"Quality and Life" № 3(15) 2017

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Modern engineering education: challenges and prospects on the example of the strategy of development of the Moscow aviation Institute

M.A. Pogosyan, Dean of the Moscow aviation Institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Chairman of the Commission on development of education and science Public chamber of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of quality problems Academy


P. 5-10

Features of Creation of a Quality Management System for Aviation Products from Polymeric Composite Materials

V.Yu. Nagaev, engineer of laboratory «Composite materials» of the Department «Design of planes» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
L.L. Firsov, head of laboratory «Composite materials» of the Department «Design of planes» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
A.S. Yatsenko, engineer of laboratory «Composite materials» of the Department «Design of planes» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
S.A. Yurgenson, candidate of technical sciences, 2nd category engineer of laboratory «Composite materials» of the Department «Design of planes» of the Moscow aviation institute (National research university); Moscow
In this article features of creation of a quality management system for aviation products from polymeric composite materials in the Russian Federation which can increase competitiveness of the made production are considered and facilitate her entry into the international markets; the package of the standard documentation necessary for her formation is created.
Keywords: quality management system, polymer composite materials, aviation products.
1. CMH-17. Composite Materials Handbook. V.3. Polymer matrix composites materials usage, design, and analysis. 2009.
2. DOT/FAA/AR-02/109. Aviation Research. Guidelines and recommended criteria for the development of a material specification for carbon fiber. Epoxy Unidirectional Prepregs. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. March 2003. Springfield, Virginia, 64 p.
3. DOT/FAA/AR-02/110. Aviation Research. Guidelines for the development of process specifications, instructions, and controls for the fabrication of fiberreinforced polymer composites. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. March 2003. Springfield, Virginia, 48 p.
4. State Standard R ISO 9001 – 2015. Quality management system. Requirements. Standartinform. 2015. Moscow, 24 p.
5. State Standard R EN 9100 – 2011. Quality management system of the organization’s aviation, space and defensive industries. Requirements. Standartinform. 2012. Moscow, 31 p.
6. State Standard R EN 9120 – 2011. Quality management system of the organization’s aviation, space and defensive industries. Requirements to distributors of production. Standartinform. 2012. Moscow, 30 p.
7. Vorobey V.V., Botyashin V.N. Design of technological processes of production of details and knots of engines of aircraft from composite materials: Manual. Publishing house of the Moscow aviation institute. 1992. Moscow, 77 p.
8. State Standard RV 0015-002-2012. The system of development and statement on production of military equipment of a quality management system. General requirements. Standartinform. 2012. Moscow, 42 p.
9. Melameda L.B. «Russian nanocomposite materials: strategy of capture of the markets». Report of the general director of CJSC Kompozit Holding Company. Gaidar forum of 2011 «Russia and world: in search of innovative strategy» 17.03.2011.
10. Larry Ilcewicz. FAA Composite Guidance & Relevant Resource. Composite Safety Meeting & Workshop New Zealand. Federal Aviation Administration. Wellington, New Zealand 01.04.2016.

P. 11-15

Requirements and Operating Conditions of Aviation Cargo Delivery Systems to the Hard-to-Reach Areas

S.V. Aruvelli, Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
O.S. Dolgov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
Need of development of hard-to-reach areas dictates specific requirements to the cargo delivery systems. At design of such systems it is necessary to base on the infrastructure requirements and restrictions imposed by hard-to-reach areas. In this work the main requirements and operating conditions of aviation cargo delivery systems to the hard-to-reach areas are described and analyzed.
Keywords: aviation systems, requirements, operating conditions, cargo delivery, hard-to-reach areas.
1. Kuprikov N.M. Structural and parametrical analysis of influence of a moment-inertial factor on shape of the plane of the Arctic basing. The thesis for a degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. 2015. Moscow, 180 p.
2. Lobanov N.A. Bases of calculation and designing of parachute systems. Mechanical engineering. 1965. Moscow, 365 p.
3. Lyalin V.V., Morozov V.I., Ponomarev A.T. Parachute systems. Problems and methods of their decision. Publishing house of physical and mathematical and technical literature (FIZMATLIT). 2009. Moscow, 576 p.
4. Guide to production of ice aviainvestigation. Gidrometeoizdat. 1981. Leningrad, 240 p.
5. Tung Wan, Ryan Huo, Chao An Cheng. Numerical Simulations of Parachute Aerodynamic Characteristics under Severe Weather. AIAA SciTech. 4-8 January 2016, San Diego, California, USA. 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.

