artificial gravity onboard of the piloted space objects is solved by means of creation of the centrifuge of short radius. It is supposed that the centrifuge will be functioning directly onboard of the piloted object. Researchers from Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and State Scientific Center (SSC) RF Institute of medico biological problems (IMBP) of Russian academy of science (RAS) by means of mathematical methods and methods of model experiments, solve the delivered problem with participation of the international cooperation. Researches of influence of a gravitational component and modeling it in flight will allow to increase factors of quality of life and safety of the person in Space.
Keywords: artificial gravity, centrifuge of short radius, medical control, safety, quality.
Three basic cardiovascular diseases became the population leading causes of death now: acute coronary syndrome, stroke and venous tromboembolism. Different types of thrombophilia explain the origins of about 40% of all primary episodes of a venous tromboembolism (VTE). VTE is a multifactorial disease, result of joint action as acquired, and congenital risk factors. The role of thrombophilia in development of trombosis of arteries is studied not up to the end. New types of thrombophilias are constantly taped, however, so far there are not enough data on their role in a pathogenesis of a thrombogenesis and in what concrete cases they will clinically prove trombosis.
Keywords: venous thromboembolism, thrombophilia, compound mutations.
Keywords: certification, education, research, inspection control, consultation.
In work the main projects realized by the St. Petersburg regional branch of Academy of quality problems since 2011 in scientific and methodical, scientific and practical, educational, information and international spheres are described. It is noted that the important direction of research activity of office is assistance to education improvement of quality, to development of staff training system in the sphere of quality management.
Keywords: education, quality management, standardization, metrology, sustainable development.
The main stages of the organization of scientific research of the Bryansk scientific school of quality management in the field of product quality control and services functioning within the Bryansk Department of Interregional Public Organization "Academy of Problems of Quality" are considered. The main results of scientific activities of members of this department are given.
Keywords: Bryansk branch of the Academy of quality problems, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, scientific school, quality management, the quality management system
In work the activity of the Tomsk regional department for 2011-2016 aimed at the development of the movement for quality in the Tomsk region, advance of modern ideology of quality and stimulation of introduction of modern models of management of the organizations (institutions) on the basis of the principles of TQM and ISO 9000 is described.
Keywords: monitoring, quality, safety, program, expert assessment.
Keywords: personnel, certification, quality of education, quality management, system, system of certification.
In article the role of the guerrilla movement in the Briansk region (Bryanshchina) is considered during the Great Patriotic War. Communication of guerrillas with regular parts of Red army is analysed.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, guerrilla movement, Briansk region (Bryanshchina), the Battle of Stalingrad, Kursk duga.
In article the main sacral key events for history of Rus’-Russia connected with the Bryansk region which for one thousand years changed the territorial outlines and belonging to the state educations that influenced quality of life are marked out.
Keywords: history, Rus’, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Bryansk region, the boundary of forest and steppe, Bojan, Peresvet, the guerrillas.
The author considers F. I. Tyutchev's creativity with the purpose to inform the modern reader the variety of his poetic gift united by a subject of love to the native Bryansk nature and patriotism.
Keywords: F.I. Tyutchev, poetry, Russia, Bryansk region (Bryanshchina), Ovstug, nature, patriotism.
Keywords: quality of life, historical experience, social infrastructure, socio-cultural development, Bryansk rail plant, work settlement of Bezhitsa, M. K. Tenisheva.
The history of Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery in the context of the Russian and local history is presented in article. Authors emphasize a significant role of the monastery in religious, economic and household and public life of the region, interference of the events which were taking place behind walls and in men's monastery.
Keywords: Orthodoxy, orthodox topography, monastic monastery, Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery.
Main theme: Scientific papers of Academy of quality problems Release date: 30.11.2016 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
Quality management
Implementation approach in the concept of quality management. Theoretical-methodological aspects
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
Yu.V. Kryanev, doctor of philology, professor, department chair of NRU MAI, president of office "Quality philosophy" of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: kaf001@mai.ru
The implementation approach as specific effective practice considering the relations of the subject and object of knowledge, all their relations staticizes application of the concept of quality management. Here a special role is allocated for a ratio of criteria and applications of its theoretical-methodological aspects.
In the management theory, and especially in quality management theory, there are various options of understanding and an explanation of essence and a role of the management. The last is considered both as art, and as science, and as function, and as process.
Keywords: quality management, methodology, model, efficiency, criterion, application, system.
1. Lebedev A.A. Course of the system analysis. Moscow. Mechanical engineering, 2010.
From import dependence to reindustrialization
V.Ya. Kershenbaum, doctor of technical sciences, professor, the head of the department of Gubkin RSU of oil and gas (NRU), Moscow
e-mail: tkaning@yandex.ru
In article sources and the reasons of an import dependence of Russian oil and gas complex (OGC). Special attention is paid to a role of standardization and certification in OGC. Problems of the oilfield service's companies and possible ways of their decision are designated. Need of creation of strategy of an import dependence of OGC is proved.
Keywords: oil and gas complex (OGC), import dependence, oilfield service's companies, tax and credit policy in OGC, competitiveness.
1. Shmal G.I. Import independence of OGC. Whether it is possible? Quality management in oil and gas complex. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 9-12.
2. Kershenbaum V.Ya. System approach is necessary for import substitution in OGC. Quality management in oil and gas complex. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 13-16.
3. Shmal G.I., Kershenbaum V.Ya., Trajectory of OGC: import substitution – import independence - competitiveness. Quality management in oil and gas complex. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 3-4.
Quality and statistics – ways to convergence
Yu.P. Adler, candidate of technical sciences, professor of C&AC department of NSTU MISiS; Moscow
e-mail: adler.37@inbox.ru
In this work an attempt to consider a statistics role in the problems connected with quality is made. The role of statistical methods in the different countries and at different times is discussed. Assumptions of the course of further development become. Rapprochement of statistics and quality – command of time.
Keywords: statistical investigations, quality management, statistics tools, Taguti's methods.
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24. Klayn M. Mathematics. Definiteness loss. Moscow. World, 1984. 434 p.
25. Adler Yu.P. Statistical control – products quality excellence condition (about G. Taguti's methods and their application). Automotive industry of the USA. 1987. No. 11. Pp. 30-38.
26. Adler Yu.P. Taguti's methods – the new direction in statistical quality control. Moscow. Knowledge. 1988. 78 p.
27. Taguchi G., Chowdhury S., Wu Y. Taguchi’s Quality Engineering. Handbook. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005. 1662 p.
28. Adler Yuri, Stasova Galina. Comparison between the Desirability Function by E. C. Harrington and the Loss Function by Genichi Taguchi. 10th ANQ Congress, Hong Kong. 2012. Proceedings. Pp. 977-983. (CD)
29. Vumek J., Johns D. Economical production: How to get rid of losses and to achieve prosperity of your company. Moscow. Alpina Pablisher, 2016. 472 p.
30. Ono T. Production system of Toyota. Avoiding mass production. Moscow. Institute of complex strategic researches. 2005. 196 p.
31. Singo S. Fast readjustment. Revolutionary technology of optimization of production. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2006. 344 p.
32. Shingo SH. Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-yoke System. Portland, Oregon: Productivity Press. 1986. 303 p.
33. Adler Yu.P. Kanban and "precisely in time" on Toyota: Management begins on a workplace. Moscow. Alpina Publisher. 2014. 214 p.
34. Roter M. Toyota Kata. Leadership, management and employee development for achievement of outstanding results. St. Petersburg. Peter Press. 2014. 304 p.
35. Imai M. Kaydzen: Key to success of the Japanese companies. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2005. 274 p.
36. Imai M. Gemba Kaydzen: Way to cost reduction and quality improvement. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2005. 346 p.
37. Bell E.T. Creators of mathematics. Predecessors of modern mathematics. Moscow. Education. 1979. – 256 p.
38. Heyde C. C. Limit Theorem, Central. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1983. Vol. 4. Pp. 651-655.
39. Adler Yu.P., Chernykh E.A. Statistical management of processes. "Big data". Moscow. MISiS. 2016. 52 p.
40. Kleynen J. Statistical methods in imitating modeling. Moscow. Statistics. 1978. Release 1. 252 p. Release 2. 368 p.
41. Mosteller F., Tiyuki J. Analysis of data and regression. Release 1. Moscow. Finance and statistics. 1982. 317 p.
42. Mosteller F., Tiyuki J. Analysis of data and regression. Release 2. Moscow. Finance and statistics. 1982. 239 p.
43. Adler Yu.P. Introduction in planning of experiments. Moscow. MISiS publishing house. 2014. 36 p.
44. Adler Yu.P., Markova E.V., Granovskiy Yu.V. Planning of experiments by search of optimum conditions. Moscow. Science. 1976. 280 p.
45. Watson G. Methodology "Six sigma" for leaders or how to reach 3,4 defects on one million opportunities. Moscow. RIA “Standards and Quality”. 2006. 224 p.
46. George M. Economical production + six sigma: Combining six sigma quality with a speed of economical production. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2005. 360 p.
47. H. Tsubaki, K. Nishina, S. Yamada. The Grammar of Technology Development. Japan. Springer. 2008. 221 p.
48. Adler Yu. The Statistics: Past, Present, and Future. (A New Paradigm in Statistics). 13th Annual ENBIS Conference, Ankara, Turkey. 15-17 September 2013. 24 p.
About importance of terminology in the field of product quality management
M.N. Esaulov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of National research nuclear university "MEPhI", full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: esauln2011@yandex.ru
V.P. Marin, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Moscow technological university (MIREA), president of department "Quality and ecology of production of radio-electronic equipment" of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
In this article the author introduces some ideas about application of the terms "quality" and "product quality" in the light of harmonization of the international standards of the ISO 9000 series with domestic. This process should be a competent processing of the international standards and their adaptation to experience of domestic standardization.
Keywords: terms, determinations, quality, product quality, compliance degree, characteristic.
1. Product quality management. Basic concepts, terms and determinations: GOST 15467-79. Moscow. Standartinform. 2009.
2. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and dictionary: GOST P ISO 9000-2008. Moscow. Standartinform. 2009.
3. Shadrin A.D. About ways of increase of efficiency of quality management. Standards and quality. 2009. No. 10. Pp. 60-63.
4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Ya. Explanatory dictionary of Russian language. Moscow. Azbukovnik. 1999. 994 p.
5. Grodzenskiy Ya.S., Kokhonov A.A. Quality systems: education guidance. Moscow. MIREA. 2011. 96 p.
Implementation of the principles of quality management – a right way to achievement of steady success by the organization
T.M. Polkhovskaya, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of NRTU MISiS, director of Educational and scientific center of management and certification systems, full member of Academy of quality problems
e-mail: metsert@mc.misis.ru
In article eight principles which are the cornerstone of creation and implementations of productive quality management system are considered and analysed.
Keywords: quality management, ISO, leadership, orientation to the consumer, PDCA
1. GOST ISO 9000-2011. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and dictionary.
2. Quality management principles. ISO Central Secretariat. 2012.
3. GOST ISO 9001-2011. Quality management systems. Requirements.
4. GOST R ISO 9004-2010. Management for the purpose of achievement of steady success. Approach on the basis of quality management.
5. Kalita P.Ya. World of quality. Business lyrics and journalism. Moscow. Eco-Press. 2014.
Leadership as a basic principle of quality management
O.A. Gorlenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of quality management of education at the Bryansk State Technical University, vice-president of the Bryansk branch of the Academy of quality problems; Bryansk
e-mail: goa-bgtu@mail.ru
N.М. Borbatc, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, the head of department of monitoring and the analysis of indicators of processes of work of higher education institution of quality management of education in higher education institution at the Bryansk State Technical University; Bryansk
T.P. Mozhaeva, candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, the head of department of the regulating documentation of quality management of education in higher education institution at the Bryansk State Technical University, corresponding member of Academy of quality problems; Bryansk
Approach to leadership as to one of the principles of quality management which is based not only on increase of responsibility of the top management for results of organization activity and its personnel in the field of quality, but also on creation of conditions, in particular implementations of a method of the personnel escalator, for preparation and education of leaders at all levels of a management is considered.
Keywords: the quality management system, quality management principles, leadership, involvement of staff, education of leaders, human escalator.
1. ISO/FDIS 9000 : 2015. Quality management systems – Fundamentals and dictionary.
2. ISO/FDIS 9001 : 2015. Quality management systems – Requirements.
3. Harrington J. Perfection of resource management. Moscow. RIA "Standards and Quality". 2008. 352 p.
4. Charan R., Drotter S., Noel J. Personnel escalator: to hire or bring up the leader? Moscow. RIA "Standards and Quality". 2009. 216 p.
5. Harrington J. Perfection of management of processes. Moscow. RIA "Standards and Quality". 2007. 192 p.
6. Aleksandrov S.A., Novikov V.A., Zorin Yu.V. Audit of "leadership" of a management. Standards and quality. 2015. No. 4(934). Pp. 62–65.
Reduction of measurements and assessment of product quality
V.L. Skripka, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Bauman MSTU; Moscow
e-mail: vit.skripcka@yandex.ru
In article at the high-quality level the potential possibility of enhancement of techniques of a qualimetriya on the basis of the reduction of measurements representing one of the perspective directions of development of modern metrology of physical quantities is considered. Use in case of a quality evaluation of methodology of a reduction of measurements has allowed to allocate the major factors influencing efficiency of techniques of a kvalimetriya, and a role of models of estimation in case of interpretation of the received quality evaluations. Value of the purposes of estimation for increase of reliability of the made decisions in case of interpretation of results is shown.
Prospects of application of basic provisions of a reduction of measurements when forming qualimetrical techniques which concentrate attention of their developers on search of a compromise between the constituting handling of the initial information connected with imperfection of estimation and an illegibility of a subjective (accidental) component of interpretation of quality evaluations are noted. Rational use of the offered approach represents one of possible allowances of increase of objectification of results of quality evaluations.
Keywords: qualimetry, metrology, interpretation, estimation technique, measurement reduction.
1. Skripka V.L. Quality systems – adaptation mechanism to the commercial environment. Standards and quality. No. 7. 2002. Pp. 84-86.
2. Chulichkov A.I. Bases of the theory of measuring computing systems of ultrahigh permission. Tambov. Publishing house of Tambov state University. 2000. 140 p.
3. Pytiev Yu.P. Opportunity. Elements of the theory and application. Moscow. Editorial URSS. 2000. 192 p.
4. Dymkin G.Ya. Application of indicators of reliability for validation of techniques of nondestructive control. Defectoscopy. No. 3. 1999. Pp. 75-84.
5. R 50.2.004-2000. State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Definition of characteristics of mathematical models of dependences between physical quantities at the solution of measuring tasks. Basic provisions. Moscow. 2000. 15 p.
