"Quality and Life" № 3(11) 2016
Main theme: Integrated safety Release date: 08.09.2016 Только зарегистрированный пользователь может получить доспуп к электронной версии журнала |
Quality management
Operational strategies of process management according to the maturity level of QMS
V.V. Yashchenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of department of Management and quality systems of the St. Petersburg state electrotechnical university «LETI» of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin); St.-Petersburg
e-mail: Shrayner.julia@yandex.ru
The article is devoted to process management strategies of an organization which are designed to achieve the required maturity level of Quality Management System (QMS). Conceptual maturity model of QMS, characteristics of maturity levels, the structure of maturity characteristics are described in the article. It is contained the approach to identification the priority process for improvement, based on approach there are presented an operational strategies of process management in terms of maturity levels.
Keywords: processes, maturity model, maturity level, operational strategies, process management, process priority matrix
1. Production of automotive vehicles by the entities of Russia for January-September, 2015. Available at: http://www.asm-holding.ru/news/1004/.
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3. Rozno M.I. From «the consumer’s voice» to «production without problems». Nizhny Novgorod. LLC SMTs «Prioritet». 2007. 72 p. Available at: http://quality.eup.ru/MATERIALY14/From_a_consumer_voice_to_manufactures_....
4. Azarieva V.V., Stepanov S.A., Shrainer Yu.S., Yashchenko V.V. Model of a maturity of processes in technical college. St. Petersburg. Publishing house of SPbSETU «LETI». 2014. 127 p.
5. Stepanov S.A., Shrainer Yu.S. Models of a maturity of processes of quality management system. St. Petersburg. SPbSETU «LETI». No 3. 2013. Pp. 124-129.
6. Shrainer Yu.S. Formation of signs of model of a maturity and criteria of their assessment on the basis of system approach. Quality. Innovations. Education. No. 11. 2015. Pp. 3-9.
7. Andersen B’ern. Business processes. Tools the enhancement. Moscow. Standards and quality. 2003.
8. Analysis of types and consequences of potential refusals. FMEA. Nizhny Novgorod. SMTs «Prioritet». 2009. 139 p.
Quality of life: distinctions of the state approach in Russia and abroad
A.A. Voloshinskaya, Knowledge Economy Laboratory Senior Researcher of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA); Moscow
e-mail: voloshinskaya-aa@ranepa.ru
Quality of life is one of key reference points for development and carrying out social and economic policy, it creates an image of the desirable future. At the same time the Russian approach to interpretation of quality of life considerably differs from world practice.
Keywords: quality of life, Russia, the European Union, the OECD, differences, comparison, measurement, indicators
1. Rasskazova E.I. Quality of life as interdisciplinary problem: theoretical approaches and diagnostics of quality of life in psychology, sociology and medicine. Theoretical and experimental psychology. No. 2. V. 5. 2012. Pp. 59-71.
2. Belyaeva L.A. Level and quality of life. Problems of measurement and interpretation. Sociological researches. No. 1. 2009. Pp. 33-42.
3. Dotol I.V. Quality of life: features of an integrated approach. Problem of social and economic development of Siberia. No. 2(12). 2013. Pp. 80-84.
4. Kostin I.B., Mamedov N.M. Quality of life and social capital. Messenger of the Moscow state academy of business administration. No. 2-3(21-23). 2013. Pp. 24-33.
5. Kvint V.L., Okrepilov V.V. Theory and practice of interrelation of the categories «good life» and «quality of life». Economy of quality. No. 3(4). 2013.
6. Liga M.B. Social safety and quality of life: conceptual analysis. Scientific notes of Transbaikal state university. No. 4(51). 2013. Pp. 170-177.
7. Boytsov S.A., Samorodskaya I.V., Vatolina M.A. Interrelation of the expected life expectancy with the indicators influencing quality of life. Medical technologies. Assessment and choice. No. 2(16). 2014. Pp. 55-59.
8. Osik V.I. Health of the person and quality of life – the main problem of the present. Economy. Right. Seal. KSEI bulletin. No. 1-2(53-54). 2012. Pp. 234-238.
9. Meshkova L.L. Quality of life of the population as region competitiveness component. Social and economic phenomena and processes. No. 7(53). 2013. Pp. 106-108.