P. 16-18

Designs from Polymeric Composite Materials in Be-200 Amphibians

N.A. Lavro, associate professor of the department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), Deputy head of the center of development of the Public Joint Stock Company «G.M. Beriev Taganrog aviation scientifictechnical complex»; Rostov region, Taganrog
T.F. Vovk, process engineer of 1 category of the Public Joint Stock Company «G.M. Beriev Taganrog aviation scientific-technical complex»; Rostov region, Taganrog
A.V. Evlanov, the chief specialist on composite materials of the Public Joint Stock Company «G.M. Beriev Taganrog aviation scientific-technical complex»; Rostov region, Taganrog
I.V. Ledovskikh, Senior Lecturer of the department 109B of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU) the chief specialist by calculations of MKE, the head of department of the Public Joint Stock Company «G.M. Beriev Taganrog aviation scientific-technical complex»; Rostov region, Taganrog
Technical progress of the XX century has caused creation of constructional materials with a high durability and rigidity on polymeric, metal and ceramic bases. There are all bases to believe that the role of composite materials in creation of products of the aircraft equipment in the new XXI century will be come the leader as use of such materials allows to reduce the mass of designs significantly. In the of fered article settlement experimental approach of design from PCM (polymeric composite materials) of one of units of the Be-200 amphibian briefly is stated.
Keywords: PCM (polymeric composite materials), strength characteristics, tests, sample witness.
1. Sirotkin O.S., Grishin V.I., Litvinov V.B. Design, calculation and technology of connections of the aircraft equipment. Mechanical Engineering. 2006. Moscow, 330 p.
2. Skorokhod V.V., Nikiphorov N.A., Reznik S.V. Materials and coverings in extreme conditions. Prospection: volume 2. Advanced technologies of production. Under the editorship of S.V. Reznik. Publishing house of N.E. Bauman Moscow state technical university. 2002. Moscow, 296 p.
3. MSC. Software: virtual development of designs from composite materials. MSC. Software Corporation. 2009. Moscow, 112 p.
4. Calculation of the intense deformed condition of the deflector of prod. Be200. The report of Public Joint Stock Company «G.M. Beriev Taganrog aviation scientific-technical complex». 2012. 40 p.
5. State standard 4648-2014 (ISO 178:2010). Plastic. A test method on a statistical bend. Standartinform. 2014. Moscow.

P. 19-24

The Parametrical Analysis of the Intense Deformed Condition of Constructive and Anisotropic Panels from Composite Materials. Solution of Regional Tasks

B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department 104 «Technological design and quality managements» of Scientific research university Moscow aviation institute (NRU), first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
L.M. Gavva, candidate of technical sciences, leading engineer, associate professor of Scientific research university Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
Updating of application of the quality concept, implementation of system high-quality concept to calculation and manufacture of perspective samples of the aircraft equipment from the modern composition materials are key questions in support of quality of production in aviarocket production. Ratios of a mathematical model for a research of the intense deformed status of constructive and anisotropic panels from composition materials are given in the first part of article [1]. The mathematical model of the reinforcing element when twisting in the conditions of one-sided contact with a covering is specified. Influence of process of manufacturing techniques of panels is considered: residual temperature stresses and preliminary tension of reinforcing fibers. Based on the variational principle of Lagrange the allowing equation of the eighth order and natural boundary conditions are constructed. In the second part of article the class of exact analytical solutions of boundary value problems in unary trigonometric rows is considered. In an operating environment of MATLAB the application program package is developed. Influence of design data on the level of tension and relocation is analyzed.
Keywords: panels from composite materials, an excentric longitudinally cross set, thin-walled core, asymmetrical structure of a package, power and technological temperature influence, the intense deformed
status, unary trigonometrical ranks, MATLAB.
1. Boytsov B.V., Gavva L.M. The parametrical analysis of the intense deformed condition of constructive and anisotropic panels from composite materials. Mathematical model. Quality and life. 2017. No. 2. pp. 84 – 89.
2. Dudchenko A.A., Elpatievsky A.N., Lurie S.A., Firsanov V.V. Calculation of plates from composite materials. Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). 1993. Moscow, 68 p.
3. Molodtsov G.A., Gavva L.M., Ivanov V.I., Osinskaya E.A. Makro – and micromodels when calculating on durability of flat panels from layered composite materials taking into account the residual technological tension and a preliminary tension of fibers. 1987. Moscow, 30 p. (VINITI, No. 6570 – V-87, 08.09.87).

P. 25-27

Extrusive Head with Adjustment of the Forming a Gap

A.M. Matveenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of RAS, head of department of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
V.Yu. Mischenko, Senior Lecturer of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
Yu.N. Pugachev, Head of Research Department NRD-1 of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
V.Ya. Chapligin, senior research associate of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
e-mail: kaf104@mai.ru
The new scheme of the device of an extrusive head for production of a polymeric hose film is presented in article. A calculation, showing feasibility and the practical importance of an invention is given. In the offered device change of the forming a gap is carried out without replacement of a mandrel.
Keywords: extrusive head, mandrel, change of pressure, the forming a gap.
1. Panov A.K. An extrusive head for production of a polymeric hose film. Patent RU 1763227, MPK V 29 C 47/22. It is stated 18.04.89, published 23.09.92. Bulletin No. 35.
2. Ryzhov N.N., Berlyaev A.I., Bukharev E.Yu. An extrusive head with the aligning device. Patent RU 2245248, MPK V 29 C 47/02. Start date of counting of period of the patent validity 12/23/2003; it is published \1/27/2005.
3. Feodosyev V.I. Resistance of materials. Publishing house of Bauman Moscow state technical university (MSTU). 1999.


