"Quality and Life" № 3(39) 2023
Main theme: Effective quality and mathematics Release date: 28.09.2023 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
Development of Cycling Infrastructure as a Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life in the City (Based on the Example of the «Lev Tolstoy» Cycling Route Project in Tula)
S.A. Vasin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of Department «Urban construction, architecture and design» of Tula State University; President of the Tula regional branch of the Academy of Quality Problems; Tula
A.A. Shvykova, master’s student at Tula State University; Tula
e-mail: ms.shvykova@mail.ru
A project to create a bicycle route «Leo Tolstoy» is being implemented in Tula. The authors of the article consider the project as a promising regional practice for improving the quality of life of citizens in the context of priority tasks and national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.
Keywords: quality of life, regional project, cycling, cycling route, comfortable environment, culture and sports, urban infrastructure, design project.
1. Boytsov B.V., Kuznecov M.A., El’kin G.I. The concept of quality of life. Akademia problem kachestva. Moscow. 2007.
2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 474 dated 21.07.2020. On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. Available at: http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/bank/45726 (date of access: 12.03.2023).
3. Decree of the Governor of the Tula region dated July 11, 2016 № 102 on the approval of the main activities of the government of the Tula region for the period up to 2026. List of modifying documents (ed. Decrees of the Governor of the Tula region dated 28.12.2018 No. 293, dated 18.11.2020 No. 152, dated 12.10.2021 No. 108). Available at: https://program71.ru/ (date of access:13.03.2023)
4. Bobkov V.N. Methodological approach of the All-Russian Living Standards Center to the study and assessment of the quality and standard of living of the population. Vestnik VGU. Series: Ekonomika i upravlenie. 2009. No. 9 pp. 26-36.
5. Tula is the capital of cycling. State institution «State Archive of the Tula Region». Available at: https://gato.tularegion.ru/srv/velosiped.
6. Tolstoy L. Bike Ride. Available at: https://71velo.ru/.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-05-09
IQ of Russian Cities – an Index of Digitalization of the Urban Environment within the Concept of «Smart City»
E.A. Sysoeva, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics and Information Technologies in Economics and Management of the National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogareva; Republic of Mordovia, Saransk
e-mail: sysoewa@mail.ru
The article discusses the content of the Smart City concept and the main legal acts regulating the processes of its implementation and development on the territory of the Russian Federation. The methodology for assessing the level of digital transformation of Russian cities is analyzed, based on the formation and assignment of an integral IQ index, which is based on the calculation of sub-indices of areas of digital transformation of the urban economy. We study the dynamics of changes in the IQ index of Russian cities for the period from 2018 to the present. It is concluded that it is necessary to calculate the IQ index of cities, since, depending on the dynamics of the calculated indicators, cities and subjects of the Russian Federation will be able to receive certain amounts of subsidies from the federal budget for the formation of the urban environment.
Keywords: smart city, digitalization, digital transformation, IQ index of the city, sub-index, indicators, urban environment, urban economy.
1. On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation «Information Society». Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014. No. 313 (as amended and supplemented on 01.01.2022). Available at: https://base.garant.ru/70644220/?ysclid=lkf8p5oxia610248411.
2. On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017. No. 203. Available at: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201705100002?ysclid=lk....
3. On the approval of the program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2017 No. 1632-r. Available at: http://government.ru/docs/all/112831/.
4. Passport of the national project National program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects (No. 7 dated June 4, 2019). Available at: https://base.garant.ru/72296050/?ysclid=lkf8x8ol6711009462.
5. Passport of the national project «Housing and Urban Environment». Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects (December 24, 2018 No. 16). Available at: https://base.garant.ru/72192510/.
6. On approval of the passport of the departmental project of digitalization of the urban economy «Smart City». Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2018 No. 695/pr. Available at: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/docs/17594/.