10. Barcaccia B., Esposito G., Matarese M., Bertolaso M., Elvira M., Grazia De Marinis M. Defining Quality of Life: A Wild-Goose Chase? Europe’s Journal of Psychology. V. 9(1). 2013. Pp. 185–203.
11. Samuel P.S., Rillotta F., Brown I. The development of family quality of life concepts and measures. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. V. 56. Part 1. 2012. Рp. 1–16.
12. Eurostat, Quality of life: facts and views. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 2015.
13. OECD, How’s Life? 2015: Measuring Well-being. OECD Publishing. 2014.
About the situation with road safety in The Russian Federation and priority measures for its improvement
N.N. Kalmikov, candidate of sociological sciences, the director of Expert-analysis center of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economic and Public Administration; Moscow
O. M. Trofimova, candidate of economics, associate professor of chair of economic theory of Ural Institute of management – branch of Ranepa; Ekaterinburg
S.A. Makovkina, expert of the scientific department of Ural Institute of management – branch of Ranepa; Ekaterinburg
Yu.S. Kanina, candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the chair «Public and criminal law», The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Tambov branch); Tambov
e-mail: olga.trofimova@uapa.ru
The article highlights and analyzes the problems of road management, impact on road safety, such as the length and accessibility of the road network, the strength and effectiveness of road infrastructure, low level of administrative-legal regulation, shortcomings of the current funding model. The measures to further improve of road sector to increase its security are proposed.
Keywords: road maintenance, road safety, legal regulation, the financing of road infrastructure, investments in the road sector, life cycle contracts (LCC)
1. Khamidullin M.N. Safety of traffic of shuttle buses on the basis of the accounting of characteristics of routes. Moscow. 2015.
2. Babkov V.F. Road conditions and traffic safety. Moscow. Transport. 1993. 271 p.
3. Vengerov I.A. Skill of driving. Moscow. Knowledge. 1984. 64 p.
4. Kuperman A.I., Mironov Yu.V. Traffic safety: handbook. Moscow. High School. 1997.3. Lobanov E.M. Design of roads and the organization of the traffic taking into account psychophysiology of the driver. Moscow. 1980.
5. Reference book on traffic safety. Moscow. Rosavtodor. 2010.
6. Road economy of Russia: figures and facts. Moscow. Rosavtodor. 2011.
7. Shumeiko A.N., Yurkovskiy I.N., Nemchinov M.V. Highways of Russia. State and perspective. Moscow. Young Guard. 2007.
8. The federal law N 257-F3 of November 8, 2007. About highways and road activities in the Russian Federation. Russian newspaper. 14.11.2007.
9. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 395 of July 30, 2004. About the adoption of the Provision on the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation. Russian newspaper. 30.07.2004.
10. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 398 of July 30, 2004. About the adoption of the Provision on Federal road service on supervision in the sphere of transport. Russian newspaper. 10.08.2004.
11. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation N 374 of July 23, 2004. About the adoption of the Provision on Federal Highway Agency. Russian newspaper. 29.07.2004.
12. Federal Highway Agency: Materials of an official portal. Available at: http://www.rosavtodor.ru/information.php?id=12&counter=1.
13. Khvoinskiy L.A. Aspects of road strategy. World is expensive. No. 72. 2013. Pp. 10–13.
14. The federal law from 13.03.2006 No. 38-FL (an edition from 08.03.2015). About advertising.
15. GOST R 52289-2004. Technical means of the organization of traffic. Rules of application of route signs, marking, traffic lights, road barriers and guiding devices.
16. Results of check of placement of the advertizing structures. Available at: http:// www.fas.gov.ru.
Calculation of risks of commission of a road accident for a conditional average value of probability
A.V. Kuzmin, chief of organizational and analysis department of Management of traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan; Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
V.L. Romanovskiy, candidate of technical sciences, professor of industrial and environmental safety of KNRTU-KAI named Tupolev; Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan
e-mail: avkuzmin16@gmail.com
In article the method of calculation of probability of participation of the driver or pedestrian in road accident for drawing up recommendations about his prevention is offered.