P. 28-32

Influence of the Platon System on Cost Value of Freight Automobile Transportations

N.E. Galaydo, student of the «Technology of Transport Processes» direction of the Vladivostok state university of economy and service; Vladivostok
E.S. Demakhina, student of the «Technology of transport processes» direction of the Far Eastern Federal University; Vladivostok
A.S. Pankrushkin, student of the «Technology of Transport Processes» direction of the Vladivostok state university of economy and service; Vladivostok
N.S. Pogotovkina, associate professor of Transport vehicles and transport and technological processes of Far Eastern Federal University; Vladivostok
In 2015 in Russia the Platon system is put into operation – the system of collection of a payment from the trucks having the allowed maximum weight over 12 tons. The payment is collected as the compensation for harm caused to the federal public roads. Platon system is an additional source of financing for the road sector. However for carriers its introduction is connected with increase in expenses. The first results of work of system and a problem, associated with it are given in article. The foreign systems of collection of a payment from trucks are considered. Results of calculations which show how road collecting influences cost value of freight automobile transportations are given.
Keywords: system of collection of a payment, road collecting, cargo vehicle, route, cost of transportations.
1. Road collecting for cargo vehicles in Germany. The Official site of uniform satellite system of collection of a payment of Tollcollect. [An electronic resource]– Available at: https://www.toll-collect.de/en/toll_collect/microsites/ru/russkii.html (accessed 15.01.17).
2. Klinkovshtein G.I., Afanasiev M.B. Organization of traffic. Transport. 2001. Moscow, 247 p.
3. About development of road infrastructure. The reference to a teleconference of measures for improvement of a condition of regional and municipal roads. The Website of the Government of the Russian Federation. [An electronic resource]– Available at: http://government.ru/info/22865/ – (accessed: 25.03.17).
4. About the system of collection of a payment. Platon. System of collection of a payment. [An electronic resource] – Available at: http://platon.ru/ru/about/ – (accessed: 25.03.17).
5. Road toll. VDNK Cargo Transportation. [An electronic resource] – Available at: http://www.vdnk.ru/site/ru/transport-articles/toll-roads – (accessed: 16.03.17).
6. The rating of regions of Russia on security with cars. The Website of the analytical agency «Avtostat». [An electronic resource] – Available at: https://www.autostat.ru/press-releases/27115/ – (accessed: 15.03.17).
7. Data on indicators of security status of traffic. State traffic inspectorate Website. [An electronic resource]– Available at: http://www.gibdd.ru/stat/ – (accessed: 18.03.2017).
8. Goods adjusted for the truck. Platon. System of collection of a payment. [An electronic resource] – Available at: http://platon.ru/ru/smi/26-10-2015/3640/ – (accessed: 19.03.17).
9. Belarus electronic toll collection system (BelToll official site). [An electronic resource]– Available at: http://www.beltoll.by/ – (accessed: 15.03.17).
10. Pogotovkina N., Demakhina E., Ugay S. Impact of Platon ETC system on intercity trucking cost. SHS Web of Conferences. 2017. Volume 35. 01046.


P. 33-40

The System of Support of Decision-Making for Improvement of Quality of Medical Control in the Interplanetary Piloted Space Flights

A.N. Knyazev, manager of therapeutic office of the Clinic diagnostic center of Federal state budgetary institution «Federal Clinical Center of High Medical Technologies» of Federal medico biological agency of Russia; Moscow
D.V. Litvina, applicant of Department 614 Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
L.B. Strogonova, professor of the Moscow aviation institute (NRU); Moscow
In the piloted space flight astronauts are affected by a set of negative factors such as, zero gravity, radiation, psychological components and others. For long practice of orbital flights the system of medical control of astronauts which includes set of methods and techniques of assessment of current state of health of the astronaut and prevention of development of dangerous states and diseases was developed. For safety of long space flights to other planets and prevention of emergency situations onboard spacecrafts it is necessary to reconsider and improve the existing system of medical support of astronauts developed, for orbital flights. The autonomous character of an interplanetary expedition will demand a different approach in medical support of flights, including because of a delay of communication with Control center of flights the crew will be forced to undertake decision-making in the emergency situations demanding it at present time. The system of support of adoption of the medical decision for early diagnostics of dangerous states and diseases will allow to enlarge safety of flight to planets.
For development of the medical onboard system of support of decision-making (SSDM) it is necessary to consider a series of features of medical data inherent in character which complicate a task. At the same time medical parameters become entry and boundary conditions for creation and adaptation of algorithms of functioning of system. SSDM is of special interest for cardiovascular diseases, the system is tested in clinical conditions.
Keywords: theory of decision support, emergency, naive Bayesian classifier, long-term space flight.
1. Litvina D.V., Strogonova L.B., Gushchin V.I. Questions of quality of processing and the analysis of psychophysiological researches for prevention of emergency situations in the conditions of modeling of long space flight. Quality of life. 2016. No. 3(11). pp. 37–39.
2. Litvina D.V., Strogonova L.B. Mathematical methods of the theory of support of decision-making in medicine. Scientific and technical bulletin of the Volga region. 2015. No. 5. pp. 223–226.

P. 40-45

Groups of the Crank-Beam Mechanisms with the Function of the Transmission Angle, Changing on the Combined Law