Assessment of the reliability of production process using the device of fuzzy logic
A.N. Feofanov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN” (MSTU “STANKIN”)
G.V. Yudin, graduate student of Moscow State Technological University “STANKIN” (MSTU “STANKIN”)
e-mail: dr_rock@rambler.ru
The modern market economy imposes essentially other quality requirements on products. Product quality is one of the most important performance indicators of activities of the entity. Improvement of quality of products substantially determines survival and success of the entity in market conditions, rates of technical progress, implementation of innovations, production efficiency growth, economy of all types of the resources used at the entity. Competently built production process is capable to provide steadily high-quality products. For preserving efficiency of production process in time, the “reliability” parameter answers.
Today one of tendencies of organization development of technological preparation of production is the analysis of reliability of production process. Reliable production process, assumes production with use of extremely low quantity of resources, the minimum harmful environmental impact, at the same time providing stable and satisfactory quality.
Work offers model of system of assessment of reliability of production process using the device of fuzzy logic. For this purpose, in advance created, the group of experts qualitatively estimates factors, and extents of their influence on production process implementation. The list of factors varies depending on the sizes of the entity, features of products, etc. Based on work of system complex assessment of reliability of production process is created. Communication of this assessment with a defect level indicator at the entity for the accounting period is experimentally proved. Thus, the offered model of assessment of reliability of production process can serve as the auxiliary tool for the person of the making decision, in the field of studying and the analysis of technological preparation of production.
Keywords: production process, reliability, expert system, fuzzy logic.
1. Lee S-Y. Drivers for the participation of small and medium-sized suppliers in green supply chain initiatives. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 13 (2013). Pp. 185–198.
2. The Star online, SME contribution to GDP to hit 41%: Mustapa, in. The Star Online. Kualalumpur. 2014.
3. The plan of activities of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation for 2016 – 2021. Available at: http://economy.gov.ru/minec/activity/sections/strategicPlanning/20160407
4. Clarke-Sather AR, Hutchins MJ, Zhang Q, Gershenson JK, Sutherland J.W. Development of social, environmental, and economic indicators for a small/medium enterprise. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. 19 (2011). Pp. 247-266.
5. Khvastunov R.M., Feofanov A.N., Korneeva V.M., Nakhapetyan E.G. Kvalimetriya in mechanical engineering. Moscow. "Ekzamen" publishing house. 2009. 285, [3] p.
6. Yudin G.V. Use of fuzzy logic in tasks of risk management and decision making. Technology of mechanical engineering. No. 2/2016.
7. Kruglov V.V., Dli M.I. Intellectual information systems: computer support of systems of fuzzy logic and indistinct conclusion. Moscow. Fizmatlit. 2002.
Personnel capacity of production organization and quality management
V.A. Vasiliev, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department «Quality Management and Certification» of NRU MAI; Moscow
e-mail: vasiliev@mati.ru
G.M. Letuchev, graduate student of the department «Quality Management and Certification» of NRU MAI; Moscow
S.V. Aleksandrova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Quality Management and Certification» NRU MAI; Moscow
M.N. Aleksandrov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Quality Management and Certification» NRU MAI; Moscow
The analysis of the most known approaches to quality management and production organization of competitive products is provided in article, special attention is paid to systems of quality management. Information sources: official standards, numerous articles, monographs, textbooks and education guidances. Modern methods and management tools are considered by quality. The possible directions of enhancement of personnel potential of high-tech industries of the industry in the field of production organization and quality management are shown.
Keywords: quality, innovation, competitiveness, personnel capacity.
1. Chosen scientific works of the fourteenth international scientific and practical conference "Quality management", on March 11-12, 2015. FSFEI HPE "MATI-Russian state technological university of name K.E. Tsiolkovsky". Moscow. PROBEL-2000. MATI. 2015. 472 p.
2. Selected scientific works of the fifteenth international scientific and practical conference "Quality management", on March 10-11, 2016. FSFEI HE Moscow aviation institute (national research university). Moscow. PROBEL-2000. MAI. 2016. 384 p.
3. Shilnikova E.V., Odinokov S.A., Belyankova O.A., Kushnir A.O. Development of an evaluation method of consumer risks in case of operation of products and use of services. Quality and life. 2016. No. 2. Pp. 87-91.
4. Boytsov B.V., Kryanev Yu.V., Kuznetsov M.A., Azarov V.N., Pavlova T.P. Anthology of the Russian quality. Moscow. Academy of quality problems. 2007. 580 p.
5. Vasiliev V.A, Alexandrova S.V. Quality Management under Current Conditions ISSN 0036 0295, Russian Metallurgy (Metals). Vol. 2015. No. 13. Рp. 1161–1167.
Research and improvement of process of identification of chemical products as instrument of quality assurance of products
M.L. Rakhmanov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, general director of JSC "Russian Scientific Research Institute for Certification (RSRIC)"; Moscow
e-mail: rml@gost.ru
N.M. Muratova, candidate of chemical sciences, the deputy director on science of the Federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization of Materials and Technologies" (FSUE RSRI SMT), Moscow
I.A. Kosorukov, deputy head of department of chemistry of the Federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Scientific Research Institute of Standardization of Materials and Technologies" (FSUE RSRI SMT), Moscow
In article the urgent situation which developed in our country with identification of chemical products is described. The reasons are considered and solutions of problems of such identification are offered.
Keywords: identification, chemical products, technical regulation, standardization, testing.
1. Tsyb S.A., Skobelev D.O., Chistyakov A.G., Muratova N.M., Orlov A.Yu., Zbitneva E.V. Development of state regulation of the address of chemicals and products. Chemical and biological safety. No. 1–2. 2015. Pp. 38–50.
2. The concept of development of system of state regulation of the address of chemicals and products. Order of Minpromtorg of Russia of December 31, 2015. No. 4372.
3. Identification of products. General provisions GOST R 51293-99. Moscow: Standartinform. 2008. 16 p.
4. Muratova N.M., Kosorukov I.A. Practical aspects of identification of chemicals according to the principles of regulations of REACH. Factory laboratory. Diagnostics of materials. 2014. No. 4. V. 80.
Improvement of the process of evaluation of suppliers based on process approach
A.R. Deniskina, Moscow aviation institute; Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
A.V. Romanyuk, Moscow aviation institute; Moscow
Process of management of purchases is one of the main business processes performed in participating organization of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025". For effective management of purchases development of the single unified approach is necessary for evaluation of suppliers. In article some approaches used in case of assessment of suppliers, including the rating of suppliers, allowing to estimate objectively their activities concerning a delivered goods, and also data on claims to various conditions of agreements (contracts) are described.
Keywords: quality management system, purchases, purchasing activity, the process approach, evaluation of suppliers, rating of suppliers.
1. The program of the Russian Federation "Development of the aviation industry for 2013 - 2025" approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 4/15/2014 №303 "About the approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the aviation industry for 2013 - 2025".
2. Guide aviaregistr MAC 21.2 D "certification and control over the manufacture of civil aircraft".
3. GOST ISO 9001-2011. Quality management system. Requirements. Moscow: Standartinform. 2012.
4. GOST PB 0015-002-2012. System of development and statement on production of military equipment. Quality management system. General requirements. Moscow: Standartinform. 2012.
Creation of teams of economical production at the domestic aviation enterprises
V.V. Tokarev, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
A.R. Deniskina, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
The main activity of team of economical production at the aviation enterprise is the business process’s optimization for the purpose of increase of efficiency in case of achievement of effective objectives of the company. At the same time the team solves a wide range of tasks, beginning from planning before implementation and after-sale service.
In article conceptual questions of creation of teams of economical production at the domestic aviation enterprises are described, prerequisites and the available possibilities of their creation are analyzed. Requirements to qualification and personnel training in case of the solution of tasks of economical production are formulated.
Keywords: aviation enterprise, quality management system, economical production, enhancement of business processes, product lifecycle.
1. Pogrebnyak S.I. Economical production. Efficiency formula. Moscow: Triumph publishing house. 2013. 308 p.
2. Boytsov B.V., Kryanev Yu.V. Anthology of the Russian quality. Moscow: Academy of quality problems. 2007. 580 p.
3. Management of the organization. Guidelines on training. GOST R ISO 10015-2007.
4. Statistical methods. Quantitative methods of improvement of processes "Six sigma". Part 2. Methods. GOST R ISO 13053-2-2015.
About relevance of new interstate standards on wood materials
V.A. Bardonov, candidate of technical sciences, general director of LLC Lessertika, president of department "State Regulation of Quality Assurance and Competitiveness of timber industry products" of Academy of quality problems; Kaluga region, Balabanovo
e-mail: lessertika@ya.ru
I.V. Bardonov, general director of the Autonomous nonprofit organization Center of Certification of a Forest Product "LESSERTIKA"; Kaluga region, Balabanovo
In article necessary steps in the sphere of harmonization of interstate standards are brought and analysed. It is shown that achievement of such relevance requires considerable finance costs, long and laborious work from creators of standards.
Keywords: interests of consumers, relevance, interstate standardization, harmonization of standards, nonequivalent standards.
1. Groshev I. M., Burkin A.N., Dubodelova E.V. Problems of use of international standards in industry of production of sheet wood materials. Condition and prospects of development of wood plates. Collection of reports of the 19th international scientific practical conference. ARSRIwood. 2016. Balabanovo.
2. GOST 1.2-92. Interstate system of standardization. Basic provisions.
3. Bardonov V.A. Tasks of suppliers of wood plates and plywood on providing requirements of TR CU 025/2012 "About safety of furniture products". Quality and life. Moscow. 2014. No. 2. Pp. 63-67.
4. Bardonov V.A. The concept of rationing of release of formaldehyde and other harmful flying chemicals from wood plates, plywood and furniture. Quality and life. Moscow. 2014. No 1. Pp. 72-82.
5. GOST 32399-2013. Moisture resistant wood chipboards. Specifications.
Level of migration of harmful flying chemicals from wood plates, plywood and furniture
V.A. Bardonov, candidate of technical sciences, general director of LLC Lessertika, president of department "State Regulation of Quality Assurance and Competitiveness of timber industry products" of Academy of quality problems; Kaluga region, Balabanovo
e-mail: lessertika@ya.ru
In article features of control of chemical safety of construction materials on the example of the researches conducted by the Lessertika Center and territorial administrations of Rospotrebnadzor are considered.
Keywords: formaldehyde, construction materials, control, certification, chemical safety.
1. Methodical instructions MU Sanitary hygienic assessment of polymeric and polymer containing construction materials and designs intended for application in a construction and plant buildings. The Russian Ministry of Health. Moscow 2004, 40 p.
2. Ivanov B.K. About chemical safety of wood composite materials and products from them on release of formaldehyde and other hazardous substances. Condition and prospects of development of production of wood plates. 19th International scientific practical conference on March 16-17, 2016 Balabanovo. CJSC ARSRIwood. 2016. Pp. 65-70.
3. Bardonov V.A. A condition of rationing and the actual results of emission of formaldehyde from plywood and wood plates. Plywood. St. Petersburg. No. 1. 2016. Pp. 40-45.
4. Bardonov V.A. The concept of rationing of release of formaldehyde and other harmful flying chemicals from wood plates, plywood and furniture. Quality and life. Moscow. No. 1. 2014. Pp. 72-82.
5. Bardonov V.A. Tasks of suppliers of wood plates and plywood on providing requirements of TR CU 025/2012 "About safety of furniture products". Quality and life. Moscow. No 2. 2014. Pp. 63-67.
6. Bardonov V.A., Strelkov V. P. Problems of an ecological safety of wood plates and furniture according to new requirements of standard rates of the Customs union. Ecological bulletin of Russia. Moscow. No 9/13. 2013. Pp. 44-49.
Use of quality management systems and implementation of the principles of voluntary certification for development of quality of high-technology products of the "Rostekh" state corporation in the conditions of the global competition
V.I. Ponomarev, deputy head of the department of planning and industrial policy of the Rostekh State corporation; Moscow
N.M. Kuprikov, candidate of technical sciences, assistant to department No. 101 "Design of planes" of the Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: nkuprikov@mai.ru
For the solution of tasks on increase in efficiency by the Rostekh State corporation in the field of voluntary certification and quality management for increase in competitiveness of high-technology products which are turned out by the organization which is a part of the Corporation in the unified register of the registered systems of voluntary certification of Rosstandart the System of voluntary certification Rostekh is registered 30.12.2014, registration No. ROSS RU.B1308.04ZhUBO according to article 21 of the Federal law "About Technical Regulation" of 27.12.2002 No. 184-FZ .
System of voluntary certification Rostekh - the Complex of standard and methodical documents, rules of functioning and the actions intended for the organization and carrying out independent and qualified assessment in the organizations of Corporation of systems of management, certification subjects on compliance to requirements and international, national and corporate to standards.
Keywords: quality management system, voluntary certification system, accreditation, quality, competitiveness.
1. The federal law from 27.12.2002 N 184-FZ (edition of 23.06.2014) "About technical regulation" (with changes and additions, comes into force from 22.12.2014) (on December 27, 2002). Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_164633/, free.
2. The federal law of 18.07.2011 N 223-FZ (edition of 12.03.2014, with changes of 29.12.2014) "About purchases of goods, works, services as separate types of legal entities". Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_166488/, free.
3. ISO 9001:2008. Available at: http://www.iso.org/iso/ru/catalogue_detail?csnumber=46486, free.
4. The letter of Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology about registration of voluntary certification system Rostekh of 30.12.2014 рег. No. ROSS RU.B1308.04ZhUBO.
5. The development strategy of the Rostekh State corporation till 2020. M.: Rostekh, 2013 – 133 p.
6. The development strategy of JSC Aviatekhpriyemka till 2020. Moscow. Rostekh. 2013. 150 p.
7. Samsonov A.R. Mutually beneficial cooperation – a counterbalance to sanctions. Moscow. Wings of the Homeland. 2014. No. 8. Pp. 4-7.
8. Chemezov S.V., Popovich L.G., Turko N.I., Shvets N.N. Urgent problems of management of high-technology PVN. Collection of scientific works. Moscow. VAGSh. 2010. No. 58(166).
9. Chemezov S.V., Kulikov S.A. Priorities and mechanisms of ensuring unity of state policy in the field of a military and technical cooperation and high technologies. the Bulletin of Academy of Military sciences. 2011. No. 1(34).
Improving the regulatory framework for the operation of the armament and military equipment (AME) products
M.A. Eliseeva, graduate student, engineer on quality of service of metrology and quality of the Sevastopol state university; Sevastopol
e-mail: marysia_a_a@mail.ru
K.N. Malovik, doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member of Academy of quality problems; Sevastopol
S.K. Malovik, the associate director on quality – the head of quality control of JSC "Kolsky Entity ERA"; Sevastopol
The article suggests a probabilistic approach to the estimation of risks for different levels of resource (I, II, III, IV) allows us to scientifically substantiate the development and improvement of terminology in the field of assessment of risks in the monitoring of the technical condition of the exploited products of AME, and offers recommendations to improve the regulatory framework for the operation of the AME products.