Keywords: road traffic injuries, road safety, vehicle, person, the risk of involvement in an accident, probability
1. Ayvazyan S.A. Applied Statistics. Technical Library. 1989.
2. Vasilenko V.A. Psychological characteristics of the driver, as a factor in road safety. Young scientist. 2013.
3. Kobzar A.I. Applied Mathematical Statistics. For engineers, scientists. Fizmatlit. 2006.
4. Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offences. FZ № 195. 30.12.2001.
5. Lebedev А.C. Modeling in scientific and technical studies. Radio and communication, 1989. 224 p.
6. Nikolaeva R.V. Investigation of accidents on the roads of the Republic of Tatarstan. MADI. 2011.
7. Practical guide to road safety. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Geneva 2008.
8. Prokhorova S.A. Program of elective course «Education of culture of safe behavior in road traffic environment». SBD «NTSBZHD». 2014.
9. 81st plenary meeting, Resolution of the UN General Assembly #62/244 from 31.03.2008 (paragraph 46) «Improving road safety worldwide».
10. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation about modification of the federal target program «Increase of Traffic Safety in 2013 – 2020». No. 1167. 06.11.14.
11. The resolution of the government of the Russian Federation No. 647 from 29.06.1995 «The rule of the accounting of road accidents» in an edition. Resolutions of the Government of the RF No. 1513 from 01.12.1997, No. 866 from 31.07.1998, No. 100 from 02.02.2000, No. 49 from 01.02.2005.
12. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 from 23.10.1993 «On the rules of the road», as amended on 30.06.2015.
13. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations «About the statement of criteria of information on emergency situations». No. 329. 08.07.2004.
14. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF «About measures for implementation of the resolution of the government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 1995 No. 647». No. 328. 18.06.1996.
15. Order of the Federal State Statistics Service «About the statement of statistical tools for the organization by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of federal statistical supervision about road accidents». No. 402. 21.05.2014.
16. Romanovskiy V.L., Muravieva E.V. Applied Technosphere riskologiya. Kazan. 2007. 267 p.
17. Federal Act «About the Road Safety». No. 196-FZ. 10.12.1995.
18. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation «About additional measures for traffic safety». No. 711. 15.06.1998. In edition of the Decree No. 1041 of 3.07.2008.
19. Federal Law of RF «About protection of the population and territories against an emergency of natural and technogenic character». 21.12.1994.
About various models of a quality evaluation of objects of aviation engineering, as safety capabilities in case of non-staff situations like medium-rate blow about a firm barrier
V.V. Tishkov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of MAI; Moscow
V.V. Firsanov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of MAI; Moscow
e-mail: k906@mai.ru
In work the questions connected with creation of calculation methods of an assessment of a dynamic condition of objects of aviation engineering in case of non-staff situations are considered. As a non-staff situation dynamic contact interaction (longitudinal blow) of object about a firm barrier is considered. The settlement overloads are given received by means of various models: regression, constructed on the basis of unique experimental data, wave and combined.
Keywords: longitudinal blow, regression model, wave theory, core, cover. Dynamic contact interaction
1. Sedov L.I. Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics. Moscow. Science. 1987. 432 p.
2. Demidovich B.P., Maron I.A., Shuvalova E.Z. Numerical methods of the analysis (Approach of functions, differential and integrated equations). Moscow. Science. 1967. Pp. 96-101.
3. Arkhipov G.I., Sadovnichiy V.A., Chubarikov V.N. Lectures on the mathematical analysis. Moscow. High school. 1999. 695 p.
4. Gmurman V.E. Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Moscow. High school. 1999. 479 p.
5. Lavrentiev M.A., Shabat B.V. Methods of the theory of functions of complex variable. Moscow. Science. Pp. 459-548.
6. Tishkov V.V., Firsanov :V.V. Analytical model for forecasting of a dynamic condition of object of aviation engineering in case of blow. Aerospace instrument making. 2005. No. 1. Pp. 10-17.
7. Firsanov V.V., Tishkov V.V. The elasto-plastic tension of the cover of rotation from material with linear hardening loaded with force in a pole. News of higher education institutions. Aircraft equipment. 2012. No. 4. Pp. 30-33.