N.A. Sereda, leading programmer of «Theory of Mechanisms and Cars and Detail of Cars» department of the Kaliningrad state technical university; Kaliningrad;
In work the analysis of methods of metric synthesis of the crank-rocker mechanisms is carried out. The mathematical model of groups crankrocker mechanisms with the maximum of function of transmission angle equal 90 ˚, at the crank angle of rotation equal 30˚, 45˚and 60˚ are offered. The areas of existence of three groups of mechanisms defining conditions of a geometrical steer of such mechanisms are theoretically established. The technique of metric synthesis of three groups of the crank-beam mechanisms allowing to increase quality and to lower labor expenses at the solution of practical problems of design is offered.
Keywords: crank-beam mechanism, metric synthesis, methods, mathematical model, geometric steer, synthesis technique.
1. Gorlatov A.S., Sereda N.A. The manipulator for transfer wares. Patent 2390406 of the Russian Federation. № 2008150307/02; stated 18.12.2008; published 27.05.2010. Bulletin № 15. 8 p.
2. Gorlatov A.S., Sereda N.A. The manipulator for transfer wares. Patent 2356726 of the Russian Federation. № 2007136532/02; stated 02.10.2007; published 27.05.2009. Bulletin № 15. 5 p.
3. Gorlatov A.S., Fetisova E.G., Goncharova N.A. The device for layer-by-layer laying of piece wares. Patent 2151087 of the Russian Federation. No. 98113346/13; stated 16.07.1998; published 20.06.2000. Bulletin № 17. 10 p.
4. Margolin Sh.F. Theory of mechanisms and machines: theory, examples, graphic works. Higher school. 1968. Minsk, 375 p.
5. Kraynev A.F. Mechanisms of machinery. Function, structure, action. Publishing house Spektr.
2016. Moscow, 176 p.
6. Artobolevskiy S.I. Theory of mechanisms and machines. Higher school. 1968. Moscow, 366 p.
7. Levitskaya O.N., Levitskiy N.I. Course of the theory of mechanisms and cars. Higher school. 1985. Moscow, 279 p.
8. Kolchin N.I. Mechanics of machines in 2 volumes. Volume 1. Mashgiz. 1963. Moscow, 550 p.
9. Gorlatov A.S., Sereda N.A., Fatykhov Yu.A. Seven groups of jointed four-link mechanisms: geometrical steer and transmission angle. Handbook. An Engineering Journal with the application. 2016. № 2. Pp. 19–26.


P. 46-55

Quality Management in System of Corporate Management

V.A. Lapidus, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head of the Department «Production Management and Logistics» of NRU Higher School of Economics – Nizhny Novgorod, General Director LLC «Centr «Prioritet», Academician of the International Academy of Quality (IAQ); Nizhny Novgorod 
The article tackles the problems of quality management in the context of corporate management. Experience of native management development is studied in short, a so called Г-model of quality management is defined that combines roles of chief engineer and company director in the title of general engineer. Root causes of inefficiency of QMS are considered and classified according to the status at present time. Problem is responsibility is brought up and its definitions are detailed. Approaches to integration of Lean management and quality management are suggested.
Keywords: Quality, Corporate management, Presumption of responsibility, Quality management system, Lean production.
1. Lapidus V.А. Total Quality Management in Russian Companies. Мoscow: JSC «Printing office «Novosti», 2008. Pp. 353–375.
2. Lapidus V.А. Barteniev E.V. Presumption of Responsibility. Z. «Business Excellence»ю No. 12, 2011. Pp. 34–39.
3. George М. Lean Production + Six Sigma. Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Speed. Мoscow. Alpina Publisher. 2007. – 368 p.

P. 56-60

Identification and the Analysis of Losses at Introduction of Lean Manufacturing at the Industrial Enterprises

I.V. Emanakov, graduate student of Moscow Technological University (MIREA); Moscow
S.A. Ovchinnikov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of Moscow Technological University (MIREA); Moscow
P.V. Grudzinskiy, graduate student of Moscow Technological University (MIREA); Moscow
The technique intended for identification and elimination of the existing losses in administrative and productions of the enterprise and assessment of possible reserves of increase in efficiency of functioning of a production system of the enterprise is offered.
Keywords: «Lean manufacturing», reduction of losses, increase in functioning, condition of streams.
1. Ono T. Production system of Toyota. Avoiding mass production. Institute of complex strategic researches. 2005. Moscow, 192 p.
2. TMS. Total Management System. General Control system (official text). 4th level. First edition. Translation from Japanese. Institute of certification on TPS (Toyota Production System), Executive committee of certification on TMS. 2012.
3. Sukhanov A.G. Total Toyota Production System. General production system of Toyota (official text). 4th level. First edition. Institute of certification on TPS (Toyota Production System). 2013.
4. Imai M. Gemba kaydzen: Way to cost cutting and improvement of quality. Alpina Business Books. 2005. Moscow, 346 p.
5. State standard R 56020-2014 Lean manufacturing. Basic provisions and dictionary.

P. 60-62

About Activity of Technical Committee on Standardization No. 187 «Carrying Out Researches in Polar Regions»

N.M. Kuprikov, candidate of technical sciences, director of ANO «Scientific Information Centre «Polyarnaya initsiativa»; Moscow
For development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) it is necessary and important to establish «a scientific priority» in this region, by development of special instructions, technical regulations, national standards and normative documents. Thus, national practice of technical regulation of infrastructure activity in this region can form the basis for improvement of quality of life in AZRF.
Keywords: technical committee No.187 (TC No.187), standardization, Arctic, expert platform, Rosstandart.
1. Moiseev A. Arctic Safety: International legal positions. International life. 2016. No. 2. Moscow [Access: https://interaffairs.ru/jauthor/material/1435].
2. Kuprikov N.M. Intellectual and infrastructure support of the Technical committee for standardization «Scientific Research in the polar regions». Collection of scientific papers. Tambov state university (TSU). 2017. Tambov, 332p. [Access: http://tambov.rosmu.ru/activity/attach/events/1337/7_1.pdf]
3. The development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period up to 2020. Approved by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on 20 February 2013. The Government of the Russian Federation. 2013. Moscow, 18 p.
4. Chemezov S.V., Popovich L.G., Turko N.I., Shvets N.N. Actual problems of management of high-tech military products. Collection of scientific papers. Military academy of the General Staff (VAGSH). 2010. No. 58 (166). Moscow.