Keywords: regulatory framework of the products of armament and military equipment (AME), resource intensity, limit state, assessment of risk.
1. Sitnov A.P. Problems of quality of AME at the present stage and experience of the Great Patriotic War. Quality and life. 2015. No. 2. Pp. 4–11.
2. GOST 27.002-89. Reliability in the equipment. Basic concepts. Terms and determinations.
3. GOST PB 0101-001-2007. Operation and repair of products of military equipment. Terms and determinations. Мoscow. Standartinform. 2007.
4. GOST V 25883-83. Operation and repair of military equipment. Terms and determinations.
5. GOST RV 15.702-94. Military equipment. An order of establishment and prolongation of the appointed resources, service life, a storage duration.
6. GOST 20911-89. Technical diagnostics. Terms and determinations.
7. The regulation on an order of extension of the appointed service life, a resource, a period of storage of the equipment of nuclear power stations, nuclear submarines and surface ships (NPS NS and SS). №41-224-03. 2006.
8. Regulation. Submarines. Order of extension of terms of operation. NYaDI.000.0520.00.001-LU 2003.
9. Regulation. Ships and Navy vessels. Working procedures on service in the course of their operation. NYaDI.000.0420.00.029. 2011.
10. Methodical recommendations about control of engineering procedures of production and carrying out the analysis of the rendered and defective products of arms and military equipment at the entities of the industry. 2012.
11. Arkadov G.V., Getman A.F., Malovik K.N., Smirnov S.B. Resource and reliability of the equipment and pipelines of the NPP: education guidance. Sevastopol. SNUYAEiP. 2012. 348 p.
12. Malovik K.N. Development of scientific bases of improvement of quality of estimation and forecasting of resource characteristics of difficult objects. Sevastopol: SNUYAEiP. 2013. 332 p.
13. Eliseeva M.A., Malovik K.N., Miroshnichenko A.N. Management resource-capability of the equipment of mining. Scientific and technical magazine GIAB. 2015. No. 8. Pp. 315-322.
14. Kuznetsov V.I., Berzilovich E.Yu. Reliability and efficiency in the equipment. Reference book. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. V. 8. 1986. 320 p.
15. Khersonsky N.S. Risk management when designing products. “Kvalitet” center. Moscow. 2015. 37 p.
16. Malovik K.N., Fedosov A.L. Management of risk in case of operation of hazardous production facilities. Scientific and technical magazine GIAB. 2016. No. 8. Pp. 69-77.
17. Eliseeva M.A., Malovik C.N. Sensitivity assessment in risk management. Magazine Scientific Israel-Technological advantages. V. 17. No. 3, 4. 2015. Pp. 142-148.
Forming of management processes of the integrated quality and safety management system
E.S. Vayskrobova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Magnitogorsk state technical university of G.I. Nosov; Magnitogorsk
e-mail: v_zhenya@mail.ru
In article designing of the integrated quality and safety management system is considered in case of production of meat products on the basis of process and system approach with forming of management processes.
Keywords: integrated quality and safety management system, management processes, process model, meat products.
1. Vayskrobova E.S., Baryshnikova N.I. The integrated quality and safety management system at the entities of the food industry. Magnitogorsk. Publishing house of Magnitogorsk state technical university of G.I. Nosov. 2014. 88 p.
2. Vayskrobova E.S., Pesin A.M. Designing of the integrated quality and safety management system on the basis of the process approach. Urgent problems of modern science, equipment and education: materials of the 68th interregional scientific and technical conference. Magnitogorsk. PEI of HPT MSTU. 2010. V. 1. Pp. 3-6.
3. Vayskrobova E.S., Baryshnikova N. I. Formation of basic processes of the integrated quality and safety management system. Collection of scientific works SWorld. Odessa. 2013. V.29. Pp. 46-52.
4. Vayskrobova E.S., Pesin A.M. Comparative characteristic of requirements of GOST R ISO 9001 and GOST R ISO 22000. Messenger of KRASGAU. Krasnoyarsk. 2009. Pp. 141-147.
Automotive industry of Russia and Commonwealths of Independent States
I.A. Korovkin, candidate of economic sciences, chief executive of Association of car makers of Russia; Moscow
e-mail: kiaoar1@mail.ru
L.M. Odintsov, Advisor to the Association of car makers of Russia; Moscow
Y.I. Kravtsov, expert on international relations of the Association of car makers of Russia; Moscow
The brief historical information about development of domestic automotive industry is provided in work. The urgent condition of an industry and measures proposed by the state for its strengthening is considered.
Keywords: automotive industry, investment, normative legal act, export orientation.
Quality of life
Development of innovative activities in the conditions of limited resources
V.G. Versan, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
In article it is shown that the working model of economy didn't allow to achieve real progress in innovative activities for all last years. The substantiation of the claim that the reasons hindering the development of innovative economy are not eliminated. The key role of standardization and real fair quality control and products from the state is shown. In conclusion the author proposes a number of the crisis response measures directed to forming of innovative economy.
Keywords: innovative economy, standards, limited resources, technical and technological development, business.
Future of Russia = quality of management + modernization of all country
V.L. Shper, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of NSTU MISiS, leading expert of ESC MSS; full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: vlad.shper@gmail.com
To have the future, Russia shall change, first of all, the dominating style of decision making and relation with people. In article are considered and offered as new management style the humanistic and system - statistical management implying refusal of adoption of authoritative decisions, refusal of search of guilty persons instead of search of these or those problems, refusal of punishment of the guilty persons found by this search as a problem resolution method. Decisions shall be made on the basis of consensus of competent persons and be carried out with a cast-iron discipline and responsibility.
Keywords: quality management, theory of variability, system thinking, humanistic management, human factor.
1. Fridman T. Flat world: Short history of the 21st century. Moscow. NHP. 2006. 601 p.
2. Druker P.F. Management tasks in the 21st century. Moscow. Williams. 2007. 288 p.
3. Adler Yu.P. Eight principles which change the world. Standards and quality. 2001. No. 5-6. Pp. 49-61.
4. Matsusita K. Principles of success. Moscow. Alpina business Books. 2008. 126 p.
5. Adler Yu.P., Shper V.L. Crisis through a prism of deep knowledge. Quality management. 2010. No. 1. Pp. 32-43.
6. Hopper K., Hopper W. The Puritan Gift. Triumph, Collapse and Revival of an American Dream. London, N.Y. 2007. I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd. 334 p.
7. Wilkinson R., Pickett R. The Spirit Level. N.Y., Bloomsbury Press. 2009.
8. Maslou A. Motivation and personality. – the 3rd edition – SPb.: St. Petersburg, 2006.
9. Maslou A. Maslou about management. SPb. Piter. 2003.
10. Fukuyama F. Trust: social virtues and way to prosperity. Moscow. LLC NHP Publishing House. CJSC NPP Ermak. 2004.
11. Deming E. Recovery from the crisis: New paradigm of management of people, systems and processes. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2007. 370 p.
12. Deming U.E. New economy. Moscow. Eksmo. 2006. 208 p.
13. Senge P. Fifth discipline: art and practice of the self-training organization. Moscow. CJSC Olymp-business. 1999. 408 p.
14. Niv G.R. Doctor Deminga's space: Principles of creation of steady business. Moscow. Alpina Business Books. 2005. 370 p.
15. Shewhart W. Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. Republished in 1980 by ASQ Quality Press. 502 p.
16. Wheeler D.J. Understanding Variation. The Key to Managing Chaos. Knoxville. SPC Press. 1993. 137 p.
17. Wiler D., Chambers D. Statistical process management. Business optimization with use of control cards of Shukhart. Moscow. Alpina business Books. 2009. 409 p.
18. Adler Yu.P., Maximova O.V., Shper V.L. Control cards of Shukhart in Russia and abroad. Ch.1, 2. Standards and quality. 2011. No. 7, 8; The Full text (Ch.1-4) available at: website of the Standards and Quality magazine.
Improving the efficiency of the quality management system of the enterprise taking into account the quality of human life
V.F. Bezyazichny, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Rybinsk state aviation technical university (RSATU) named after P. A. Solovyov, president of the Yaroslavl regional branch of the Academy; Yaroslavl
M.E. Ilyina, candidate of technical sciences, the associate professor of department of Rybinsk state aviation technical university (RSATU) named after P.A. Solovyov; Yaroslavl
e-mail: maria_ilyina@mail.ru
In article the problem of effective functioning of quality management system (QMS) is considered from the point of view of accounting in system of a human factor. It is offered the system of requirements characterizing quality of the person as his integrity based on which the subjective oriented model of a quality management system of the entity optimizing processes of improvement of quality of life and product quality is constructed.
Keywords: Quality management system (QMS), product quality, quality of life, the subjective focused approach, PDCA.
1. Bezyazichniy V.F., Ilyin M.E. Application of the classification of quality management systems for the evaluation and improvement of technological process of Assembly. The Directory. Engineering journal. 2012. No 8(185). Pp.49-55.
2. Bezyazichniy V.F., Kiselev E.V. Automation of calculation of technological conditions of processing, providing a set of specified parameters for accuracy, quality of the surface layer and operating properties of details of machines. Application. Reference. Engineering journal. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 1-24.
3. Bezyazichniy V.F. Metod of similarity in technology of mechanical engineering. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 2012. 320 p.
Overcoming poverty is a main objective in improvement of quality of management of the territory
A.I. Shishkin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, chief researcher of Institute of economy of Carat SC RAS; Republic of Karelia, Petrazovodsk
e-mail: Shishkin@Karelia.ru
The law in Russia has determined the poverty level as the cost of a consumer goods basket, obligatory payments and charges. The dialectics of development of society recognizes need of availability for any society of the poor and the rich. Russia has returned to a regulatory method of calculation of a poverty line. Dynamics of level of poverty in Karelia has the bigger amplitude of fluctuations, than Russia. The person shall feel comfortable in the environment to himself equal. This postulate is important in the conditions of development of migratory processes. The factor of a regional inequality in indicators of poverty remains determining by influence, on gender structure of a family, on birth rate both on support of pensioners and on development of regions. Recognition of parity of the person in modern society guarantees development of regions with leaving against a survival problem to creation of sales opportunities of potential of the personality in the region. The analysis of the trends which have developed in 12 years in Karelia confirms it.
Keywords: poverty level, dialectician of development of society, regional inequality, parity of the person, potential of the personality.
1. Ovcharova L.N. Poverty and welfare of households in the Leningrad region. By results of selective poll of households in April, 2005. St. Petersburg, LLC Celesta, 2007.
2. Glaziev S.Yu. Genocide. Moscow. TERRA, 1998, 320 p.
3. The concept of social and economic development of RK for 1999-2002-2010. Petrozavodsk. Karelian scientific centre RAS. 1999. 80 p.
4. Shishkin A.I., Saveliev Yu.V,Vistbakka I.A. The organization of monitoring of social and economic processes on the basis of integrated indicators (implementation of the Concept of social and economic development of the Republic of Karelia). Problems of Regional economy. 2000, No. 5-7, pp. 168-182.
5. Morozova T.V., Belaya R.V., Murina S.G. Life quality evaluation on the basis of indicators of social and economic wellbeing of the population. Works KARSC RAS. No. 5. Region: economy and management. Petrozavodsk: KARSC RAS, 2013, pp. 140–146.
Public opinion devoted to complex problems: the rational forecast and sociological empiricist (on the example of global climate change)
I.A. Sosunova, doctor of sociological sciences, professor, first federal vice-president of Russian society of sociologists, Head of the Center of applied researches REIE, academician of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: sossunova@gmail.com
In article specific features of forming and studying of public opinion on urgent complex problems of global nature in the conditions of the limited potential of a paradigm of rationalism are revealed. A number of provisions of article is of also interest in case of implementation of especially significant and large-scale scientific and technical projects.
Keywords: society, public opinion, science, rationalism, empirics, quality of life.
1. Kulikov S. Sunstroke. Russian newspaper. Federal release No. 7029 (161). 21.07.2016.
2. Komarova I. I., Panteleeva G. M. "Green" economy – a basis of effective development of Russia in the sphere of environmental management in the conditions of global climate change. Moscow. YGV print. 2016. 20 p.
3. Kultygin V.P. Theory of the rational choice: emergence and current state. Sociological researches. 2004. No. 1. Pp. 27-36.
4. Moiseev N. N. Modern rationalism. Moscow. MNEPU. 1995. 376.
5. Sosunova I. A. Methodology and technique of social-and-ecological researches. Moscow. NRA-Priroda. 1999. 144 p.
6. Sosunova I. A. Methodology and methods of modern social ecology. Мoscow. MNEPU. 2010. 400 p.
7. Sosunova I. A. Social consequences and adaptation of the population to climatic changes. Use and protection of natural resources. No. 2. 2016. Pp. 102-105.
8. Tikhomirov N.P. Social and economic problems of protection of the nature. Moscow. Ecology. 1992. 240 p.
9. Sosunova I.A., Mamonova O.N. Social consequences and adaptation of population to climate changes / The future we want: Global sociology and the struggles for a better world. View from Russia/ Editor-in-Chief V. Mansurov, Moscow: RSS, 2016. 378 p. СD ROM Pp. 224-230.
To a question of a quantitative assessment of quality of human life (as discussion)
A.D. Kaluzhskiy, candidate of technical sciences, systems analyst of JSC "Petrointreyd"; St. Petersburg
e-mail: sakak@mail.ru
In this work questions of quality of human life, communication of quality of life and meaning of life are discussed, the question of a quantitative quality evaluation of life is considered, examples of calculation are given.
Keywords: quality of life, meaning of life, efficiency, indicator, assessment.
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17. Gundarov, I.A. Quality of life. Russian newspaper. 2007. June.
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19. Philosophical encyclopedia. Available at: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_philosophy/4397.
20. Blagodatin A.A., Rayzberg B.A., Lozovskiy L.Sh. Financial dictionary. Moscow. INFRA-M. 2009. 378 p.
21. Encyclopedia of sociology. Available at: http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/sociology
22. Rayzberg B.A., Lozovskiy L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. Moscow. INFRA-M. 1999. 479 p.
23. The dictionary on geography. Available at: http://geography_ru.academic.ru/2926/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%8....
24. Quality of life. Wikipedia. Available at: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2....
25. Bezrukova V.S. Bases of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of the teacher). Yekaterinburg. 2000. 937 p.
26. Mashchenko I.V. Method of an assessment of individual quality of life. GUO BMAPO. Available at: www.belmapo.by/downloads/gigiena/kachestvo_zhizni.doc.
27. Bazhutina T.O., Bodryakova E.A. Criteria of quality of life: philosophical and economic aspects. Bulletin of Tomsk state university. Release 315. 2008. Pp. 137-140.
28. Trofimova S.V., Fikhman O.Z. The bioregulating therapy and quality of life of people of the senior generation with sight malfunction. St. Petersburg. Falcon Crest. 2008. 105 p.