7. Project «Smart City». Available at: https://russiasmartcity.ru/about.
8. Passport of the federal project «Formation of a comfortable urban environment». Minutes of the meeting of the project committee for the national project «Housing and urban environment» dated December 21, 2018 No. 3. Available at: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_319514/?ysclid=lkf962v59....
9. Basic and additional requirements for smart cities («Smart City» standard). Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on March 4, 2019. Available at: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/upload/iblock/74f/Standart.pdf.
10. On Approval of the Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2019 No. 207-r (as amended). Available at: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_318094/006fb940f95ef67a1....
11. On approval of the Concept of the urban digitalization project «Smart City». Order by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2020 No. 866/pr. Available at: https://minstroyrf.gov.ru/upload/iblock/315/25.12.2020_866_pr.pdf.
12. On approval of the methodology for assessing the progress and effectiveness of the digital transformation of the urban economy in the Russian Federation (IQ of cities). Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2019 No. 924/pr. Available at: https://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc&base=EXP&n=379313&....
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-09-16
Quantitative, Qualitative and Organizational Aspects of Improving the Development of Technical Documentation
N.V. Tyulina, Ph. D (Engineering), Head of the Quality Assurance and Development Standards Group of the Web Solutions Development and Maintenance Service, IT Applied Solutions LLC; Moscow
e-mail: ntyulina@list.ru
The article contains three critical aspects of improving the development of technical documentation by a technical writer: quantitative, qualitative and organizational.
The quantitative aspect includes measuring the performance of a technical writer. It is proposed to use a combined approach measuring the performance, successfully tested in practice. A combined approach measuring the performance includes microelement and statistical methods of measuring the performance of a technical writer.
The qualitative aspect is represented by the procedure for determining quality documentation, an analytically established list of indicators of quality documentation, and an example of establishing the share of indicators of quality documentation.
The organizational aspect is represented by a generalized list of corporate activities that helps to implement the proposed approaches to measuring the performance and quality control of documentation.
The information contained in the article is mainly intended to increase awareness, engagement, and satisfaction with the work of a technical writer. Also, the proposed solutions can be used by heads of technical writers, heads of enterprises and recruiters.
Keywords: technical writer, documentation, performance, quality, enterprise management, planning, information technology.
1. Pirshtuk D.I. Motivation to improve the professional level of IT specialists. Organization and rationing of labor 2020: recommendations, practical experience: a collection of scientific papers. Moscow, 2021, р. 129.
2. Odegov Yu.G., Koretsky V.P., Galiakhmetova M.R. Rationing of labor and assessment of labor intensity of unique types of work: theory and practice: monograph. Izhevsk, 2019, 229 p.
3. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation no. 609n (as amended on October 3, 2022) On approval of the professional standard «Technical writer (specialist in technical documentation in the field of information technology)» (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 31, 2022, no. 70769).
4. Konyukova N.I. Payment and rationing of labor: a course of lectures. Novosibirsk, 2017, pp. 132–138.
5. Rachek S.V., Shadrina A.V. Scientific problems of labor rationing in modern conditions: monograph. Yekaterinburg, 2022, 167 p.
6. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Dated December 30, 2001 no 197-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2022).
7. Mikhailov, A. Profession «Technical writer». Moscow, 2017, 96 p.
8. Myers A. Documentation Best Practices. Available at: URL: https://medium.com/memory-leak/documentation-best-practices-b0de3cdc323 (accessed May 22, 2023).
9. Sidorkina S.V. Rationing of labor in the organization: modern practice and development trends: monograph. Moscow, 2016, 148 p.
10. Markel M. Introduction to technical communication. In Technical Communication. Available at: URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_writer#cite_note-20 (accessed May 28, 2023).
11. Fechter J. What is the Technical Writer Career Path? Available at: URL: https://technicalwriterhq.com/career/technical-writer/technical-writer-c... (accessed May 23, 2023).