P. 63-66

Metrological Examination of Engineering Documentation, Used at Technological Process of the Coverings, Received by Sedimentation from the Vacuum and Arc Discharge

M.I. Yansaitova, graduate student of the Ufa aviation technical university; Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa
S.R. Shekhtman, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Ufa aviation technical university; Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa
In this work metrological examination of engineering documentation, used at technological process of the coverings received by sedimentation from the vacuum and arc discharge which allows to increase quality of the specified technological process is considered. Controlled parameters and methods of their definition are also specified.
Keywords: metrological examination, technological process, technical documentation, the coverings received by sedimentation from the vacuum and arc discharge, controlled parameters.
1. State Standard 2789-73 Roughness of a Surface. Parameters and characteristics.
2. State Standard 8.009-84 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. The normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.
3. State Standard 8.417-2002 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Units of sizes.
4. Methodical instructions (MI) 1317-2004 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Results and characteristics of an error of measurements. Representation forms. Ways of use at tests of product samples and control of their parameters of product samples and control of their parameters.
5. Recommendations about interstate standardization (RIS) 63-2003 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Ensuring efficiency of measurements at management of technological processes. Metrological examination of engineering documentation.
6. Recommendations about interstate standardization (RIS) 29-2013 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Metrology. Main terms and definitions.
7. Budilov V.V., Yagafarov I.I., Yansaitova M.I. Research of dependence of microhardness and phase composition of a covering TiN on layout of details in the vacuum chamber in case of sedimentation from plasma of the vacuum arc discharge. The hardening technologies and coverings. 2017. Volume 13. No. 1. 2017. pp. 20-23.
8. Polyakova O.V. Metrological examination of engineering documentation: Part 5. Chief metrologist. 2010. No. 4. pp. 34–39.
9. Budilov V.V., Kireev R.M., Shekhtman S.R. Technology of vacuum ion-plasma processing: manual. Publishing house of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU). 2007. Moscow, 155 p.

P. 67-68

Digital manufacturing – how to keep up with the industrial revolution

A.N. Novikov, Tetrasoft; Moscow 
A.R. Dubinsky, Tetrasoft; Moscow
Digital space at the present time has penetrated into all aspects of our lives. No exception production activity. The world is on the threshold of the Fourth Industrial revolution, the figure knocking on the door of a modern industrial community. To combine in a single organism all parts of the production there is a need to use a single information space. Let's call this space of Digital production.
Keywords: цифровое производство, промышленная революция, информация, контроль качества, управление качеством, чек-лист.


С. 69-75

Environment and Human Health

I.V. Zhuravleva, doctor of sociological sciences, chief researcher, manager of sector of Social problems of health, Institute of sociology of RAS; Moscow
In article on materials of statistics, the state documents and sociological researches it is considered the influence on human health of such components of the environment as : ecology, comfort of housing stock, the working conditions, features of food of the people, security with the organizations of rest, sports base, services of a health system. The negative influence of these components is noted to some extent. The conclusion is drawn on expediency of the accounting of their influence within the Health strategy of the population which would be directed to all specified spheres of life, and not just on a health system as it was still. Effectiveness of these measures will also depend on degree of knowledge of all segments of the population in health issues. The most optimum way of increase in such knowledge - creation of system of training in care about health at all stages of human life.
Keywords: people health, environment, health protection strategy
1. Demographic year-book of Russia. Statistical collection . Rosstat.2015. Moscow URL: [http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/demo15.pdf (date of the address 3/11/2017).
2. Youth of Russia 2000−2025. Development of the human capital. The report as the manuscript. The report is prepared by specialists of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). 2013. Moscow. URL: http://vmo.rgub.ru/files/report-937-2.pdf (date of the address 3/7/2017).
3. Health care in Russia 2015. Statistical collection, Rosstat of the Russian Federation. Moscow. URL: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/zdrav15.pdf (date of the address 3/10/2017).
4. Russian statistical year-book of 2016. Moscow. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/pub... (date of the address 4/21/2017).
5. Basic provisions of the Health strategy of the population of the Russian Federation for 2013 −2020гг. 2013. Moscow. URL:http://polit.ru/media/files/2013/12/25/81c8aa58d07e0615f49bd9778e4d0a34.pdf (date of the address 4/25/2017).
6. Zubanova S.G. Ecology 2008. URL: http://www.e-reading.club/chapter.php/78919/17/Zubanova_-_Ekologiya.html (date of the address 22/04/2017).
7. About a condition of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population in the Russian Federation in 2014: State report. Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare. 2015. Moscow, 206 p. of URL: rospotrebnadzor.ru/upload/iblock/22c/gd_2014_seb_dlya-sayta.pdf (date of the address 4/19/2017).
8. Russian statistical year-book 2014 URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/pub... (date of the address 4/20/2017).
9. Gremchenko E.P., Roshchina Ya.M. Factors of tendency to a healthy lifestyle. Messenger of the Russian monitoring of an economic situation and health of the population of Higher School of Economics National Research University (RLMS HSE) Release 6. Editor-in-chief P. M. Kozyreva. 2016. Moscow. URL: https://www.hse.ru/data/2016/07/28/1118935935/Vestnik%20RLMS-HSE_2016.pdf (date of the address 4/24/2017).
10. Press release of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (ARPORC) No. 2837 URL: http://wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=115256 (date of the address 4/20/2017).
11. Dominants. Field of opinions. Sociological bulletin. Health care. Public opinion Fund. 2015. URL: http://bd.fom.ru/pdf/d28zd15.pdf (date of the address 4/17/2017.
12. Golikova T. A. Results of implementation of the priority national project «Health» in 2006−2010 URL: http://www.gosbook.ru/node/17098/ (date of the address 15:04.2017).
13. The Audit Chamber has scarified reform of a health system of URL: https://lenta.ru/news/2015/04/14/medicine/(date of the address 3/25/2017).
14. Krasnova L. S. State of health as factor of demand for paid medical services. Messenger of the Russian monitoring of an economic situation and health of the population of Higher School of Economics National Research University (RLMS HSE). Issue 5. Editor-in-chief P. M. Kozyrev. 2015. Moscow URL:https://www.hse.ru/data/2015/10/09/1077435180/Vestnik%20RLMS-HSE_2015.pdf (date of the address 4/25/2017).