29. Kaluzhskiy A.D. Donozologichesky diagnostics: system approach to a human body. V. 1, 2 Donozologiya and healthy lifestyle. 2015. No. 2. Pp. 26-41.
30. Kaluzhskiy A.D. About information and intellectual system. Quality. Innovations. Education. 2014. No. 1. Pp. 69-78.
31. Kuznetsov S.A. Modern explanatory dictionary of Russian. St. Petersburg. Norint. 2007. 960 p.
32. Prokhorov A.M. Big encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow. BRE. 2002. 1456 p.
Quality philosophy
Primordial synthetical character of society
V.K. Zakharov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow
e-mail: zakharov_valeriy@list.ru
In article the social and psychological factor — primordial synthetical character of society, its influence on stability of life is considered. The reasonable conclusion becomes that if in any society the conditions breaking the specified primordial synthetical character are created, then life of such society is unstable.
Keywords: archetype of the personality according to Jung, an archetype of life of society, a life archetype meme, the shown essence of society, primordial essence of society, primordial synthetical character of society, a social and psychological factor, stability of society.
1. Zakharov V.K. About some archetypes of the Russian civilization. Society, state, policy. 2008. No. 1. Pp. 117-132.
2. Zakharov V.K. Russia changing within Russia archetypic. Russia: tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. M.: ISISS RAS. 2008. Release 3, part 1. Pp. 56-61.
3. Zakharov V.K. Archetypic process of global balance. Global studies as area of scientific researches and sphere of teaching: the collection. M.: MAX. Press, 2009. Release 2. Pp. 167-183.
4. Zakharov V.K. Some archetypic signs of the social state in Russia. The Problem analysis and state and managerial designing. 2009. No. 1. Pp. 66-78.
5. Zakharov V.K. Archetype of the state association: Russia between Europe and China. Public service. 2010. No. 2. Pp. 82-88.
6. Zakharov V.K. Statehood and public administration as archetypes. Public administration. Electronic messenger. 2010. No. 24. Pp. 1-18.
7. Zakharov V.K. Historical realization of two natural rights in Russia. The Modern right. 2010. No. 3. Pp. 156-162.
8. Zakharov V.K. Bytiyny idea of Russia: logic of need? National interests: priorities and safety. 2011. No. 13. Pp. 62-70.
9. Zakharov V.K. Nomologiya. Organization and direction of human activity. Moscow. MSUPE. 2011. 216 p.
10. Zakharov V.K. Labor completion as archetypic anti-entropy process: excess or need? National interests: priorities and safety. 2011. No. 2. Pp. 54-64.
11. Zakharov V.K. About external and internal stability of Russia. National interests: priorities and safety. 2012. No. 17. Pp. 21-30.
12. Zakharov V.K. Archetypic bases of unifying (sinkretichny) ideology for Russia. Russia: tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. M.: ISISS RAS. 2013. Release 8. Part 1. Pp. 213-221.
13. Zakharov V.K. Psycho-evolutionary prerequisites of steady existence of the Russian society. National interests: priorities and safety. 2013. No. 36. Pp. 2-12.
14. Zakharov V.K. Primordial synthetical character of society and steady and successful state ideology. All-Russian conference "State Ideology and Modern Russia" (28 March , 2014). Materials. Moscow. Science and policy. 2014. Pp. 336-352.
15. Zakharov V.K. Psycho-evolutionary prerequisites of creation of steady Post-Soviet identity. Russia: tendencies and prospects of development. Year-book. M.: ISISS RAS. 2014. Release 9, Part 2. Pp. 251-258.
16. Zakharov V.K., Cheremoshkina L.V. About one model of creation of new types of activity. Intelligence and creativity (7-8 October, 2010): the collection of scientific materials of conference. Moscow. Institute of psychology of the RAS. 2010. Pp. 16-18.
17. Nemirovskiy V.G. Russian crisis in a mirror of post-nonclassical sociology: monograph. Moscow. Book house of "LIBROKOM. 2009. 200 p.
18. Hell L., Zigler D. Theories of the personality. St. Petersburg. 2008. 609 p.
19. Yurevich A.V. Social psychology of revolutions. Psychology. 2006. No. 4. Pp. 110-132.
20. Yung C.G. The archetypes and the collective unconscious. In The collected works of C.G. Yung (Vol. 9). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1936/1969.
The quality of education as the basis of the quality of life
National models of quality assurance of continuing education of adults in the context of world tendencies
N.N. Aniskina, rector of State academy of industrial management (SAIM) of N. P. Pastukhov; Yaroslavl
e-mail: rector@gapm.ru
In article the experience of quality assurance of continuing education of adults in EU countries and Russia is analyzed, results of researches of the most widespread quality models of education are given. Process of forming of competences (professional, social, personal) as a part of process of continuing education of adults and actual types of independent assessment and recognition of quality, urgent for it, is considered. The model of quality assurance of this process taking into account the international and Russian experience is provided.
Keywords: quality of life-long education of adults, formal, non-formal and informal education, independent assessment, national system of qualifications, professional and public accreditation, public accreditation, quality model, process approach.
1. Aniskina N.N. Integrated model of participation of public organizations and professional associations in functioning of National system of qualifications. Additional professional education in the country and world. 2014. No. 6. Pp. 1-9.
2. Available at: http://www.eqavet.eu/gns/about-eqavet/welcome.aspx
3. Available at: http://eqavet2enqavet.eu.
4. Mozhaeva G. Development of VET Quality in Russia in the context of the European model of education quality CQAF. International Journal for Quality Research. 2015. No 9(2). Р. 323-338.
5. Aniskina N.N. Quality Assurance in Continuing Adult Education: from the European to the National Level. International Journal for Quality Research. 2015. No 9(3). Р. 373–390.
6. Aniskina N.N. Additional professional education (APE): Independent assessment and recognition of quality. Accreditation in education. 2016. No. 2(86). Pp. 18-19.
7. Aniskina N. N., Melnik I.O. Quality assurance of continuing education of adults: approaches and models. Additional professional education in the country and world. 2015. No. 2-3. Pp. 53-70.
Role of supervision and control in network model of staff training on the basis of integration of scientific schools of the space industry
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department "Technological design and quality management" of Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
M.Yu. Kuprikov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department of National research university (NRU) Moscow aviation institute (MAI), academician of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: nkuprikov@gmail.com
I.N. Chilikin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor National research university (NRU) Moscow aviation institute (MAI), corresponding member of Academy of problems of quality; Moscow
Fundamental difference of personnel capacity of Russia of 21 centuries is the demand in the world market. Effective supervision and control of staff training becomes a key question in quality assurance of products of the aerospace industry. The urgent situation which developed in avia rocket production is given in article, priorities in creation of innovative technologies within development of aviation engineering are considered.
Keywords: space industry, shots, model, innovation, training.
About training in Academy of standardization, metrology and certification
G.V. Pankina, doctor of technical sciences, professor, rector of Academy of standardization, metrology and certification (ASMC); Moscow
e-mail: komp@asms.ru
A company can successfully and effectively work in the modern realities in any sector of the economy only if it meets the high technological standards, and to master the modern equipment and to implement the latest technologies and methods, high-skilled employees are necessary.
Keywords: advanced training, professional retraining, training programs and personnel developments.
1. Pankina G.V. The Transition from mandatory to voluntary standards: the experience of Russia in training. Geneva, November 2015.
2. Pankina G.V. Training in the field of technical regulation in the Customs Union. Materials of the report. 2015.
3. Pankina G.V. A new personnel for upgrade. Infrastructure of support and building-up of competences of implementation of industrial policy. Moscow, Russian Government Analytical Centre, 2015.
4. Pankina G. V. Professional training and certification personnel / materials of the International conference "Quality Management — a Basis of Development of the Organizations in the Modern World", Yaroslavl, November, 2015.
5. Available at: www.asms.ru.
6. Available at: www.gost.ru.
Quality of education – a basis of modernization of economy and increase of level of living
V.P. Solovyev, candidate of technical sciences, professor of NSTU MISiS, member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: solovjev@mail.ru
Yu.A. Krupin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of NSTU MISiS; Moscow
T.A. Pereskokova, doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor of NSTU MISiS; Moscow
In article questions of introduction of process approach in education at engineering training of bachelors in the technical directions are considered. Special attention is paid on instilling of ideology of quality.
Keywords: technologies of generation of knowledge, line engineer, educational process, motivation, quality of education.
1. Belyakova G.Ya., Sumina E.V. Knowledge management. Krasnoyarsk 2006. 172 p.
2. Kastels M. Information era: economy, society and culture. Мoscow. GU-VSHE. 2000. 449 p.
3. Boytsov B.V. System integrity of quality of life. In the book "Anthology of the Russian Quality". Moscow. RIA "Standards and Quality". 2000. pp. 208-218.
4. Naboychenko S.S. Identification of professional education as process of reproduction of the intellectual equity. Moscow. Engineering education. No. 3. 2005.
5. Prudkovskiy B.A. Why to the metallurgist mathematical models? Moscow. Prod. "Science". 1989. 189 p.
6. Sheynbaum V.S. Methodology of engineering activity. Moscow. Prod. "Oil and gas". 2001. 199 p.
7. Gurye L.I., Sagitova N. S., Redin L.V. Design of methodological culture of the engineer at technological university. Kazan. KSTU. 2006. 323 p.
8. Available at: http://news.kremlin.ru/news/45962.
9. Karabasov Yu.S., Romenets V.A., Solovyev V.P., Morgunov I.B. Scientific and methodical system of design of structure and maintenance of professional educational programs. Proceedings of the International Academy of Sciences of higher school. No. 3 (29). 2004. Pp. 33 - 50.
10. Solovyev V.P., Krupin Yu.A., Pereskokova T.A. Education for innovative economy. Stariy Oskol. Prod. "TNT". 2014. 269 p.
11. Available at: http://psycabi.net/testy/271.
12. Prudkovskiy B. A., Solovyev V.P. Ways of improvement of training of engineers - metallurgists. Moscow. MISiS. 1991. 45p.
13. Inyats N. Small encyclopedia of quality (III part). Мoscow. RIA "Standards and Qualities". 2003. 224p.
14. Sharipov F.V. Psychology and pedagogics in technical college. The higher education today. No. 6. 2014. Pp. 28-35.
15. Solovyev V.P. The control system focused on achievement of quality of education of university graduates. The higher education today. No. 2. 2014. Pp. 11-18.
16. Zimnyaya I. A. General culture and social and professional competence of the person. The higher education today. No. 11. 2005.
Through formation of independent assessment of activity of the educational organizations to recognition of its quality at the domestic and international level
A.I. Kochetov, candidate of technical sciences, professor of The NUST «MISiS», Нead of the Technical secretariat of the Competition of Rosobrnadzor, academician of the Academy of quality problems, Assessor for the Model EFQM; Moscow
e-mail: ladubr@mail.ru
Yu.S. Karabasov, professor, doctor of technical science, Honored worker of Science of Russian Federation, the president of The NUST «MISiS», the President of the section "metallurgy" of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
V.P. Soloviev, candidate of technical sciences, professor of The NUST «MISiS», academician of the Academy of quality problems; Stariy Oskol
L.A. Dubrovina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the responsible secretary of the technical secretariat of the competition of Rosobrnadzor, Assessor for the Model EFQM; Moscow
O.V. Blinkova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of department of information and reporting of The NUST «MISiS», Assessor for the Model EFQM; Moscow
D.A. Kochetov, quality specialist of HAPO of Moscow Polytechnic College № 8 named after twice hero of Soviet Union I. F. Pavlov", Assessor for the Model EFQM; Moscow
Yu.A.Krupin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of The NUST «MISiS», Assessor for the Model EFQM; Moscow
A.А. Safonov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Regional Manager of SPA of EFQM in Russia, Assessor for the Model EFQM and CAF, Business-coach and consultant; Moscow
D.Yu. Bryukhanov, candidate of economic sciences, head of quality management, licensing and accreditation of the Yaroslavl State University of P.G. Demidov, assessor for the Model EFQM; Yaroslavl
In article urgent problems of management of educational institutions in the conditions of globalization, methods and methods of ensuring effective management of educational institutions, providing quality assurances of training of specialists in professional education are considered. Possibilities of strengthening of influence of an external independent quality evaluation of results of activities of educational institutions through integration of estimative procedures by expert community for various models of organizational perfection, such as EFQM models, industry tenders and an award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality reveal that allows to lower significantly expenses and to reduce the temporary periods for achievement of objectives on increase in competitiveness of domestic education.
Keywords: globalization of the economy and education, ensuring the competitiveness of educational institutions, effective management, the model of perfection, European quality award, award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, the competition of Rosobrnadzor on quality systems.
1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, № 596 of May 7, 2012. “About long-term state economic policy”.
2. Meeting materials in the Kremlin on December 9, 2013 concerning development of professional standards.
3. Materials of congress of the Russian union of rectors on October 30. 2014. Moscow.
4. Law «About Education in the Russian Federation», 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95 Independent assessment of quality of education.
5. Law «About Education in the Russian Federation», 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95.1 Independent assessment of quality of preparation of the trained. An independent assessment of quality of educational activity of the organizations which are carrying out educational activity.
6. Law «About Education in the Russian Federation», 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 95.2 the Independent assessment of quality of educational activity of the organizations which are carrying out educational activity.
7. Law «About Education in the Russian Federation», 273-FZ, Chapter 12 Article 96 Public accreditation, carrying out educational activity. Professional and public accreditation of educational programs.
8. EFQM Excellence Model. Model Perfection EFQM.- Brussels, EFQM, 2013.30 p.
9. Balbrige Model (USA). Available at: www.nist.gov/baldrige.
10. National System of Education Indicators, Spanish Education System 2009. Short report, Ministerio De Education. 2010. 170 p.
11. Application of EFQM Excellence Model in Europe. Available at: www.efqm.org
About a role of tender of Rosobrnadzor of "The quality system of training of graduates of educational institutions of professional education" in the problem resolution of quality assurance of education in SUM
V.I. Zvonnikov, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, vice rector of PEI HPT “SUM”
V.A. Nefedov, candidate of technical sciences, professor, deputy director of the center of quality
e-mail: ladubr@mail.ru
In article it is shown the necessity of strengthening the role of Competition of Rosobrnadzor "the quality Systems of training the graduates of educational institutions of professional education" and increasing its weight in making important decisions to improve the quality of training by creating and improving quality assurance systems in educational organizations.
Keywords: state control and supervision, quality of education, quality management, EFQM, competitive spirit.
1. Zvonnikov V.I., Nefedov V.A., Safonov A.A. Enhancement of systems of management. Development and enhancement of models of systems of management (world practice) and their use in case of a self-assessment the quality of education. Moscow. SUM. 2011.
2. Zvonnikov V.I., Nefedov V.A. The EFQM model as the instrument of enhancement of quality management system in educational institution. Materials of the All-Russian seminar "Perfection models: the best practicians in education systems and preparation for accreditation". Moscow. March 21-23, 2012. Euroasian open institute (EAOI).