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-17-24
Standardization of Storage Tank Production. Features of Designing and Production
I.G. Mulenko, postgraduate student in the field of training 08.06.01 Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov; Belgorod
e-mail: il-mulenko@mail.ru
This article reveals the features of the production of horizontal tanks for the storage and transportation of petroleum products. The regulatory framework used in the production of these tanks is analyzed.
Keywords: GOST, horizontal steel tank, double horizontal steel tank, assembly equipment, welding equipment, quality control, testing.
1. Federal Law «On Standardization in the Russian Federation» dated 29.06.2015 N 162-FZ.
2. GOST 17032-2010 Horizontal steel tanks for petroleum products. Technical conditions.
3. GOST 12619-78 «Conical flanged bottoms with angles at the top of 60 and 90 °. Basic dimensions».
4. GOST 12621-78. «The bottoms are conical, unassembled with an angle at the top of 140°. Basic dimensions».
5. GOST 12620-78. «The bottoms are conical, not flanged with angles at the top of 60, 90 and 120°.
6. GOST 12622-78 «The bottoms are flat flanged. Basic dimensions».
7. GOST 12623-78 «Flat bottoms not flanged. Basic dimensions».
8. GOST 9454-78 «Metals. Test method for impact bending at low, room and elevated temperatures».
9. GOST 22727-88 «Sheet metal. Methods of ultrasonic control. Quick response».
10. GOST 19903-2015 «Hot-rolled sheet metal. Assortment».
11. GOST 5264-80 «Manual arc welding. Welded joints».
12. GOST 11534-75 «Manual arc welding. The joints are welded at sharp and obtuse angles».
13. GOST 8713-79 «Submerged welding. Welded joints».
14. GOST 14771-76 «Arc welding in protective gas».
15. GOST 23518-79. «Arc welding in protective gases. The joints are welded at sharp and obtuse angles. The main types, structural elements and dimensions».
16. GOST R 2.601-2019. «Unified system of design documentation. Operational documents.
17. GOST 14192-96. «Interstate standard. Cargo marking».
18. Mulenko I.G., Puchka O.V., Ryabko V.V., Puckha E.O.Competence Magazine issue No. 5, 2022. On the issue of the accuracy of methods for measuring tank capacity. pp. 28–35.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-25-30
Actualization of the Problem of the Development of Statistically Controlled Processes in the Car Assembly Production
A.V. Kritsky, Postgraduate student of Samara State Technical University; Samara
V.N. Kozlovsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Samara State Technical University; Samara
e-mail: Kozlovskiy-76@mail.ru
I.A. Belyaeva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Samara State Technical University; Samara
M.M. Vasiliev, Postgraduate student of Samara State Technical University; Samara
The article actualizes the problem of the development of statistically controlled production processes, as well as the development and implementation of the appropriate methodology and algorithm of work in the conditions of mass automotive production.
Keywords: car, on-board electrical complex, quality, reliability.
1. Farisov R.D., Ioffe M.A., Kozlovsky V.N. Improving the efficiency of iron foundry production and the quality of castings. The role of synthesis of principles of thrift and synergetics. Standarty i kachestvo. 2022. No. 9. pp. 64–70.
2. Kozlovsky V.N et al. The concept of the methodology of the integrated improvement program. Standarty i kachestvo. − 2022. No. 7. pp. 36–42.
3. Kozlovsky V.N et al. Digitalization and problems of labor collectives roles and responsibilities. Standarty i kachestvo. 2022. No. 1. pp. 94–98.
4. Kozlovsky V.N., Petrovski A.V., Skripnuk D.F., Schepinin V.E., Telitsyna E. Intelligent diagnostic complex of electromagnetic compatibility for automobile ignition systems. Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions). 6th International Conference ICRITO. 2017. pp. 282–288.
5. Kozlovsky V.N et al. Advanced diagnostic systems for autonomous transport facility management. Gruzovik. 2017. No. 6. pp. 21–28.
6. Kozlovsky V.N et al. Development of projects of electric vehicles and cars with a combined power plant. Gruzovik. 2018. No. 6. pp. 18–21.