P. 76-78

Role of Recreational Zones in Formation of Human Health

A.T. Kozlov, doctor of biological sciences, professor, leading researcher of Military educational scientific center of the Air Force «Military and air academy of a name of professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin»; Voronezh
Yu.V. Tsyplukhina, candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of management of daily activity of divisions of Military educational scientific center of the Air Force «Military and air academy of a name of professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin»; Voronezh
E.V. Manchenko, teacher of department of management of daily activity of divisions of Military educational scientific center of the Air Force «Military and air academy of a name of professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin»; Voronezh
Article is devoted to a current problem of ecology of the large industrial city - a role of green plantings in formation of health of the population. Major factors of positive influence of recreational zones on health of the population, labor productivity are defined. The big role of wood and shrubby breeds in purification of air is noted. It is shown that green plantings have considerable noise-attenuating properties. Important property of plants is their ability to accumulate the majority of pollutants from the atmosphere.
Keywords: recreational zone, health, noiseabsorbing, green plantings.
1. Kozlov A.T., Belskikh N.V., Kozlov N.A. Features of ecological crisis in the industrial city and the mechanism of its overcoming. Bulletin of Voronezh state university. Series Chemistry. Biology. Pharmacy. 2014. No.1. pp. 56-60.
2. Isaev A.S., Korovin G.N. Current problems of national forest policy. Levko. Center for Russian environmental policy. 2009. Moscow, 108 p.
3. Lebkov V.F. Dendrometrical basis of the structural and dynamic organization of wood cenosis of a pine. Thesis of the doctor of biological sciences. 1992. Moscow, 143 p.
4. Pryakhin V.D., Nikolaenko V.T. Suburban forests. Forest industry. 1981. Moscow, 246 p.
5. Blinkin S.A., Rudnitskaya, T.V. Volatile aroun\us. Znanie. 1981. Moscow, 143 p.
6. Palmer M. Hondula K., Koch B. Ecological Restoration of Streams and Rivers: Shifting Strategies and Shifting Goals. Annual review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2013.Volume 44. pp. 247–269
7. Siegal Mark L. and Leu Jun-Yi On the nature and evolutionary impact of phenotypic robustness mechanisms. Annual review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2013: Volume 45. pp. 495–517.

P. 79-82

Status and Perspective of Development of a Tourist Cluster in the Astrakhan Region

N.V. Popova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department «Economy and management» of Astrakhan branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Astrakhan
S.O. Kalikhova, director of LLC «Karavella»; Astrakhan region, Kamyzyaksky district, village of Samosdelka
In this article the problem of diversification of a tourist product of the Astrakhan region in connection with exhaustion of the natural resources which are basic for fishing and hunting tourism and also a tendency of development of a tourist cluster proceeding from ecological approach to use of recreational resources of the Lower Volga is considered.
Keywords: tourist cluster, cluster analysis, ecological tourism, recreational natural resource, fishing and hunting tourism.
1. Drozdov A.V. Bases of ecological tourism. Gardarika. Moscow, 2005.
2. Kolbovskiy E.Yu. Ecological tourism and ecology of tourism: manual. Academy. Moscow, 2006. 
3. Sergeeva T. K. Ecological tourism. Finance and statistics. Moscow, 2004.
4. Sosunova I.A. Ecology of the objective world: conceptual bases and social practice. Moscow, 2014.

P. 82-85

The development of Rural Tourism on the Principles of Eco-Tourism as a Factor of Improvement of Life of the Population of the Region

A.D. Omelchenko, candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor «Ecological tourism» of the Astrakhan state technical university; Astrakhan
Currently one of popular types of rest around the world and in Russia is rural tourism. Astrakhan can take the worthy place not only among Russian regions, but the countries in which it is possible to allocate with the perspective direction rural tourism. Rural tourism in Astrakhan is rather young direction of tourism, but perspective that is caused by the unique nature, a combination of various landscapes, multilayered ethnic structure, a combination of various economic ways, traditional hospitality. High unemployment rate which is characteristic not only of the Astrakhan region, but also of other regions can be compensated by development of rural tourism partially. If now the risk level without control withdrawal of natural resources is high, then rural tourism not only allows to create new jobs, but also to form the nature focused behavior of local population and visitors of guests.
Keywords: ecotourism, rural tourism, Astrakhan oblast, region, quality of life, rural areas, resources, capacity, unemployment, environmental behavior, environmental consciousness.
1. Sosunova I.A. A role of ecological factors in formation of health. Use and protection of natural resources in Russia. 2014. No. 4 (136). pp. 100–102.
2. Kalieva A.D. Influence of an ecological situation of Russia on formation of ecological consciousness of the population of the region. Abstract of a thesis of the candidate of sociological sciences. 2010. Volgograd, 24 p.