Questions of quality of processing and the analysis of psychophysiological researches for the prevention of emergency situations in the conditions of modeling of long space flight
D.V. Litvina, applicant of department 607 of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
L.B. Strogonova, doctor of technological sciences, professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
V.I. Guschin, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU), head of the laboratory of GNTs RF IMBP RAS; Moscow
e-mail: buksan@list.ru
For ensuring reliability of operator activity of astronauts it is necessary to control a number of psychophysiological parameters. During researches within model experiment «Mars-500» has been carried out the content analysis of video messages of testers and automated by means of the naive Bayesian qualifier that has allowed to draw conclusions on a correctness of medical maintenance and a work-rest schedule for future long space flights to other planets.
Keywords: content-analysis, «Mars-500», naive Bayesian qualifier, long-term space flight, operator’s activity
1. Grigoriev A.I., Ushakov I.B., Morukov B.V., Bubeev Yu.A., Boritko Ya.S., Shved D.M., Guschin V.I., Chernyakov E.L. The main operational approaches to land modeling of the piloted flight to Mars. Biotekhnosfera. JSC Publishing House Politekhnika. No. 4(28). 2013. Pp. 11-17.
2. Mark Huckvale Mars-500 voice recordings – time series analysis. Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences. University Colledge London. 2014.
3. Koelio L.P., Richart V. Creation of systems of machine training at Python language. DMK Press. Moscow. 2016.
4. Litvina D.V., Strogonova L.B. Mathematical methods of the theory of decision support in medicine. The Scientific and technical bulletin of the Volga region. No. 5. 2015. Pp. 223-226.
Study of corona ionizer for safety settings and the efficiency of correction of microclimate in the workplaces
A.V. Yunkina, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Don State Technical University; Rostov-on-Don
V.I. Garshin, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Don State Technical University; Rostov-on-Don
V.L. Gaponov, professor, Don State Technical University; Rostov-on-Don
e-mail: 79064280405@ya.ru
In the article on the example of two organizations discusses the aeroionic indicator of climate in the workplaces. Performed experiments revealed insufficient concentration of the ions in comparison with the standards. There was performed the set of experiments on the corona ionizer: the produced levels of electromagnetic fields, the dependence of the ions from the position of ionization to the workplace. Studies have shown that the observed ionization at the distance normally used are safe in electromagnetic radiation rate. Found that its effectiveness depends on the distance and angle to the axis of the device relative to the workplace. A reference point for further research is determining the relative influence of individual environmental factors on aeroion the climate indoors.
Keywords: correction, aeroionization, ionizer, air quality, standards, safety, efficiency, concentration, microclimate, workplace
1. Grabarczyk Z. Effectiveness of indoor air cleaning with corona ionizers. Journal of Electrostatics. 2001. Vol. 51-52. Pp. 278-283.
2. Small B.M. Creating healthier buildings. Toxicol and Health. 2009. Vol. 25 (9-10). Pp. 731-735.
3. Chorowski B., Jaszewski Z. Mathematical model of the distribution of small negative ions in air conditioned rooms. Int. J. of Biometeorology. 1982. Vol. 26. № 1. Pp. 81-84.
4. Baklanova A.V., Garshin V.I., Egorushkin E.V. Search capabilities reduce the risk of occupational diseases and productivity in the learning process through the use of aeroionization. Modern science: actual problems and ways of their solution. Proceedings of XVI Intern. Scientific. Conf. Lipeck. 2015. Pp. 92-97.
5. Garshin V.I., Iunlina A.V., Sheptij N.S. Observations aeroionic climate in some areas of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Modern science: actual problems and ways of their solution. Materials of the XIX Intern. Scientific. Conf. Lipeck. 2015. Pp. 140-143.
6. Garshin V.I., Klenov E.N., Baklanova A.V. Observations aeroionic climate in the recreational area of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Status and prospects of agricultural. engineering. Collection of articles 4 International. Scientific.-Pract. Conf. Rostov-on-Don. 2011. Pp. 375-376.
7. Garshin V.I., etc. The analysis of observations of indicators of aeroionic climate in various objects of environment. Technosphere safety, reliability, quality, resource saving. Proceedings of the international. scientific.-pract. Conf. Rostova-on-Don. 2014. Pp. 70-84.
8. Baklanova A.V., etc. A comparative study of aeroionic climate in urban environments. Status and prospects of agricultural. engineering. Collected papers of the 8th International scientific-practical conference. Rostov-on-Don. 2015. Pp. 561-562.