3. Karabasov Yu.S., Kochetov A.I., Kruglov V.I., Zvonnikov V.I., Nefedov V.A., Safonov A.A. Increase of competitiveness of organizations of professional education in the conditions of globalization: problems of integration of processes of an assessment of activities for various models of perfection. Open education. 2012. No. 2.
4. Nefedov V.A. Experience of creation of system of quality assurances of training of graduates in the field of management in SUM. Quality assurances of professional education (collection of standard, instructive-methodological and information materials). Moscow. Center of examination of educational programs of RANEPA. 2012.
Entrepreneurial university as the instrument of implementation of innovative management model
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
G.S. Zhetesova, doctoral candidate of MAI, department chair of the Karaganda state technical university; Republic of Kazakhstan, Karaganda
e-mail: zhetesova@mail.ru
The cardinal changes which happened recently in Kazakhstan bypassed also a management system of higher education institutions. Changes, first of all, are connected with the changes which happened in relations of the state and education sphere with need of participation of higher education institutions in economic processes, by development of the universities as players in market space. Cardinal change of sources of financing, their multi-channel, the competition of higher education institutions for students and highly qualified personnel, leads to creation of new, innovative management model which main difference consists in establishment of collective responsibility at all levels of a hierarchical triangle "Education - Science - Production". Aspiration of higher education institutions to economic independence, their reorientation to the consumer turns universities into "the entrepreneurial organizations" which can become the instrument of implementation of the new management model providing social and economic stability.
Keywords: innovative development, Japanese management model, management system by higher education institution, needs of the region, commercialization.
1. The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 735 of December 4, 2001 "About further measures for implementation of Kazakhstan development Strategy till 2030".
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 922 of February 01, 2010 "The strategic development plan for the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020".
3. The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 118 of December 07, 2010 "About the approval of the State Program of development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020".
4. Clark B.R. The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1983.
5. Gaynutdinova I.M.A model of higher education management in the context of globalization and international integration: the entrepreneurial University. Messenger of the Military University. 2010. No. 1(21). Pp. 21-25.
Informatics and Computer Facilities
Implementation of technology of an inseyfing as innovative intellectual communication
Yu.P. Dus, doctor of economical sciences, professor, dean of faculty of the international business, head of the department of international economic relations of OMSU; Omsk
e-mail: dous@univer.omsk.su
V.I. Razumov, doctor of philosophy, professor, head of the department of philosophy of OMSU; Omsk
V.P. Sizikov, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor OMSUPS; Omsk
The intensification of intellectual production in the RF contacts with a number of profound and fast changings in social and economic area, capable to resist to the amplifying bureaucratization. Against enhancement of communication technologies the processes of formation of new subjects were developed. This process can be made effective, on condition of development and deployment in practice the technologies of the intellectually accurate communications. New organizational business game – Inseyfing developed with the assistance of authors of article on scientific base of the theory of dynamic information systems belongs to such technologies.
Keywords: bureaucratization, inseyfing, intellectual production, the intellectually accurate communication, organizational activity game, theory of dynamic information systems.
1. Schedrovitsky G.P. Game and playful ways of the organization of thought activities with systemthoughtactivity point of view. The report in RIGPP of APS of the USSR. 1981. G.P. Schedrovitsky. Organizational and activity game: collection of texts. Moscow. 2004. V. 9(1). Available at: http://www.fondgp.ru/gp/biblio/gp/biblio/rus/49.
2. Znaniyevy reactor. Available at: http://znatech.ru/.
3. Dus Yu.P., Pominov D.Yu., Razumov V.I., Ryzhenko L.I., Sizikov V.P., V.G. Tsoi. Applications of the device TDIS in management of communications (with an exit to development of Inseyfing). Bulletin of Omsk university. 2013. No. 4. Pp. 253-259.
4. Razumov V.I., Sizikov V.P. Practice with mutations of DIS-computers. Bulletin of NSU. Philosophy series. 2013. No. 3. Pp. 16-22.
5. Ryzhenko L.I. Cognitive engineering: monograph. Omsk: SSARA, 2012. 172 p.
6. Lunacharskiy A.N., Ryzhenko L.I. Expert editor "Cognitive Assistant". Science Methodology: materials of the All-Russian school of sciences (Omsk, on September 6-8, 2011). Omsk. Publishing house of Omsk state university. 2011. Pp. 142-145.
7. The country of adventures and travel on the Siberian path. Video of reports of groups of Inseyfing. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLuD4W1rXui_dIf-cgu875dMU6o6XAqOYx.
The application of information technologies to improve a quality management system of design organizations
E.V. Ivanova, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
A.R. Deniskina, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
Design and construction are one of the leading directions of economy in modern Russia.
In article questions of improvement of a quality management system of the design organizations due to use of information technologies in the course of development of the design and estimate documentation are considered.
Keywords: quality management system, information technologies, design and estimate documentation, civil engineering.
1. Manual "Management of development of the project documentation". Scientific research institute of information technologies under Government of Moscow. Moscow. 2012.
2. Marketing materials of group. Lotsia Soft.
3. D. Sadovnikov, N. Shiryaev. Some new opportunities of version 5.10 of the Lotsia PDM PLUS system. SAPR and Graphics. Moscow. 2012.
4. Quality manual. LLC M-DORSERVICE. Moscow. 2013.
Modeling of processes of product lifecycle of additive production
A.V. Dubrovin, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
Yu.I. Deniskin, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
High-quality implementation of the process approach oriented to systems management by the interconnected processes and resources of the entity is impossible without creation of a new class of the computer systems of quality management providing the integrated designing and process management of product lifecycle.
In article some results of functional modeling of processes of lifecycle of machine-building products of additive production on the basis of the process approach and requirements of standards in the field of information support of products and quality management are described. Means of information support of the integrated quality management of processes of product lifecycle of additive production on the basis of the process approach and a profile of requirements are developed.
Keywords: standards, system management, computer systems, quality, modeling.
1. GOST ISO 9001-2011. Quality management system. Requirements. Moscow: Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) STANDARTINFORM, 2012. 36 p.
2. GOST P 7.0.10-2010 (ISO 15836:2003). System of Standards according to information, library and to publishing. Set of elements of metadata "The Dublin kernel". Moscow. Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) STANDARTINFORM, 2011. 12 p.
3. Dubrovin A.V., Pozdneev B.M. Development of a complex of information and functional models for ensuring computer quality management of processes of the entity. Innovations. No. 10. 2013. Pp. 107 – 111.
4. Dubrovin A.V., Pozdneev B.M. About the regulatory legal base for development of systems of quality in the conditions of reform of technical regulation. Cross-industry information service. Release 4(161). 2012. Pp. 9-12.
5. Dubrovin A.V., Pozdneev B.M. About creation of the integrated information support of the quality system of machine-building products of responsible appointment. Messenger of MSTU “Stankin”. Moscow. MSTU “Stankin”. No. 1. 2012. Pp. 77–81.
6. Dubrovin A.V., Markov K.I., Pozdneev B.M., Polyakov S.D. About creation of the industry electronic database of regulating documents in the field of safety of technical means of training. The Bulletin of MSTU "Stankin". Moscow. MSTU "Stankin". No. 3. 2008. Pp. 109 – 111.
Improvement of quality and efficiency of geometrical modeling of aviation designs on the basis of an object-oriented technique of training of specialists
A.P. Erokhin, Moscow aviation institute (NRU), Moscow
Yu.I. Deniskin, Moscow aviation institute (NRU), Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
G.Yu. Deniskina, Moscow aviation institute (NRU), Moscow
Geometrical simulation is an important link in development of aviation constructions and preparation of designer documentation. Application-oriented aspects of this type of activity are insufficiently developed regarding the theoretical and methodological base. As a result, specially don't train in geometrical simulation, accumulation and transfer of knowledge and experience in this area doesn't happen.
In article elements of the object-oriented technique of training of experts allowing them to master methodology, the main methods and methods of geometrical simulation of aviation constructions in the shortest possible time are described.
Keywords: geometrical modeling, aviation designs, theoretical contour of a wing, three-dimensional solid-state model, systems of automation of design.
From safety to quality
A.M. Muratshin, doctor of technical sciences, director of Federal budgetary institution (FBI) "Center of Standardization, Metrology and Testing (CSM) of the Republic of Bashkortostan", honored metrologist of the Russian Federation, academician of Academy of quality problems; Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa
In work the analysis of an urgent situation with observance of safety requirements and product quality and services is given. Need of observance by the entities of GOSTs and technical regulations, on the one hand, and real control of producers from the state – with another is shown.
Keywords: GOST, counterfeit, control, safety, quality.
Computational models to ensure the safety of aircraft in emergency situations, leading to impact with a barrier
V.V. Firsanov, doctor of technical sciences, head of the department of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: k906@mai.ru
The overview and the analysis of the main results [1-8] received by specialists of department 906 of Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) regarding forecasting of a dynamic condition of aircraft (AC) in case of assessment of safety and durability of elements of their designs in the emergencies leading to impact about a barrier with various mechanical properties is given. By means of the offered settlement models it is possible to create at design stages safely damaged designs of aircraft (AC) for the purpose of reduction of weight of consequences of emergencies and catastrophic crashes.
Keywords: impact of aircraft (AC) with a barrier, dynamic condition and durability of design, plastic deformation in a contact zone, regression model, wave model; viscously-elastic barrier, material with linear hardening, rotation cover; inelastic slanting blow, spatial final and element model of the aircraft (AC), dynamic condition of the helicopter at crash landing, distribution of overloads on elements of designs of aircraft.
1. Tishkov V.V., Firsanov V.V. Analytical model for forecasting of a dynamic condition of an object of aviation engineering in case of blow. Aerospace instrument making. 2005. No. 1. Pp. 10-17.
2. Firsanov V.V., Tishkov V.V. The combined analytical model of a dynamic condition of an object of the aircraft equipment at blow about a firm barrier. The Scientific Bulletin of MSTU CA. 2007. No. 123. Pp. 58-68.
3. Firsanov V.V., Tishkov V.V. Elastoplastic tension of the cover of rotation from material with linear hardening loaded with force in a pole. News of higher education institutions. Aviation equipment. Kazan state University. 2012. No. 4. Pp. 30-33.
4. Firsanov V.V., Martynov V.Yu. The research of a dynamic state of two elastic-plastic bodies at impact. Materials of the 17th International symposium "Dynamic and technological problems of mechanics of designs and continuous environments" of A. G. Gorshkov. Moscow. Publishing house OO "TR-print". Volume1. 2011. Pp.137-139.
5. Tishkov V.V., Firsanov V.V. About various models of a quality evaluation of objects of aviation engineering, as safety capabilities in case of non-staff situations like medium-rate blow about a firm barrier. Quality and life. 2016. No. 3. Pp. 30-36.
6. Sidorenko A.S., Sokolov O.V., Stankevich A.I. Dynamic condition of a design of aircraft at impact with a barrier. Equipment of the air fleet. 2004. No. 2. Pp. 29-33.
7. Sidorenko A.S., Rodionov G.L. A dynamic condition of a design of the aircraft at accident at a take-off stage. MAI Works. 2006. No. 26.
8. Sidorenko A.S. A dynamic condition of a design of the helicopter at crash landing. Scientific bulletin of MSTU of civil aviation, "Exploitation of Military Equipment" series. Moscow. 2010. No. 161(11). Pp. 65-73.
9. Zukas G.A., Nicholas T., Swift H.F. Dynamics of stroke: Translation from English. Moscow: World. 1985. 296 p.
10. Batuev G.S., Golubkov Yu.V., Efremov A.K., Fedosov A.A. Engineering methods of a research of shock processes. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1977. 240 p.
11. Sedov L.I. Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics. Moscow. Science. 1987. 432 p.
12. Lavrentyev M.A., Shabat B.V. Methods of the theory of functions of complex variable: The education guidance for universities. Moscow. Science. Pp. 459-548.
13. Kilchevsky N.A. Dynamic contact compression of solid bodies. Blow. Kiev. Nauk.dumka. 1976. 319 p.
14. Malinin N.N. Applied theory of plasticity and creep. Moscow. Mechanical Engineering. 1968. 400p.
15. Vlasov V.Z. Selected works. Vol. 1. Essay on research activities. General theory of shells. Moscow. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1962. 528 p.
Mechanical engineering and engineering science
Quality improvement of the entities by innovations — a basis of development of the Russian mechanical engineering
S.N. Nikolaev, doctor of technical sciences, professor, general director of LLC "Firma MS Consulting", academic of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: eplavelsky@gmail.com
In article the question of improvement of quality of machine-building enterprise at the expense of innovations is considered. It is shown that for transfer of the best international experience in the Russian practice it is necessary that, on the one hand, the personnel of the Russian entities knew what and why they shall do, and also wanted and could execute it. From the other, - for the solution of the developed problem of machine-building enterprises by own forces along with the entities participation of the state, a business environment and expert community within project approach is obligatory.
Keywords: machine-building enterprise, quality, innovation, image, competitiveness.
1. Bodrunov S.D. Formation of strategy of reindustrialization of Russia. St. Petersburg. Institute of new industrial development. 2013.
2. Conti T. What quality can meet the challenges of globalization. Standards and quality. 2014. No 1, 2, 3.
3. Kotler Ph., Keller K.L. Marketing management. St. Petersburg. 2010.
4. Layker D., Morgan D. System of product development in TOYOTA. People, processes, technology. Moscow. Alpina Pablisherz, 2011.
5. Nikolaev S.N. About creation of highly competitive products at the Russian entities of construction and road mechanical engineering. Standards and quality. 2012. No. 4, 5.
6. Nikolaev S.N. Organization of highly effective work of dealers of the construction and road equipment. P.1, 2, 3. Construction Mechanization. 2014. No. 6, 7, 8.
7. Nikolaev S.N. Reindustrialization: breakthrough innovative development of mechanical engineering. Standards and quality. 2015. No. 3, 4.
8. Nikolaev S.N. Survival of the entities of processing industry in the conditions of an economic crisis. Standards and quality. 2015. No. 9.
9. Nikolaev S.N. About of the strategy of the accelerated development of the Russian manufacturing industry. Standards and quality. 2016. No. 1, 2.
10. Sigeo Singo. Studying of the Toyota production system from the point of view of production organization. Moscow. Institute of complex strategic researches. 2010.
11. Andrew D.P., Sirkin G.L. Return on an innovation. A practice guidance on innovation management in business. Minsk. Grevtsov Pablisher. 2008.