P. 86-88

Constructive Ways of Ensuring Comfort and Ecological Safety of the Driver and Passengers in the Conditions of High Temperatures

D.D. Gribanov, candidate of technical sciences, professor, full member of Academy of quality problems;
S.B. Vereshchagin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, full member of Academy of quality problems;
Article is devoted to constructive ways of ensuring comfort of the driver and passengers in the conditions of high temperatures. The efficiency of the main ways of the cabins used for protection and manned compartments from influence of solar radiation is considered and estimated.
Keywords: cabin, temperature, glazing, conditioner, ventilation, coloring.
1. Gribanov D.D., Vereshchagin S.B. Impact of temperature and ecological factors on the driver. Quality and life. No. 2. 2015. pp 84–87.
2. Vereshchagin S.B. Providing climatic conditions in cabins and manned compartments of special wheel and tracked vehicles. Monograph. Moscow Automobile and road Institute (MADI). 2013. Moscow, 100 p.

P. 89-92

The Analysis of Fire Danger of Social Facilities with Use as Floor Coverings of Linoleum on the Basis of Polyvinyl Chloride

A.R. Manaeva, teacher of department of health and safety of the Surgut State University; Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Surgut
e-mail: chem88@ya.ru
In article influence of floor coverings on increase in fire loading of buildings and constructions of social appointment is considered. It is shown that combustible floor coverings in case of fire cause smoke of ways of evacuation, thereby reducing visibility and causing a condition of «panic».

Keywords: buildings and constructions, floor coverings, evacuation at the fire.
1. Makhviladze G.M., Shamshin A.V., Yakush S. E., Zykov A.P. A pilot and numerical study of the nonstationary phenomena at the fires indoors. Physics of burning and explosion. 2006. Volume 42. No. 6. pp. 112–120.
2. Eremina T.Yu., Konstantinova N.I., Grigorieva M.P. Methodology of assessment of characteristics of fire danger of floor coverings in Russia and EU countries. Construction materials, equipment, technologies of the 21st century. 2014. No. 5. pp. 33–37.
3. Plotnikova G.V., Volkova A.I., Seleznyev V.Yu., Kovalko A.S. Assesstment of fire danger of floor coverings by production of fire investigation. Bulletin of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. 2013.№3 (66). pp. 76–83.
4. Kolesnikov E.Yu., Anokhin V.V., Maslov E.F. Main problems of methodology of the analysis of risk of accidents. Explosion fire safety. 2016. No. 2. pp. 5–9.
5. Dmitriev V.V. Floor coverings as integral part of an interior of medical institutions. Policlinic. 2015. No. 4. pp. 18–20.
6. Almembaev M.M. Fire danger of objects of culture with materials and designs from wood and paint and varnish coverings. Fire and industrial safety. The thesis for a degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. 2015. Moscow 200 p.
7. Manaeva A.R. The program of support of decision-making at the choice of fireproof floor coverings for residential buildings. Certificate on the state registration of the computer program No. 2017614077; application No. 2017611115; date of statement 2/13/2017; it is registered in the Register of the computer programs 4/6/2017.

P. 92-95

Application of the X-Ray Diffraction Analysis when Determining Component Structure in Thermo Destruction Models

A.R. Manaeva, teacher of department of health and safety of the Surgut State University; Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, Surgut
e-mail: chem88@ya.ru
In article application of the X-ray diffraction analysis for determination of component structure of floor coverings (FC) and also definitions of degree of crystalline is considered. Communication between smoke-generating ability and the structure of FC and also a type of smoke suppressors is defined at various temperature influence. 
Keywords: buildings and constructions, floor coverings, smoke-generating ability.
1. Almembaev M.M. Fire danger of objects of culture with materials and designs from wood and paint and varnish coverings. Fire and industrial safety. The thesis for a degree of candidate of technical sciences. 2015. Moscow, 200 p.
2. Tager A.A. Physics chemistry of polymers. The edition 4 processed and added. Scientific world. 2007. Moscow, 576 p.
3. Khislavskiy A.G. X-ray spectral express methods of the analysis of polymeric materials. Chemistry. 1976. Leningrad, P. 36.
4. Gorelik S.S., Skakov Yu.A., Rastorguev L.N. Xray and electron-optical analysis. Manual for higher education institutions. 3rd edition. Moscow Institute of Steel and alloys. 1994. Moscow, 328 p.
5. Isakov G.N., Manaeva A.R. The analysis of smoke-generating ability of floor coverings on the basis of polyvinylchloride in the conditions of the fire. News of the Samara scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Volume 17. No. 2. 2015. pp. 43–47.