9. Garshin V.I., Gaponov V.L., Klenov E.N., etc. Hydroaeroionization. The Patent of Russia А61N 1/00 № 79785. 2009. Newsletter № 2.
10. Garshin V.I., Gaponov V.L., Klenov E.N. Bipolar generator of ions. The Patent of Russia А61N 1/44 № 96006. 2010. Newsletter № 20.
11. Chizhevskij A.L. Air ions and life. Conversations with Tsiolkovsky. Mysl’. Moscow. 1999. 716 p.
Quality management of integrated security systems of transportation hubs taking into account the security of three-dimensional solution
V.L. Balanovskiy, deputy chairman of committee on complex safety of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, president of office «Complex safety» of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
K.M. Lyubimov, chairman of the board of directors of «Konstanta» group of companies, corresponding member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
N.N. Manuilov, architect; Moscow
D.N. Vlasov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of MGSU, chief of a workshop of the SUE «Research and Design Institute of the Genplan of Moscow»; Moscow
I.A. Bakhirev, candidate of technical sciences, head of association of the SUE «Research and Design Institute of the Genplan of Moscow»; Moscow
E.V. Popova, candidate of economics, deputy director of JSC Institute of Economy and Development of Transport; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
This article describes the problems of Creation of the methodology of integrated security systems of transport hubs taking into account the specificity of safety of three-dimensional solutions in the formation of architectural environment.
Keywords: integrated security, transport hub, transport infrastructure, retail and entertainment complex, architectural environment, the safety of three-dimensional solution
1. The town-planning code of the Russian Federation. 29.12.2004 N 190-FZ (an edition from 31.12.2014) (with amendment and additional, come into force from 01.04.2015). Available at: http://www.minstroyrf.ru/upload/iblock/263/Градостроительный кодекс.pdf.
2. Danilina N., Vlasov D. System of transport hubs and the «intercepting» parking». Germany. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2013. 88 p.
3. Vlasov D.N. Transport hubs of the largest cities (on the example of Moscow). Moscow. ACB publishing house. 2009. 94 p.
4. Vlasov D.N. Structure and composition of standard requirements to city transport hubs. Town planning. No. 3(37). 2015. Pp. 11–19.
Creation of the situational centers of objects of the industry, transport, housing and communal services
B.V. Boytsov, doctor of technical sciences, professor, department chair of NRU MAI, first vice-president of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
V.L. Balanovskiy, Deputy chairman of committee on complex safety of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, president of office «Complex safety» of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
M.V. Makarova, сandidate of economic sciences, associate professor, director FPBEI HE «Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics» Yaroslavl branch; Yaroslavl
N.I. Ovchenkov, candidate of technical sciences, general director of LLC PSTs Elektronika, corresponding member of Academy of quality problems; Moscow
e-mail: tishkova_l_f@inbox.ru
In this article problems of preparation and retraining of experts for service of systems of the situational centers are considered
Keywords: improvement of education, problem of preparation and retraining of experts, situational center, forecast, modeling, monitoring, risks
1. Boytsov B.V., Komarov Yu.Yu. Ways of improvement of quality of education. Quality and life. No. 5. 2005.
2. Balanovskiy V.L., Bichkova N.A. Forming of innovative continuous education. Col. of the International scientific and practical conference MKID-2009.
3. Balanovskiy L.V., Golovin D.L., Sarilov O.V. Quality management of testing for electromagnetic compatibility and functional safety – a basis of innovative approach to creation of difficult technical systems. Col. of the international scientific and practical conference MKID-2009.
4. Bodrov A.N. Pedagogical efficiency of economic incentives of secondary professional education. The abstract for degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences. Moscow. 2009.
5. Bodrov A.N., Bichkova N.A. Training for innovative activity. Col. of the international scientific and practical conference MKID-2009.
6. Kruglov M.G., Sergeev S.K. etc. Management of quality systems. Moscow. Standards Publishing House. 1997.
7. Neiman V.V., Tarasov V.I. Methodological questions of improvement of quality of training of specialists. Engineering education. No. 3. 2005.