7. Kozlovsky V.N et al. Modeling of energy-intensive accumulators of an automotive combined power plant. Gruzovik. 2018. No. 11. pp. 13–14.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-31-34
Methods for Operational Control in Production
A.A. Aleksandrov, Postgraduate student of the Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin); Quality Engineer of LLC «NordFil»; Saint Petersburg
e-mail: aleksandrov.aleksandr.aaa@gmail.com
This article discusses two methods for operational quality control of products in the production of automotive components: the use of dedicated inspectors and distributed quality control. This paper includes: the comparison of distributed quality control and the use of a dedicated inspector, the calculations necessary to choose between the two on an economic basis and some recommendations for the organization of distributed quality control in the conditions of multi-line, small-batch production.
Keywords: quality control, non-conforming products, the cost of control, economic effect.
1. GOST 16504-81 Measurements and quality control. Available at: https://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200005367 (date of access: 05.05.2023).
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6. Rishab Nigam. Cost of Quality. Available at: https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/cost-of-quality/ (date of access: 05.05.2023).
7. Laurie Hendrickson. QMS: Calculating the Cost of Quality. Available at: https://www.aodocs.com/blog/qms-calculating-the-cost-of-quality/ (date of access: 05.05.2023).
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-35-41
Problems of General Aviation Development and Possible Solutions to them
A.B. Belsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department, Acting Head of the Department of Helicopter Design at the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), Deputy General Director for Science and Innovative Development of «NCV Mil & Kamov» JSC, Corresponding Member. RARAN; Moscow
A.I. Resinets, PhD of military sciences, associate professor of the departments of «Helicopter Design» and «Airplane Design and Certification of Aviation Equipment» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: ResinetsAI@mai.ru
A.A. Resinets, assistant of the departments «Design of aircraft and certification of aviation equipment» and «Design of helicopters» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
The article discusses the problems of general aviation development and possible ways to solve them. It is noted that these problems are associated, firstly, with administrative barriers in small aviation, which completely exclude the possibility of ensuring the profitability of production activities, which makes any industry entity completely dependent on government subsidies and other forms of budget financing; secondly, with the lack of production in Russia, and now also the import of piston aircraft engines; thirdly, with the low profitability of small airfields in market conditions. Possible ways to solve the problem of small aviation are seen in the resumption of production of light Mi-34 and «Aktai» helicopters, the design and production of new light helicopters and saturation of the market with ultra-light aircraft - gyroplanes.
Keywords: general aviation, small aviation, gyroplane, aircraft, unmanned aircraft vehicle.
1. Air Code of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the State Duma on February 19, 1997. ConsultantPlus. Available at: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_13744/ (date of access: 09.06.2023).
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-42-49
Efficiency of Using Manned and Unmanned Aircraft when Performing Various Tasks
A.B. Belsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department, Acting Head of the Department of Helicopter Design at the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), Deputy General Director for Science and Innovative Development of «NCV Mil & Kamov» JSC, Corresponding Member. RARAN; Moscow
A.I. Resinets, PhD of military sciences, associate professor of the departments of «Helicopter Design» and «Airplane Design and Certification of Aviation Equipment» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: ResinetsAI@mai.ru
A.A. Resinets, assistant of the departments «Design of aircraft and certification of aviation equipment» and «Design of helicopters» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
A.S. Lukyanov, engineer of «NCV N.E. Mil & M.L. Kamov» JSC; Moscow
The article, based on statistics of emergency situations, shows that helicopters and unmanned aircraft vehicles are indispensable when performing various tasks – transporting passengers, delivering food and other goods to the most remote areas of the globe, which form the basis of human life safety. Recently, helicopters have become indispensable assistants in conducting search and rescue operations, providing emergency medical care, and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters. Therefore, the main attention in the article is paid to the issues of monitoring emergency situations and developing recommendations for their elimination.