Choice of parameters of two-line hydromechanical transfer for industrial tractors
V.M. Sharipov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of University of mechanical engineering; Moscow
e-mail: trak@mami.ru
Yu.S. Shchetinin, candidate of technical sciences, professor of University of mechanical engineering; Moscow
Two-line hydromechanical transfers are widely used in industrial tractors. Two-line hydromechanical transfer consists of the hydrotransformer or complex hydrodynamic transfer and the differential link executed in the form of the three-unit differential mechanism. The main advantage of such transfers is higher value of the maximum efficiency in comparison with the hydrotransformer or complex hydrodynamic transfer. Currently, there are no clear guidelines for choosing the main parameters of the double-flow hydromechanical transmission. The technique of the choice of parameters of such transfers for industrial tractors is given in article. At the same time hydromechanical transfers with a differential link at the input and output are considered. As a differential link three-unit differential mechanisms with the mixed gearing of cogwheels are used. All 12 possible schemes of two-line hydrodynamic transfers are considered. It is shown that in two-line hydromechanical transfer the mode of its work, when the turbine wheel of the hydrotransformer rotates opposite to rotation of a pump wheel aside is possible. This factor is considered at the choice of parameters of two-line hydromechanical transfer. The technique of creation of the external characteristic of such drive and coordination of its load characteristic with the external high-speed characteristic of the diesel engine is given. Coordination is executed in three ways: by the choice of necessary value of active diameter of the hydrotransformer; by the choice of transfer number of the coordinating reducer; by the choice of the characteristic of a planetary row. Influence of parameters of hydromechanical transfer on its operational properties is shown. It is set that for the most widespread diagram of two-continuous hydromechanical transmission in case of reduction of the characteristic of a planetary row its maximum performance coefficient raises, the active diameter of the hydrotransformer decreases and the relative rotating speed of satellites of the three-unit differential mechanism increases. At the same time the relative rotating speed of satellites restricts the minimum value of the characteristic of a planetary row. Increase in the characteristic of a planetary row leads to decrease in transparency of hydromechanical transfer and to increase in her coefficient of transformation. It is shown that two-line hydromechanical transfer allows most fully in comparison with one-line to use reformative properties of the engine to change torque size in case of change of external load of the engine that is very important for industrial tractors.
Keywords: two-line hydromechanical transfer, engine, external and load characteristics of two-line hydromechanical transfer, coordination of two-line hydromechanical transfer with the characteristic of the engine.
1. Ginzburg Yu.V., Swede A.I., Parfyonov A.P. Industrial tractors. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1986. 296 p.
2. Pozin B.M., Bondar V.N., Dovzhik L.V., Kozlenok A.V., Rozenoer M.G. Tendencies of development of motor and transmission installations of industrial and timber industry tractors. Tractors and agricultural machine. 2015. No. 5. Pp. 35-38.
3 Sharipov V.M. Designing and calculation of tractors. Мoscow. Mechanical engineering. 2009. 752 p.
4. Sharipov V.M. Design of mechanical, hydromechanical and hydrovolume transfers of tractors. Moscow. MSTU "MAMI". 2002. 300 p.
5. Kozhevnikov V.S., Marinkin A.P., Serebryakov V.V., Sharipov V.M., Shakirov T.M. The choice and determination of parameters of hydromechanical transfers. Moscow. University of mechanical engineering, 2012. 66 p.
6. Petrov A.V. Planetary and hydromechanical transfers of wheel and track laying vehicles. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1966. 385 p.
7. Nosov N.A., Galyshev V.D., Volkov Yu.P., Harchenko A.P. Calculation and designing of caterpillar cars. Leningrad. Mechanical engineering. 1972. 560 p.
8. Sharipov V.M., Krumboldt L.N., Marinkin A.P., Sharipova N.N., Shevelev A.S., Shchetinin Yu.S. Synthesis of schemes of planetary gear boxes with two degrees of freedom. Moscow. University of mechanical engineering. 2013. 51 p.
9. Sharipov V.M., Krumboldt L.N., Marinkin A.P. Planetary gear boxes of wheel and caterpillar cars. Moscow. MSTU "MAMI". 2000. 142 p.
10. Krasnenkov V.I., Vashets A.D. Design of planetary mechanisms of transport vehicles. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1986. 272 p.
11. Sharipov V.M., Krumboldt L.N, Marinkin A.P. Planetary gear boxes. Methods of the choice of the most rational schemes of planetary gear boxes of transport and traction vehicles. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2012. 149 p.
Fluctuations of the transported liquidly fluid freights in working vessels of wheel vehicles
E.P. Plavelsky, doctor of technical sciences, professor of “Mechanization of construction” department of MGSU, vice-president of the PTSDGM&STS branch of the Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: eplavelsky@gmail.com
A.E. Plavelsky, head of department of LLC "Reserch center "Central scientific proving ground of construction and road cars", corresponding member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
In article the results of experimental studies of small fluctuations of a free surface of the transported liquidly fluid freight are given . It is shown that for determination of its rеоdynamic characteristics it is reasonable to use a gravitational and centrifugal method of determination of the seeming viscosity of liquidly fluid freights regardless of a granulometriya of the last.
Keywords: liquidly fluid freight, granulometriya, transportation, rеоdynamic, fluctuation.
1. Pavelsky E.P. System of tests of wheeled concrete machines. Construction and road machines. 1988. No. 7. Pp.14-15.
2. Plavelsky E.P., Plavelsky A.E., Petrov A.Ya. Wheel machines with mobile freight (experimental assessment of dynamic qualities of a car cart solution). Special equipment. 2002. No. 4(8). Pp. 46-49.
3. Plavelsky E.P., Nikulnikov E.N., Plavelsky A.E. The problem resolution of a research and confirmation of conformity of wheel machines with the high center of masses and mobile freight.Automotive industry. 2009. No. 7. Pp. 9-11.
4. Timoshenko S.P., Yang D.Kh., Weaver U. Fluctuations in engineering. Mechanical engineering. Moscow. 1985. 472 p.
5. Pevzner Ya.M., Pletnev A.E. Statistical characteristics of dynamic loadings in bodies and cabins of trucks. Scientific works RAMU. 1971. Release 130. Pp. 3-23.
6. Mikishev G.N. Experimental methods in dynamics of spacecrafts. Mechanical engineering. Moscow. 248 p.
7. Plavelsky E.P., etc. Patent No. 1810010 of the Russian Federation. A method of determination of the seeming viscosity of concrete and other disperse mixes.
Estimates of quality of control operations on results of repeated checks
S.A. Dmitriev, chief of NIO of "Technological Design and Quality Management" department of MAI (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: kaf104-1@mai.ru
Work is devoted to assessment of indicators of quality of processes of production and control by results of repeated checks. The author defined the important indicators characterizing quality of control of production – average of defects at the product arriving on control, and reliability of control operation. In article cases when depending on the established rules of control, defects can be eliminated at once after their detection or be fixed and be eliminated after completion of repeated control are considered.
Keywords: repeated quality control, reliability of control operation, single indicators, average of defects, statistical estimates.
1. Mishchenko N. P. Bases of quality management of defensive products: Education guidance. – M.: WU MO, 2007. 350 p.
2. Litvinov V. G. Engineering supervision in production of products: Education guidance. – M.: MO, 1987. 240 p.
3. Litvinov V. G., Mishchenko N. P. Analysis of production situations. – M.: VAD, 1988. 50 p.
4. Yanoshi L. Theory and practice of processing of results of measurements. M.: "World", 1968. 464 p.
Metal-containing oil-soluble antiwear composition "Valena SV"
D.N. Garkunov, doctor of technical sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
V.G. Babel, doctor of technical sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
E.L. Melnikov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
A.V. Schedrin, candidate of technical sciences, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
G.A. Pomazkin, A.V. Kaveshnik, D.A. Pilin, T.S. Markosyan, bachelors, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
e-mail: pomazking@mail.ru
V.P. Avanesyan, engineer-physicist, Research and Production Association (RPA) “Kvant”; Moscow
In article characteristics of metal-containing oil-soluble composition "Valena SV" are provided ; five problems of the wear caused by the friction in interfaces of details of cars and mechanisms are covered; researches of influence in lubricants of concentration of composition "Valena SV" on its thermal stability and also on wear resistance of tribo-coupling are given; ways of increase of resource of mechanisms and cars at application of composition "Valena SV" in lubricants are considered.
Keywords: composition "Valena SV", thermal stability, wear resistance, lubricants, concentration of additive.
1. Garkunov D.N. Tribotechnique. Wear and without-wearing: the textbook for higher education institutions. Moscow: Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 2001. 611 p.
2. Garkunov D.N., Melnikov E.L., Gavrilyuk V.S. Tribo-technique. Short course. Moscow: Publishing house of Bauman MSTU. 2008. 308 p.
3. Garkunov D.N., etc. The new directions in a tribotechnique and their use in increase of wear resistance of mechanisms and cars. Moscow. Publishing house of Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. 2007. 58 p.
4. Garkunov D.N., etc. Ecological and economic efficiency of new solutions of tribological problems. Industrial policy in the Russian Federation. 2008. No. 28. pp. 41-52.
5. Patent No. 2378637. Method of testing of lubricants for thermal stability.
6. Certificate No. 2277579. The oil-soluble antiwear metalplating additive compound to the engine oils "Valena SV".
7. Melnikova, L.A., Simushkin, A.V. Development of withoutwearing of frictional units / L.A. Melnikova, A. V. Simushkin. Student's scientific bulletin. 2009. V. IX. Pp. 102-110.
8. A technique 01-13-OD-2011 of experimental assessment of firmness of lubricants at friction. Moscow. Bauman MSTU. 2011. 33 p.
9. GOST 23.221-84. Ensuring of wear resistance of products. A method of experimental assessment of temperature firmness of lubricants in case of friction.
10. GOST 23.224-86. Ensuring of wear resistance of products. Evaluation methods of wear resistance of the recovered details.
11. GOST 9490-75. Liquid and plastic lubricants. A method of determination of tribological characteristics by the four-ball machine of friction.
12. Polyakov A.A. To a question of laboratory researches of materials of frictional units / A. A. Polyakov. Friction and wear. 1990. V. XI. Pp. 668-674.
13. TU0257-001-17368431-05. Metallcontaining oil-soluble composition "Valena SV".
New scientific discovery in a tribology on the basis of self-organization
D.N. Garkunov, doctor of technical sciences, Bauman Moscow state technical university; Moscow
V.G. Babel, doctor of technical sciences, academician of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
E.L. Melnikov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Bauman Moscow state technical university; Moscow
e-mail: mt13@bmstu.ru
A.V. Shchedrin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Bauman MSTU; Moscow
V.P. Avanesyan, engineer-physicist of SPA "Kvant"; Moscow
In article the Generalization of numerous pilot studies of innovative methods combined (deforming - cutting) handling and superficial plastic deformation by the tool with regular micro geometry of a surface in the conditions of various technologies of use of the modern metal plating lubricants realizing fundamental scientific discovery "effect of a without wearing at friction" of Garkunov – Kragelsky is given ; the received results in the form of reduction of power costs to 25 ….72% and in the form of formation of a servovitny film of the plating metal which is presumably in an amorphous condition during mutual movement of details in couple of friction, are reasoned apply for the status of the new scientific discovery in the "tribology on the basis of self-organization" direction oriented to production of innovative lubricants.
Keywords: scientific discovery, effect of without wearing at friction, regular micro relief; the metal plating lubricant; reduction of power costs; servovitny film; the plating metal.
1. Garkunov D.N., Melnikov E.L., Babel V.G., Shchedrin A.V., Babel A.L. etc… Tribology on the basis of self-organization. Germany. LAMBERT. 245 p. ISBN №978-3-659-56315-7. 2015.
2. Shchedrin A.V., Ulyanov V.V., Chikhacheva N.Yu. etc… Tribology as fundamental basis of system designing of competitive technological objects. Repair, recovery, upgrade. 2009. No. 4 Pp. 15-20.
3. Shchedrin A.V., Kostryukov A.A., Chikhacheva N.Yu. Artificial technological intelligence as an ideological basis of general system of materials's processing methods. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2015.No 6. Pp. 20-26.
4. Shchedrin A.V., Kozlov A.Yu., Chikhacheva N.Yu., Melnikov E.L. etc… Technological tribology on the basis of self-organization. Germany. LAMBERT.-82 p. ISBN №978-3-659-82 375-5. 2015.
5. Shchedrin A.V., Tanengolts A.B. Improvement of characteristics of the tool for the deforming-ironing underruning of openings. Mechanician. 2002. No. 11. Pp. 20-23.
6. Shchedrin A.V., etc. Increase in efficiency of the combined handling of openings on the basis of regularization of microgeometry of a surface of the tool's working elements . Repair, recovery, upgrade. 2009. No. 26. Pp. 14-19.
7. Shchedrin A.V., etc. The improvement of technologies of application of greasing - cooling technological environments in the combined methods of processing of hire. Mechanician. 2007. No. 36. Pp. 35-37.
8. Shchedrin A.V., ets. Increase in efficiency of methods of the combined drawing by regularization of microgeometry of a working surface of tool. Metallurgist. 2006. No. 10. Pp. 73-75.
9. Shchedrin A.V., Gavrilov S.A., Erokhin V.V., etc. Improvement of quality and productivities of methods of the combined processing by the tool with regular microgeometry of the metalplating lubricants. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2011. No. 8. Pp. 21-25.
10. Gavrilov S.A. Improvement of process of superficial plastic deformation on the basis of use of the metalplating lubricants. Friction and lubricant in machines and mechanisms. 2013. No. 4. Pp. 33-39.
11. Shchedrin A.V., Melnikov E. L., Kuznetsov V.A., etc... Theoretical and pilot studies of the covering superficial plastic deformation in the conditions of application of the metal plating lubricants. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2014. No. 2. Pp. 11-17.
12. Shchedrin A.V., Gavrilov S.A., Kosarev I.V., Smolkina T.V., Zinin M.A., Sergeev E.S. Formation of the centers of deformation at the covering superficial plastic deformation. Friction and lubricant in machines and mechanisms. 2014. No. 10. Pp. 3-7
13. Gavrilov S.A., Zinin M.A. Use of effect of a without wearing at synthesis of the metal plating lubricants for extreme conditions of friction. Procurement productions in mechanical engineering. 2013. No. 2. Pp. 29-33.
14. Shchedrin A.V., Kozlov A.Yu. Improvement of technology of use of the metalplating lubricants in methods of the covering superficial plastic deformation by the tool with regular micro geometry. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2014. No. 3. Pp. 8-12.
15. Shchedrin A.V., etc. The theorist - pilot study of the covering superficial plastic deformation in the conditions of the counter-pressure of the metal plating lubricants. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2015. No. 10. Pp. 11-15.
16. Zimin M.A., Gavrilov S.A., Shchedrin A.V., etc. Influence of the metal plating additive "Valena SV" on indicators of the combined processing. Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2011. No. 9. Pp. 77-80.
17. Shchedrin A.V., Gavrilov S.A., Zinin M.A. Optimization of a compounding of the metal plating lubricants for the combined dornovaniye of openings in procurements from not ground color alloys. Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2012. No. 9. Pp. 76-79
18. Sergeyev E.S., Zinin M.A., Shchedrin A.V., etc. Influence of a tilt angle, the influencing surfaces of the deforming element on characteristics of a method of the combined underrunning (drawing) of openings. Strengthening technologies and coverings. 2015. No. 3. Pp. 20-24.