P. 96-104

Application of the Capsular Minirobot in Medicine

М.K. Sedankin, candidate of technical sciences, research associate of department CP&ATR of Federal state budgetary enterprise «Main Research Test Center of Robotics» of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (FSBE @MRTCR of MD RF); Moscow
S.A. Khvorostov, general director of the Scientific and production association «Ecomed»; Moscow
N.S. Dmitrieva, student of a magistracy of Moscow technological university; Moscow
D.N. Chupina, student of a bachelor degree of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (NRU); Moscow
Rapid development of robotics in Russia and the world induces researchers and engineers to creation of perspective medical robotic complexes (MRC) which use in the military sector will allow to solve a series of important strategic tasks: • to increase the level of safety of military-medical personnel at assistance and evacuation of wounded, to reduce the number of irrevocable losses and to reduce risk of an invalidism;
• to provide telemedicine use, to reduce the labor costs and risks bound to a human factor and medical logistics;
• to provide remote monitoring of vital functions of an organism and transition to the preventive and personalized medicine;
• to increase quality of the medical care provided in military conditions and conditions of peaceful life;
• to frame technologies and medical products of dual purpose.
During creation of medical robots the synergy of experts not only robotics, mechatronics and radio electronics, but also other areas of knowledge is necessary: theories of artificial intelligence, programming, computer science, cognitive psychology, telecommunication and information technologies, biomedical engineering, innovative management and many others. Modern MRC are teranostic products of cross-disciplinary interaction. Today the question of use of medical minirobots for diagnostics and therapy is extremely relevant. During work clinical trials of efficiency of use of minirobots in therapy of tumors on the basis of scientific research institute of a children’s hematology of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation are lit. Researches of a straight line and indirect tumoritsidny activity of the minirobot (an autonomous electrostimulator of digestive tract and mucosas) in short-term and long-term cellular cultures are executed. The conducted researches showed that this minirobot has the expressed antitumoral effect in the cultures of cells. It authentically reduces proliferating activity of cells of solid and ascites tumors in culture. The weak electromagnetic field framed by the minirobot oppresses a metabolism, rate of a proliferation and to considerably reduce a colony formation of tumor cells, without influencing at the same time permeability of cellular membranes. The minirobot increases antitumoral activity of cells phagocytes (the basic cellular elements of natural antitumoral immunity of an organism), strengthening production them the free radicals of oxygen recorded by means of a luminol-dependent hemolyuminestsention and enlarging production cells of a factor of a necrosis of tumors. Relying on the received results, it is possible to conclude that the minirobot can be the effective remedy increasing resistance of an organism to tumors and enhancing medical effect of the known chemotherapeutic drugs.
Keywords: minirobots, electronic normalizer, medical robotics, tumoricidal activity, microrobots.
1. Rudianov N.A., Khrushchev V. S. Justification of shape of the fighting and providing robotic complexes of Ground forces. Engineering magazine: science and innovations. 2013. No. 8. pp. 1–8.
2. Mosiyenko S.A., Lokhtin V.I. Concept of creation of a land robotic shock complex. LLC Sampoligrafist. Moscow, p. 124.
3. Soldatov E.A. The main directions of creation and development of medical robotics for the benefit of health service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. News of Southern Federal University. Technical science. 2016. No. 2. pp. 230–240.
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6. G.R. Gilbert, M.K. Beebe. United States department of defense research in robotic unmanned systems for combat casualty care. NATO/RTO.USA.2010. P. 11.
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8. Martel S. Beyond imaging: macro- and microscale medical robots actuated by clinical MRI scanners. Science robotics. 2017. V. 2. No. 2. pp. 5–6. 9. Freitas А.R. Exploratory design in medical nanotechnology: a mechanical artificial red cell. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Immobil. Biotech. 1998. No. 26. pp. 411–430
10. Savrasov G.V., Bashlay A.P. Structure of the biotechnical system of an intra vascular robotic complex. Medical equipment. 2014. No. 3. pp. 27–30.
11. Yim S., Sitti M. Shape-programmable soft capsule robots for semi-implantable drug delivery. IEEE Transactions on robotics. 2012. V. 28. No. 5. pp. 1198–1202.
12. Yim S., Sitti M. Design and rolling locomotion of a magnetically actuated soft capsule endoscope. IEEE Transactions on robotics. 2012. V. 28. No. 1. pp. 183–194.
13. Hamdi M., Ferreira A. Guidelines for the design of magnetic nanorobots to cross the blood–brain barrier. IEEE Transactions of robotics. 2014. V. 30. No. 1. pp. 81-92.
14. Jing Y., Yongliang Y., Seiffert-Sinha K. Multilayer coated nanorobot end-effector for efficient drug delivery. IEEE International conference on nanotechnology. 2016. No. 16. pp. 511-5144.
15. Korayem. A.H., Korayem M.H., Taheri M. Robust controlled manipulation of nanoparticles using the AFM nanorobot probe. Arabian journal for science and engineering. 2015. No. 9. pp. 2685–2699.
16. Zheng Y., Poon A., Carmen C. Y. Wearable Devices and Their Applications in Surgical Robot Control and p-Medicine . 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design. 2016. pp. 659–663.
17. Motion compensated controlled for a tendonsheath- driven flexible endoscopicrobot/ Wenjun X. [et al.]. International journal of medical robotics and computer assisted surgery. 2017. V. 13. No. 1. pp. 98–112.
18. Magdanz V., Medina-Sanchez M., Chen Y. How to improve spermbot performance. Advanced functional materials. 1015. No. 18. pp. 2763–2770.
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20. Kreminskaya V.M., Mkrtumyan And, M., Babalobkin M.I. Influence of an autonomous electrostimulator of digestive tract and mucosas on a condition of carbohydrate and lipide metabolism at patients with a diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus. 1999. No. 3. pp. 43–45.
21. Hvorostov S.A. Influence of the independent microrobot «Electronic Normalizer» on a condition of carbohydrate metabolism at patients with a diabetes mellitus. Nano – and the microsystemic equipment. 2006. No. 12. pp. 26–29.
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