Keywords: emergency, helicopter, airplane, unmanned aircraft vehicle.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-50-54
Application of Digital Twin Technology to Shape the Appearance of Mosaic-Type Platforms and Improve the Quality of Operation of High-Tech Equipment
M.L. Rakhmanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
Yu.A. Ganus, Associate Professor, Department of IBM4 «Management» of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow
A.V. Shishkin, graduate student of Department 104 «Technological design and quality management» of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NIU), chief specialist of the department (8502) PJSC «OAK OKB Mikoyan»; Moscow
e-mail: 17andrew07@gmail.com
The article discusses the potential for the development and use of mosaic platforms of a specialized type, for combining - the interaction of different types of special equipment, especially aviation ones, one of the more researched and tested products is the Su-57 and S-70 for the purpose of protection from the enemy or attack using the method of asymmetric attacks.
The essence of the work is to use computer information and artificial systems to crush the enemy with a variety of asymmetric attacks. This, in turn, suppresses its potential and allows, ahead of its actions, to calculate the next steps, which in turn brings the quality of use and application of any high-tech products to a new level of both mass and specialized use.
Since the use of digital technologies in synergy with artificial intelligence does not have any formalized approaches, nor is it described in sufficient detail in standards or guidelines in which direction and how to implement them, they are trying to integrate them in real conditions into specialized areas as testing and justification. Modern methods of conducting specialized activities require the use of mosaic platforms, and mosaic platforms require digital technologies, and the digital twin and artificial intelligence are such.
The concepts and mosaic platforms are revealed, the main goals and consequences within the framework of conducting algorithmic conflicts are determined.
The main functions of the synergy of digital twins of aggregate products in synergy with artificial intelligence are analyzed. The main tasks and mechanics of the digital twin as one of the main elements of mosaic platforms are revealed. The main tasks that mosaic-type platforms should solve using Industry 4.0 tools are formulated. As part of special operations, often taking place in difficult conditions, in conditions of intensive specialized actions, in unfavorable aggressive environments (Arctic, space, great depths, etc.). Using digital twins allows you to simulate these conditions and determine which components are most vulnerable and require improvement.
Keywords: mosaic platforms, digital twin, efficiency, reliability, quality, algorithmic warfare, artificial intelligence.
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4. Borovkov A.I., Gamzikova A.A., Kukushkin K.V., Ryabov Y.A. Digital twins in high-tech industry: brief report (September 2019). POLYTECH-PRESS. St. Petersburg. 2019. 62 p.
5. Glaessgen E.H, Stargel D.S. The Digital Twin Paradigm for Future NASA and U.S. Air Force Vehicles. Paper for the 53rd Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. 2012. DOI: 10.2514/6.2012–1818 (date of access: 25.11.2022).
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9. Rakhmanov M.L., Shishkin A.V. Security of information platform products in the Russian Federation. Quality and Life. No. 3(35) 2022. pp. 90–92.
10. Rakhmanov M.L., Shishkin A.V. Digital twins in the defense industry. Quality and Life. No. 2(34) 2022. pp. 69–72.
11. Shchekochikhin O.V. Modern trends of cyber-physical systems management on the basis of digital twins. Information-economic aspects of standardization and technical regulation. No. 5(63) 2021. pp. 33–37.
12. Eugeneev R.A. Analysis of methods of creating digital models of buildings and structures on the basis of additive technologies. Information and economic aspects of standardization and technical regulation. No. 1(65) 2022. pp. 38–43.
13. Borovkov A.I., Gamzikova A.A., Kukushkin K.V., Ryabov Y.A. Digital TWINS in High-Tech Industry. Summary Report (September 2019). POLYTEKH-PRESS. St. Petersburg. 2019. 62 p.
14. Digital Twin. Sodislab. Available at: https://www.sodislab.com/ru/digitaltwin (date of access: 25.12.2022).
15. Digital Twin. Nticenter. Available at: https://nticenter.spbstu.ru/article/gost-cd (date of access: 12/25/2022).
16. Digital Twin. Academic. Available at: https://normative_reference_dictionary.academic.ru/85773 (date of access: 25.12.2022).