19 Shchedrin A.V., Polyakov A.O. Influence of the metalplating lubricants on process of the combined underrunning of openings. Messenger of mechanical engineering. 2015. No. 4. Pp. 71-75.
Optimization of process of a honing by diamond whetstones using a technique of a complete factorial experiment
A. Nefedkin, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI); Moscow
I. Odinokova, candidate of technical sciences, Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI); Moscow
A. Savelyev, doctor of technical sciences, Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI); Moscow
e-mail: rml@gost.ru
Experimental studies of influence of granularity of diamond whetstones, specific pressure, speed of rotation and the axial movement on the processing productivity, a roughness of a surface and accuracy of a form at a honing of pig-iron sleeves of the internal combustion engine. Results of the experiences executed by a technique of a complete factorial experiment are presented by the regression equations with static independent coefficients.
Keywords: honing, a complete factorial experiment, processing, roughness of a surface, machining accuracy.
Expansion of "system" quality at design of technical systems
S.A. Vasin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department "Design" of the Tula state university, president of the Tula regional office of Academy of quality problems; Tula
E.V. Plakhotnikova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of "Tool and metrological systems" of the Tula state university; Tula
In article are considered the quality management tasks when designing technical systems connected with rational use of capacity of systems and creation of conditions for development of "system quality" within an effective objective - providing the consumer with useful function with the minimum mass, dimensions and power consumption of an end product. The process of expansion "system quality" is provided in article as one of stages of a flow of value creation of a product. The practical example of implementation of process when designing the systems "the electric drive-shutoff valves" is given.
Keywords: quality management, technical system, expansion "system quality", design.
1. GOST R ISO 10006-2005. Quality management System - Guide to quality management at designing.
2. Salamatov Y.P. System of the laws of development of technics (The basics of the theory of technical system development). Available at: http://www.trizminsk.org/e/21101440.htm.
3. GOST 30709-2002. Technical compatibility. Terms and definitions.
4. Plakhotnikova E.V. Improving the quality of «electric drive – stop valves» electrodynamic systems for NPP pipelines with coolant gas. Tula. Publishing house of TulSU. 2014.
5. Plakhotnikova E.V. Technical compatibility of the elements as a factor of perfection of collected systems of «electric drive – stop valves». Assembly in mechanical engineering, instrument making. No. 1(186). 2016.
6. Plakhotnikova E.V. The results of the study of «electric drive – stop valves» systems from the perspective of technical efficiency and energy consumption. News of TulSU. Technical sciences. Tula. Publishing house of TulSU. No 3. 2016.
Composite materials
Implementation of a quality management system during the designing and production of prototypes of the equipment from modern composite materials
M.A. Andryunina, deputy director general of National Institute of Aviation Technologies, director of Scientific-Production Center (SPC) "NIAT Composite"; Moscow
R.O. Sirotkin, deputy general quality director of National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT); Moscow
N.S. Azikov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department of Scientific-Production Center (SPC) "NIAT Composite", academician of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: nik_azikov@mail.ru
B.N. Dubchak, chief of sector of quality management of Scientific-Production Center (SPC) "NIAT Composite"; Moscow
In article the brief historical background of creation and development of National institute of aviation technologies is provided . Problems and their decisions when using composite materials in aircraft industry are considered.
Keywords: composite materials, aircraft, coal plastic, thermoplastic binding, space equipment.
Some questions of quality assurance of designs from composite materials
Yu.I. Bityukov, Moscow aviation institute (Scientific-research university (NRU); Moscow
Yu.I. Deniskin, Moscow aviation institute (Scientific-research university (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: dar@mai.ru
Now development of designs of aviation and the missile and space equipment, power, mechanical engineering and other industries is inseparably linked with use of composite materials.
In article some instruments of quality control of the designs made of composite materials by methods of winding and the calculation are described.
Keywords: winding, calculation, composite materials, Ishikava diagram, the control paper.
1. Bityukov Yu.I. Modeling of technological process of winding by using the smooth display of a rectangle in the space R3. Aviation industry. 2008. No. 2. Pp. 35-41.
2. Minakov A.P. To a question of balance of ideally flexible thread on a rough surface / A.P. Minakov. Scientific notes of MSU. 1951. Release 154. Pp. 241-266.
3. Bityukov Yu.I. About the parameters characterizing the scheme of laying of a tape during the process of winding. Messenger of Moscow aviation university (MAI). 2009. V. 16. No. 5. Pp. 274-281.
4. Bityukov Yu.I. About one characteristic of the scheme of reinforcing. Aviation industry. 2008. No. 4. Pp. 20-23.
A complex of researches for ensuring the development and production of the required quality of the design of the wing’s console made of composite materials for advanced civil aircraft
A.I. Gaydansky, general director of JSC "Aerokompozit"; Moscow
Yu.M. Tarasov, candidate of technical sciences, the technical director - the director of the Department of development of industrial model of PJSC "OAK"; Moscow
V.V. Krivonos, candidate of technical sciences, head of Department of development of industrial models of PJSC "OAK"; Moscow
e-mail: v.krivonos@uacrussia.ru
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department "Technological design and quality management" of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
The description and justification of works on development of the design-layout scheme of the console of a wing without use of a chassis’s beam is provided in article. Application of such scheme allows to reduce the mass of a design of the console. In work flow has been developed the working design documentation (WDD) on elements of "prototype", KEM of elements of "prototype" and the draft of the program of its tests, strength calculation of elements of a design is carried out.
Keywords: aircraft, composite material, design, coal plastic, vacuum infusional technology.
1. Bratukhin A.G., Ivanov Yu.A. Modern technologies of aircraft industry. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1999. 832 p.
2. Gunyaev G.M., Krivonos V.V., Kirillov V.N. Forecasting of durability of constructional coal pllastics. Aviation materials at the turn of XX-XXI centuries. Moscow. State enterprise "VIAM" SSC RF. 1994. Pp. 491-496.
3. Krivonos V.V., Bulmanis V.V., Gunyaev G.M. In service durability prediction of carbon fibre reinforced plastics. IAE-94. International aerospace congress. Theory, Applications, Technologies. Proceedings. Moscow. Russia. 1994. V.2. Pp.557-560.
4. Gunyaev G.M., Krivonos V.V., Zhelezina G.F., Rumyantsev A.F. Polymeric composite materials in designs of aircraft. Aviation materials and technologies. Release the RMB. Moscow. FSUE "VIAM" SSC RF. 2002. Pp. 12-20.
Instruments and instrumentation
Methodology of investigation of the reasons of failures of the electronic equipment operated on technically difficult object in the conditions of influence of electromagnetic hindrances
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
D.L. Golovin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of NRU MAI, full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: dlgolovin@bk.ru
O.V. Sarilov, RPC IT FSUE “VNIIA of N.L. Dukhov”, deputy director of TС SRIPE for tests, researches and quality; Moscow
The methodology of the analysis of the failures of the electronic equipment influencing safety of operation of technically difficult objects is considered. The examples of failures in operation of converters of pressure which have entailed a stop of power units because of operation of emergency protection are given.
Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, technically difficult objects, method of expert evaluations, investigation of failures of functioning.
1. Sarylov O.V., Yarnykh L.V.. Electromagnetic compatibility of an electric part of nuclear power plants. Edition «Znak». Moscow. 2006.
2. Kozlov D.A., Kuzhekin I.P., Sarylov O.V. An electromagnetic situation on nuclear power plants. Collection of reports. Ninth Russian scientific and technical conference on electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic safety. St. Petersburg. 2006. Pp.56-59.
3. The report on investigation of violation in work of NPP. The operation of a security system which isn't connected with accomplishment of functions of safety - operation of AZ-1 on a false signal of increase in pressure difference on an active zone of the reactor. Reg. No. 3NVO-P07-11-11-07. Novovoronezh. Rosenergoatom Concern the New Voronezh NPP. 2007. 10 p.
4. Sarylov V.N., Sarylov O.V. A complex of works on providing a hindrance security of control and management systems of the operating power units of nuclear power plants. Scientific session of NRNU MEPhI-2011. Summaries of reports. In 3 volumes. T.1. Innovative nuclear technologies. Moscow. NRNU MEPhI. 2010. p. 103. ISBN 978-5-7262-1383-5.
Application of a method of the analysis of hierarchies in investigations of the reasons of failures of the electronic equipment operated on technically difficult object
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
D.L. Golovin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of NRU MAI, full member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: dlgolovin@bk.ru
O.V. Sarilov, RPC IT FSUE “VNIIA of N.L. Dukhov”, deputy director of TС SRIPE for tests, researches and quality; Moscow
The possibility of application of a method of the analysis of hierarchies to consideration of the failures of the electronic equipment influencing safety of operation of technically difficult objects is considered. The examples of failures in operation of converters of pressure which have entailed a stop of power units because of operation of emergency protection and results of their investigation are given.
Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, technically difficult objects, method of the analysis of hierarchies, investigation of failures of functioning.
1. Sarylov V.N., Sarylov O.V. A comparability of standard requirements for electromagnetic compatibility of the equipment of systems important for safety by mutual delivery to foreign and Russian nuclear power plants. Collection of reports. International scientific and technical conference: Sensors and systems- 2005 "DiS-2005", on June 6-10, 2005. Penza. 2005. Pp. 356-372.
2. The report on investigation of violation in work of the NPP. A stop of the power unit No. 1 by emergency protection because of shutdown of TG-2 on loss of excitement and TG-1 because of false work of the AZRT-M system. Reg. No. 1LEN-P07-07-06-02 – Sosnovy Bor, Rosenergoatom Concern the Leningrad NPP, 2002. 8 p.
3. RD EO 0439-02. An order of assessment of resistance of elements of control and management systems to electromagnetic influences at modernization and extension of operation on nuclear power plants. Intr. 2003–01–01. Moscow. 53 p.
The main methods of quality assessment of electronic component base throughout life cycle of products
D.A. Slepchenko, chief specialist-expert of Minpromtorg of the Russian Federation, graduate student of MSTU MIREA; Moscow
P.V. Filatkin, chief of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronstandart" center, graduate student of MSTU of MIREA, corresponding member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
N.P. Esaulov, professor of MSTU MIREA, academician of Academy of problems of quality; Moscow
e-mail: esauln2011@yandex.ru
A.F. Zakharov, associate professor of MSTU MIREA, academician of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
The main methods of assessment of quality of the electronic component base (ECB), stages of the life cycle (LC) of products are considered, distribution of indicators of quality on groups is shown.
Keywords: electronic component base (ECB), quality evaluation methods, quality indicator, products, product lifecycle.
1. GOST PB 15.004-2004 SRPP. W. Stages of lifecycle of products and materials.
2. Smirnov A.M. Quality control of development and production of arms and military equipment AME. 2003. 274 p.
3. Sergeev A.G., Latyshev M.V., Teregerya V.V. Standardization, metrology, certification: education guidance. Moscow. Logos. 2005. 560 p.
Problems of creation of artificial gravity for the piloted space objects
L.B. Strogonova, doctor of technical sciences, professor of National Research University (NRU) Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow
e-mail: buksan@list.ru
M.I. Koloteva, head of the laboratory of State Scientific Center (SSC) RF Institute of medico biological problems (IMBP) of Russian academy of science (RAS); Moscow
The problem of creation of artificial gravity onboard of the piloted space objects is solved by means of creation of the centrifuge of short radius. It is supposed that the centrifuge will be functioning directly onboard of the piloted object. Researchers from Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and State Scientific Center (SSC) RF Institute of medico biological problems (IMBP) of Russian academy of science (RAS) by means of mathematical methods and methods of model experiments, solve the delivered problem with participation of the international cooperation. Researches of influence of a gravitational component and modeling it in flight will allow to increase factors of quality of life and safety of the person in Space.
Keywords: artificial gravity, centrifuge of short radius, medical control, safety, quality.
1. Kotovskaya A.R. Physiological effects of the changed gravitation / A.R. Kotovskaya//Problems of space biology: v. 33. Gravitation and organism. ‒ Moscow: Science, 1976. ‒ 276 p.
2. Shulzhenko E. B. Physiological effects of the changed gravitation (land experiments in model conditions).//The abstract of the thesis on a competition of degree of the doctor of medical sciences, Moscow, 1975, 200 p.
3. L. Strogonova O. Orlov, M. Koloteva, «Mathematical model inertial forces of human body for RSC», Proceeding International Conference on Innovative Technologies, «IN-TECH 2013».‒ Budapest, 2013. ‒ P.113-117.
4. L. Strogonova, M. Koloteva, « Hardware and methods of medical control of humans during testing RSC», Proceeding International Conference on Innovative Technologies, «IN-TECH 2015». ‒ Dubrovnik, Groatia, 2015. ‒ P.436-438.
Influence of trombophiliya in combination with other risk factors on development of thrombosis
I.N. Bokarev, doctor of medical sciences, professor of department of a preventive and emergency cardiology of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical university; Moscow
L.V. Popova, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of department of hospital therapy No. 1of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; Moscow
A.V. Golub, graduate student of department of hospital therapy No. 1of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; Moscow
e-mail: lafleur-7777@yandex.ru
T.F. Kovalenko, junior researcher of laboratory of biotechnology of Institute of bioorganic chemistry of academicians M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov of RAS; Moscow
T.B. Kondratieva, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of department of hospital therapy No. 1of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University; Moscow
L.I. Patruschev, doctor of biological sciences, professor, leading researcher of laboratory of biotechnology of Institute of bioorganic chemistry of academicians M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov of RAS; Moscow
Three basic cardiovascular diseases became the population leading causes of death now: acute coronary syndrome, stroke and venous tromboembolism. Different types of thrombophilia explain the origins of about 40% of all primary episodes of a venous tromboembolism (VTE). VTE is a multifactorial disease, result of joint action as acquired, and congenital risk factors. The role of thrombophilia in development of trombosis of arteries is studied not up to the end. New types of thrombophilias are constantly taped, however, so far there are not enough data on their role in a pathogenesis of a thrombogenesis and in what concrete cases they will clinically prove trombosis.
Keywords: venous thromboembolism, thrombophilia, compound mutations.
1. Hunter DJ, Fineberg HV. Convergence to common purpose in global health. N Engl J Med 2014; 370: 1753−1755.
2. Lozano R, Naghavi M, Foreman K, etc. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012; 380: 2095−2128.
3. Raskob GE, Angchaisuksiri P, Blanco AN. Thrombosis: A major contributor to global disease burden. ISTH Steering Committee for World Thrombosis Day. Thromb Res. 2014 Nov;134(5):931-8.
4. Oger E. Incidence of venous thromboembolism: a community-based study in Western France. EPI-GETBP Study Group. Groupe d'Etude de la Thrombose de Bretagne Occidentale. Thromb Haemost 2000; 83: 657−660.