17. Digital Twin. Strategy24. Available at: https://strategy24.ru/tundrino/news/tsifrovoy-dvoynik (date of access: 25.12.2022).
18. Mikhailova E.A., Sbitnev S.N. Project-process approach to management at an aircraft engine manufacturing enterprise. Proceedings of MAI. No. 67. 2013. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=41543.
19. Zagidulin A.R., Podruzhin E.G., Levin V.E. Modeling the motion of a non-free system of rigid bodies using the example of calculating the depreciation of a light aircraft chassis. Proceedings of MAI. No. 102. 2018. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=98881.
20. Polonik E.N., Surensky E.A., Fedotov A.A. Automation of calculations for the steel durability of aircraft structure elements with geometric stress concentrators. Proceedings of MAI. No. 86. 2016. Available at: http://trudymai.ru/published.php?ID=67799.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-55-62
Possibilities of Information Technology in the Preparation Processes of Production of Typical Elements of Aircraft Structures
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
V.I. Bekhmetyev, PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: wiat109@yandex.ru
S.L. Vasiliev, PhD, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
N.I. Fokin, Lecturer at the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
The results of the implementation of the developed set of technological principles are presented, using the capabilities of modern information technologies in the serial production of blank equipment for shaping standard aircraft parts.
Keywords: workpiece, tooling, CNC, optimization, typical aircraft parts, milling, 3D model, technological electronic model.
1. Feoktistov S.I. Automation of the design of technological processes and equipment for blanking and stamping production in the aviation industry.Dalnauka. Vladivostok. 2001. 183 p.
2. Bekhmetyev V.I. Automation of technological preparation for the production of aircraft structures from polymer composite materials. Science without borders. Technical science. No. 4(9). 2017. pp. 10–19.
3. GOST R 59853-2021. Information Technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Russian Institute of Standardization. Moscow. 2021. 87 p.
4. Goncharov P.S. and others. NX for the mechanical engineer. DMK Press. Moscow. 2010 504 p.
5. Kopylov Y.R. Fundamentals of computer digital engineering technologies. Lan. St. Petersburg. 2019. 496 p.
6. Novikov B.A., Gorshkova E.A. Fundamentals of database technologies. DMK-Press. Moscow. 2019. 62 p.
7. Vedmid P.A., Sulinov A.V. Programming processing in NX CAM. DMK-Press. Moscow. 2014. 304 p.
8. Vysokogorets Y.V., SAPR TP «Vertical». «YuUrGU» Publishing House. Chelyabinsk. 2012. 48 p.
9. VERTICAL-Technology. User’s Guide. ASCON. Moscow. V. 1. 2005. 143 p.
10. ABC VERTICAL. Computer-aided design system for technological processes. ASCON. Moscow. 2009. 106 p.
11. Kryazhev D.Y. Milling on CNC machines. Irlen Engineering. Moscow. 2005.
12. Lovygin A.A., Teverovsky L.V. Modern CNC machine and CAD/CAM system. DMK-Press. Moscow. 2015.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-63-74
Quality Management of Safety During Surveys and Design of Railways in Turbulent Conditions
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
V.V. Denisov, Candidate of Military Sciences, Assistant Professor of «Comprehensive security and special programs» of RAPS RUT (MIIT); Mocsow
V.L. Balanovskij, President of the Problem Department of the Academy of Quality Problems on Complex Safety; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
V.M. Pod”yakonov, Candidate of History Sciences, Researcher of Research Department (Military Humanitarian Studies) of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Member of the Commission on Industrial Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow
L.V. Balanovskij, head of the direction «information security» of the Scientific and Engineering enterprise GC «Informzashchita»; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Quality Problems; Moscow
The article discusses the causes of turbulence, the specific laws of its change and the impact on the effectiveness of safety during surveys and design of railways. Under the conditions of the use of turbulent logic, it is proposed to form the process of improving the efficiency of information security in the process of conducting surveys and designing railways based on the principles of dynamic programming and management of changes in the quality of security.
Keywords: railway survey and design, turbulence, controlled chaos, information security, dynamic programming, security quality change management.
1. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., Balanovskij L.V., Gabur S.P. Establishment of security systems for the transport complex. Quality and Life. No. 3. 2014.
2. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., Gabur S.P., Golovin D.L. Best available technologies for integrated transport security. Quality and Life. No. 3. 2015.
3. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., Makarova M.V., Ovchenkov N.I. Establishment of situation centres for industrial, transport, housing and communal services. Quality and Life. No. 3. 2016.
4. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., Makarova M.V., Ovchenkov N.I. Training problems for the Situation Centre Expert Units. Radiopromyshlennost’. No. 3. 2016.
5. Balanovskij V.L., Lyubimov K.M. Facility safety quality management. Voprosy radioelektroniki. No. 5. 2016.
6. Balanovskij V.L., Bludova I.YU., Denisov V.V. Quality Management of Integrated Safety Systems for Technological Installations. Rubezh. 2018.
7. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., Bludova I.YU., Denisov V.V. Quality management of training for transport infrastructure security. Quality and Life. No. 4(20). 2018.
8. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., SHepit’ko T.V., Denisov V.V., Lysov D.A. Tools for introducing innovations in the field of safety of transport complexes. Quality and Life. No. 4(20) 2018.
9. Boytsov B.V., Balanovskij V.L., SHepit’ko T.V., Denisov V.V., SHCHerbina V.I. Ensuring the safety of urban transport infrastructure. Quality and Life. No. 4(20). 2018.
10. Boytsov B.V., SHepit’ko T.V., Grunin I.YU., Balanovskij L.V., Balanovskij V.L., Denisov V.V., Nikolaeva N.V., Pod”yakonov V.M., YAmanov K.D. Scientific and technological development and change management of safety culture. Quality and Life. No. 4(32). 2021.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-75-80
Methodology for Monitoring Information Flows Dynamics
S.S. Antsyferov, Dr.Sc., professor of department of Metrology and Standardization, of Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming of MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow
K.N. Fazilova, Ph.D., senior lecturer of department of Metrology and Standardization, of Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming of MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow
e-mail: fazilova@mirea.ru
M.K. Hanova, postgraduate student of department of Metrology and Standardization, of Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming of MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow
The article proposes a methodology for monitoring the dynamics of information flows. The methodology is based on the developed mathematical model of the dynamics of the information flow and the algorithm and control system developed on its basis. Practical testing of this technique has shown the possibility of its use in the creation of expert systems.
Keywords: information flow, control algorithm, control system, input data, semantic processing, statistical processing, scientific direction, development, forecasting, dynamics.
1. Antsyferov S.S., Fazilova K.N., Hanova M.K. Standardization of indicators of the properties of documentary information flows. On sat. National scientific and technical conference with international participation. Advanced materials and technologies (AMT-2022). Sat. of reports of the conference Institute of Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming RTU MIREA. Moscow. 2022. pp. 118–122.
2. Antsyferov S.S., Fazilova K.N., Hanova M.K. Method of estimation of indicators of properties of documentary information flows. Document management in a digital environment. Sat. of works of the IV national scientific and practical conference. Moscow. 2022. pp. 11–15.