5. Cohen AT, Agnelli G, Anderson FA, с соав.; VTE Impact Assessment Group in Europe (VITAE). Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in Europe. The number of VTE events and associated morbidity and mortality. Thromb Haemost 2007; 98: 756−764.
6. Heit JA. The epidemiology of venous thromboembolism in the community. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2008;28: 370–2.
7. Virchow R. Phlogose und Thrombose im Gefäßsystem; Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaftlichen Medizin. Frankfurt, Staatsdruckerei, 1856.
8. Bokarev I. N. Venous tromboembolism and pulmonary thromboembolism. International news agency (INA), 2013 p. 512.
9. Martinelli I, et al. Inherited risk factors for venous thromboembolism. Nat Rev Cardiol 2014; 11: 140–156.
10. Rosendaal FR, Reitsma PH. Genetics of venous thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost 2009; 7 (Suppl 1): 301–304.
11. Previtali E, et al. Risk factors for venous and arterial thrombosis. Bloood Transfus 2011; 9: 120–138.
12. Baglin T, Gray E, Greaves M, Hunt BJ, Keeling D, Machin S, Mackie I, Makris M, Nokes T, Perry D, Tait RC, Walker I, Watson H; British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Clinical guidelines for testing for heritable thrombophilia. Br J Haematol. 2010 Apr;149(2):209-20.
13. Isobel D Walker, M Greaves, F. E Preston. Investigation and management of heritable thrombophilia. British Journal of Haematology, 2001, 114, 512±528.
14. Pier Mannuccio Mannucci; Massimo Franchini. Classic thrombophilic gene variants. Thromb Haemost. 2015 Nov;114(5):885-9
In the departments of the Academy
The report of branch of Academy of quality problems in Moscow and the Moscow region "Innovations and quality of life" (АQPMos) for the period of work in 2011-2016
V.N. Bas, doctor of economical sciences, general director of Federal budgetary institution "Rostest Moscow", the president of regional department of Academy of quality problems in Moscow and Moscow region; Moscow
In work the main projects which are carried out by regional office of Academy of quality problems in Moscow and Moscow region are described. The description of the work of office which is carried out since 2011 in scientific and methodical, educational, publishing, information activities and other fields of activity of the person is provided.
Keywords: certification, education, research, inspection control, consultation.
Saint Petersburg branch of the Academy of quality problems: an integrated approach to improving the quality of life
V.V. Okrepilov, President of the St. Petersburg branch of Academy of quality problems, general director of FBM "Test St.-Petersburg", academician of RAS
e-mail: press@rustest.spb.ru
In work the main projects realized by the St. Petersburg regional branch of Academy of quality problems since 2011 in scientific and methodical, scientific and practical, educational, information and international spheres are described. It is noted that the important direction of research activity of office is assistance to education improvement of quality, to development of staff training system in the sphere of quality management.
Keywords: education, quality management, standardization, metrology, sustainable development.
Formation of the Bryansk scientific school of quality management and Bryansk department of Academy of quality problems
O.N. Fedonin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, rector of the Bryansk State Technical University; Bryansk
O.A. Gorlenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of quality Management of the Bryansk State Technical University, vice-president of the Bryansk Office of Interregional Public Organization "Academy of Quality Problems"; Bryansk
The main stages of the organization of scientific research of the Bryansk scientific school of quality management in the field of product quality control and services functioning within the Bryansk Department of Interregional Public Organization "Academy of Problems of Quality" are considered. The main results of scientific activities of members of this department are given.
Keywords: Bryansk branch of the Academy of quality problems, Honored scientist of the Russian Federation, scientific school, quality management, the quality management system
The report of presidium of the Tomsk regional department of Interregional public organization "Academy of Quality Problems" for 2011-2016
T.V. Polunina, director of the Tomsk branch of Academy of standardization, metrology and certification (ASMС), executive director of the Tomsk regional office of Academy of quality problems; Tomsk
In work the activity of the Tomsk regional department for 2011-2016 aimed at the development of the movement for quality in the Tomsk region, advance of modern ideology of quality and stimulation of introduction of modern models of management of the organizations (institutions) on the basis of the principles of TQM and ISO 9000 is described.
Keywords: monitoring, quality, safety, program, expert assessment.
Department of “High School” of Academy of Quality Problems - experience, problems, prospects
V.N. Azarov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of Higher School of Economics (NRU), president of department "Higher school" of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
In work the main projects which are carried out by Department "Higher school "of Academy of Quality Problems are described. Questions of creation and functioning of National system of preparation, retraining and certification of a personnel in the field of quality management are considered. Independent systems of certification as the instrument of improvement of quality of education, on the example of independent system of assessment of qualifications and certification of specialists in the field of ICT are considered.
Keywords: personnel, certification, quality of education, quality management, system, system of certification.
1. The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12.09.2013 No. 1061 "About the approval of lists of specialties and the directions of preparation of the higher education".
2. Collection of Educational and methodical materials: Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia, reference materials on educational and methodical associations, specialization in specialties of higher education. Moscow. Publishing department of the Moscow state textile university of A.N. Kosygin. 2002. P. 396
3. Azarov V.N., Boytsov B.V., Shlenov Yu.V. Creation of the uniform educational environment of training in the field of quality management. Quality. Innovations. Education. 2002. No. 1. Pp. 8-11.
4. Azarov V.N., Boytsov B.V., Shlenov Yu.V., Kryanev Yu., Kapyrin V. Complex system of continuous education in the field of quality. Standards and quality. 2001. No. 10. Pp. 9-14
5. Azarov V.N., Bezyazychny V.F., Boytsov B.V., Vasilyev V.A, Kryanev Yu.V., Oleynik A.V., Stepanov S.A., Stroitelev V.N., Kharlamov G.A., Chervyakov L.M. National system of preparation, retraining and certification of specialists in the field of quality management. Quality. Innovations. Education. 2004. No. 2. Pp. 2-7.
6. Volpyan N.S. The European experience of realization of policy of development of ICT - competences. The European frame of ICT - competences. Moscow. Softline. 2011. 118 p.
7. Azarov V.N. Certification and registration system of specialists in the field of ICT - technologies. Moscow. European Centre for Quality. 2011.
8. Azarov V.N, Tikhonov V.N. Certification and registration system of specialists in the field of information and communication technologies. Quality. Innovation. Education. No. 9. 2011. Pp.14-19.
9. Azarov V.N., Tikhonov V.N. Certification and registration system of specialists in the field of information and communication technologies. Quality. Innovation. Education. No. 10. 2011. Pp. 21-29.
10. Azarov V.N., Tikhonov V.N. Certification and registration system of specialists in the field of information and communication technologies. Quality. Innovation. Education. No. 11. 2011. Pp.10-17.
History. Spirituality. Quality
Influence of the guerrilla movement on high-quality change of a strategic provision on the Soviet-German front after the Battle of Stalingrad
S.V. Ushkalov, graduate student of "Philosophy, history and sociology" department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Technical University", chairman of the Bryansk office of Izborsk club; Bryansk
e-mail: tim-lyud@yandex.ru
In article the role of the guerrilla movement in the Briansk region (Bryanshchina) is considered during the Great Patriotic War. Communication of guerrillas with regular parts of Red army is analysed.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, guerrilla movement, Briansk region (Bryanshchina), the Battle of Stalingrad, Kursk duga.
1. The guerrilla movement during the great Patriotic war (1941–1945 гг.). Available at: http://biofile.ru/his/25487.html (In Russ.).
2. Golovanov A.E. Distant bombing … Memoirs of the Chief Marshal of aircraft. 1941 – 1945. Moscow. Tsentropoligraf. 2008.
3. From defense to approach. On July 1 – December 31, 1942. Collection of documents. Volume 3. Book 2. Moscow. Rus’. 2003
4. Central archive of the Ministry of defense (CAMD). F. 132 a, inv. 2642, doc. 41, pp. 255 – 259, 263 – 265.
5. Center of the Contemporary History of the Bryansk Region (CCHBR). T. 1650.
6. Middeldorf E Russian campaign: tactics and strategy. Moscow. Veche. 2011.
The role of Bryansk region (Bryanshchina) in the history of Rus’ –Russia: sacred pages of history
Yu.T. Triphankov, doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bryansk State Technical University", permanent member of the Bryansk branch of the Izborsk club, member of the Academy of quality problems; Bryansk
Ya.Yu. Triphankov, candidate of historical sciences, senior research of the Bryansk state museum of local lore; Bryansk
S.V. Ushkalov, graduate student of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Bryansk State Technical University", chairman of the Bryansk branch of the Izborsk club; Bryansk
e-mail: tim-lyud@yandex.ru
In article the main sacral key events for history of Rus’-Russia connected with the Bryansk region which for one thousand years changed the territorial outlines and belonging to the state educations that influenced quality of life are marked out.
Keywords: history, Rus’, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Bryansk region, the boundary of forest and steppe, Bojan, Peresvet, the guerrillas.
1. Dmitriyev L.A. The word about regiment of Igor: the bibliography of editions, the translations and researches, 1938–1954. Institute of the Russian literature (Pushkin House) of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Moscow.-Leningrad. Publishing house of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1955. 92 p.
2. Triphankov Ya.Yu. History of the Cossacks Bryansk region and adjacent territories in XVI – XVIII centuries: dissertation of candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02. Bryansk. 2013.
3. Triphankov Yu.T., Raphienko E.N. The industry of the Bryansk region from sources up to now. Bryansk. 2009. 280 p.
4. Aphonina L.I. Maltsovsky industrial district and its social infrastructure ("America in Russia") / L. I. Aphonina, V.V. Dzyuban, Yu. T. Triphankov. – Bryansk: 2012. – 175 p.
5. Triphankov Yu.T. Bryansk plant: history of production and genesis of mass consciousness of workers at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XXth centuries / Yu.T. Triphankov. – Bryansk: 1995. – 236 p.
6. Triphankov Yu.T. Production history, people and technical progress / Yu.T. Triphankov. – Bryansk: 1998. – 366 p.
7. Trifankov Yu.T. Bryansk front. First formation / Yu.T. Triphankov, A. A. Gavrenkov. – Bryansk: 2011. – 187 p.
8. Triphankov Ya.Yu. Wall Street and tragedy of the Bryansk front and Hatsuni: secret springs and mechanisms of the wars / Ya.Yu . Triphankov, S. V. Ushkalov, Yu. T. Triphankov. – Bryansk: 2015. – 396 p.
9. Trifankov Yu.T., Shantseva E.N., Dzyuban V.V. Guerrillas and traitors. History of occupation of the Bryansk region in the period of the Great Patriotic War: guerrilla movement and collaboration (1941 - 1943). Bryansk. 2012. 361 p.
The influence of the poetry of F.I. Tyutchev on the spiritual development of modern society
N.G. Fedkina, deputy director of scientific library, applicant of "Philosophy, history and sociology" department of the Bryansk state technical university; Bryansk
e-mail: sistnat@bk.ru
e-mail: sistnat@bk.ru
The author considers F. I. Tyutchev's creativity with the purpose to inform the modern reader the variety of his poetic gift united by a subject of love to the native Bryansk nature and patriotism.
Keywords: F.I. Tyutchev, poetry, Russia, Bryansk region (Bryanshchina), Ovstug, nature, patriotism.
1. Skatov N. Fedor Tyutchev. Bryansk Teacher’s newspaper. 2003. No. 6.
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6. Samochatova O.Ya., Yurkov S.D. The Nature of the native land in lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev. Writers of the Bryansk region. 1963.
7. Debolskaya N. Whether prophets Are necessary to the Fatherland? Bryansk teacher's newspaper. 2014. No. 46.
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9. Barsukov N. Life and works of M. P. Pogodin. Saint Petersburg. 1888–1910.
Social activity of M. K. Tenisheva in improvement of quality of life of the working settlement of Bezhitsa
N.G. Fedkina, deputy director of scientific library, applicant of "Philosophy, history and sociology" department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Technical University"; Bryansk
e-mail: sistnat@bk.ru
L.I. Zakharova, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of the "Philosophy, history and sociology" department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Technical University"; Bryansk
In article historical experience of formation of social infrastructure of the working settlement of Bezhitsa during public work of M. K. Tenisheva at the end of the 19th century directed to improvement of quality of life of the population is considered.
Keywords: quality of life, historical experience, social infrastructure, socio-cultural development, Bryansk rail plant, work settlement of Bezhitsa, M. K. Tenisheva.
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3. Fedkina N.G. The main aspects of sociocultural activity of M.K. Tenisheva in Bryanshchina. Sorokin's reading: materials VI-th All-Russian conference, on December 1 - 2, 2010. Moscow. MAKS. Press, 2010. Pp. 1680–1683.
4. A historical sketch of the Bryansk plant in Bezhitsa. Moscow. 1911.
5. Trifankov Yu.T. Industry of the Bryansk region P.1. History of the industry of the Briansk region from origin to the beginning of XX century. Bryansk. 2008.
6. Dorozhkina N. The Firebird of the reserved country. History: Scientific and methodical newspaper. 2010. No. 19. Pp. 22–32.
7. Tenisheva M.K. Impressions of my life. Memoirs. Moscow. 1991.
8. Vakhitova T. Russian American in St. Petersburg. Topos. 2004. September 13.
9. Matonina, E.E. At an oblivion grass the century. Moscow: magazine of the Russian culture. 2010. No. 7. Pp. 187–222.
Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery — the nodal center of orthodox topography of the Kursk region
N.E. Goryushkina, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of history and welfare service of The Southwest State University (SWSU); Kursk
e-mail: gor046@yandex.ru
Evlogy (Kiselev), celibate priest of Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery; Kursk region, Rylsk
The history of Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery in the context of the Russian and local history is presented in article. Authors emphasize a significant role of the monastery in religious, economic and household and public life of the region, interference of the events which were taking place behind walls and in men's monastery.
Keywords: Orthodoxy, orthodox topography, monastic monastery, Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery.
1. Avilova N.L., Goryushkina N.E., Apanasenok A.V. An "ordinary" shrine in "a provincial solitude": history of the Rilsky Nikolaev Monastery in the XVI-XXth centuries. The Messenger of the Chelyabinsk state university. 2009. No. 32. Pp. 95-99.
2. Artsibasheva T.N. Kursk region and monastic culture. Kursk. 1998. 72 p.
3. Bokadorov K.I. Historical sketch of the Rylsk. Rylsk. 1907. 102 p.
4. Golubinsky E.E. History of the Russian church. V. I. Moscow. 1901–1911. 968 p.
5. Zhirov S.S. History of monasteries and a monkhood of the Kursk diocese in the second half of the 19th century: thesis... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02. Kursk. 2003. 156 p.
6. Kartashov A.V. Sketches on history of the Russian church. V. I. Moscow. 1993.
7. Klyuchevsky V.O. Course of the Russian history. V. 2. Moscow. 1957.
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