3.Antsyferov S.S., Fazilova K.N., Hanova M.K. Control and management of scientific and technical information through documentation. Document management in a digital environment. Sat. of works of the V national scientific and practical conference. 2023. Moscow – Volgograd. 2023. pp. 7–11.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-81-83
Technologies of Information Modeling of Design Solutions for Ensuring Transport Security
B.V. Boytsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
I.N. Rosenberg, Doctor of Technical sciences, professor, Vice-Rector of RUT (MIIT), corresponding member RAS; Moscow
T.V. Shepitko, Doctor of Technical sciences, professor, Director of the Institute of Track, Construction and Structures RUT (MIIT); Moscow
V.L. Balanovskiy, President of the Problem Department of the Academy of Quality Problems on Complex Safety; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
V.V. Denisov, Candidate of Military Sciences, Assistant Professor of «Comprehensive security and special programs» of RAPS RUT (MIIT); Mocsow
V.M. Pod”yakonov, Candidate of History Sciences, Researcher of Research Department (Military Humanitarian Studies) of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Member of the Commission on Industrial Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow
This article discusses the process of developing design solutions in the design of railways as transport infrastructure facilities, using information modeling technology that provides effective management of the choice of design solutions and a high level of transport security.
Keywords: railway surveys and design, safety, transport security, information model, information modeling technology, transport infrastructure facility, act of unlawful interference, life cycle of the facility, engineering and technical fortification.
1. Balanovskiy V.L., Pod`yakonov V.M., Denisov V.V. New tools for building security systems under sanctions. Sistemy bezopasnosti. No. 2. 2022.
2. Balanovskiy V.L., Shepit’ko T.V., Grunin I.Y., Denisov V.V. The role of regulatory requirements in safety. Sistemy bezopasnosti. No. 1. 2022.
3. Mahutov N.A. et al. Risk-based information modeling using GIS. Sistemy bezopasnosti. No. 3. 2022.
4. Denisov V.V., Balanovskiy V.L. Innovative methods of creating transport security systems. Quality and Life. No. 3(31). 2021.
5. Denisov V.V., Balanovskiy V.L. Quality management of transport security solutions. Quality and Life. No. 2(30). 2021.
6. Denisov V.V., Balanovskiy V.L. Managing changes in transport security quality. Quality and Life. No. 3(31). 2021.
7. B.V.Boytsov et al. Scientific and technological development and change management of safety culture. Quality and Life. No. 4(32). 2021.
8. Mahutov N.A. et al. Best practices for protecting transport infrastructure in high-level environments. Sistemy bezopasnosti. No. 1(169). 2023.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-84-89
Method for Improving the Quality of Software Development Through the Health Check Tool
I.V. Garanin, Department of Quality Management and Certification. Equipment, Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems, RTU MIREA; Moscow
e-mail: Garanin_i.v@mail.ru
N.E. Sadovskaya, Department of Quality Management and Certification. Equipment, Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems, RTU MIREA; Moscow
At the moment, the SCRUM methodology has gained great popularity in software development. A flexible approach allows for more frequent iterations of software releases, refining it in the course of changing external conditions. In order for the customer to evaluate the progress of his project, various numerical metrics were defined: KPI, SLA, DOR, DOD. But often, as practice shows, these metrics are not enough, because. products are developed in teams, and it is the people in the teams that are the key factor in whether the future product will be developed on time and with the specified quality parameters or not. In order to understand the health status of the team, a monitoring approach called the Health Check was developed and tested.
Keywords: software development, quality management, standardization, quality assurance, agile software development methodologies, DOR, DOD, SCRUM, KPI, SLA, Health Check.
1. Bass, J. 2012. Influences on agile practice tailoring in enterprise software development. In Proceedings of AGILE India. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1–9.
2. Peter Koning, «Agile Leadership Toolkit: Learning to Thrive with Self-Managing Teams (The Professional Scrum Series)», 1st Edition., Addison-Wesley Professional 2019, pp.127–130.
3. Simon Reindl, Stephanie Ockerman «Mastering Professional Scrum: A Practitioners Guide to Overcoming Challenges and Maximizing the Benefits of Agility (The Professional Scrum Series)», Addison-Wesley Professional2019, pp.112–115.
4. Available at: https://agilemanifesto.org (date of access: 02.04.2022).
5. Collins, E. and deLucena, V. 2012. Software test automation practices in agile development environment: An industry experience report. In Proceedings of 2012 7th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test. AST’12. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 57–63.
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2023-39-3-90-94