8. Sarilov O.V., Golovin D.L., Balanovskiy L.V., Bichkova N.A. Problems of quality assurance of systems important for safety of nuclear power plants. Col. of the international scientific and practical conference MKID-2009.
9. Sidorin A.V., Sidorin V.V. Elite education as method of quality assurance of training of engineers. Materials of the International scientific and practical lntermatic-2004 conference. Part 3. Moscow. 2003.
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11. Shapiro V.D. Management of projects. Foreign experience. St. Petersburg. DvaTrI. 1993.
12. Shapiro V.D. Management of projects. St. Petersburg. DvaTrI. 1996.
Mechanical engineering and engineering science
About value of questions of quality at design of technical products
S.A. Zaytsev, candidate of technical sciences, professor of MAMI, Moscow
V.V. Martishkin, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of MAMI, Moscow
T.S. Sukhova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of MAMI, Moscow
e-mail: tonia@pochta.ru
The principle of quality management of technical products at a design stage is considered. The described method is based on application of Pareto principle (80/20) according to which 20% of details in assembly unit provide 80% of functionality and reliability of all assembly unit. The concept of «the defining detail» which can be the instrument of quality management at a design stage is entered.
Keywords: quality management, Pareto principle, instrument of management, design, technical products
1. Artobolevskiy I.I. Mechanisms in modern equipment. Moscow. Prod. «Science». 1980.
2. Kraynev A.F. Ideology of designing. Moscow. Prod. «Mechanical engineering». 2003.
3. Orlov P.I. Designing bases. Moscow.
4. Kane M.M. etc. Systems, methods and tools of quality management. Prod. «St. Petersburg». 2008. 560 p.
5. Martishkin V.V. Quality management of technical products at a stage of development of working documentation. News of MSTU of MAMI. Moscow. MSTU of MAMI. No. 2(16). 2013. Pp. 348-354.
6. General methodical recommendations about an assessment of a technological level of an industrial output. The edition of Gosstandart of the USSR of 24.11.89 No. 665.
Fundamentals of structural and economic strategy of import substitution of high-quality electronic component base
V.P. Marin, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Moscow University of Technology (MIREA); Moscow
A.V. Chelenko, graduate student of the Kaluga branch of N.E. Bauman MSTU; Kaluga
N.V. Yarantcev, candidate of technical sciences, executive director of the Joint Stock Company «Voskhod» – KRLZ; Kaluga
e-mail: yarancev_nv@mail.ru
The problems of production of products of high quality electronic component base, realized in the framework of import substitution. The interrelation between the tangible and intangible assets of the company, who spent structural modernization, which was based on funding national-oriented business. The relationship between the financial costs for the modernization of the state and business production: efficient modernization of tangible assets carried out with state support, and the intangible – the means of national-oriented business. Only in this case private companies will be interested in increasing the production of high-quality products in the field of import substitution.
Keywords: structural modernization, import substitution, products of electronic components, tangible and intangible assets, product quality
1. Shmakov N.V. Experience of upgrade of the Russian company JSC Voskhod – KRLZ. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. No. 1. 2016. Pp. 5-8.
2. Tomilin N.A., Seryogin V.S., Marin V.P., etc. Methodology and methods of the physical and chemical analysis in development of engineering procedures of production of electronic component base. High technologies. No. 1. 2016. Pp. 37-47.
3. Bichkov N.A., Korzhaviy A.P., Chistyakov G.A. Information technologies in quality management of cold sources of electrons on the basis of ecologically safe materials. The information and measuring and operating systems. No. 1. 2004. Pp. 33-36.
4. Korzhaviy A.P., Marin V.P., Savchenko V.P., Chelenko A.V. Technological and economic methods of increase of production efficiency and quality assurance of electronic component base. High technologies. No. 1. 2015. Pp. 40-46.
5. Korzhaviy A.P., Maksimov V.V., Fedorov V.O. Technic of receipt of initial materials for electronic component base of radio-electronic production. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. No. 1. 2016. Pp. 9-14.
6. Shmakov N.V., Korzhaviy A.P., Yarantsev N.V. Reforming of domestic enterprises of a radio-electronic profile on the example of JSC Voskhod – KRLZ. Business and the power. May-June. 2012. Pp. 16-17.
7. Korzhavy A.P., Chelenko A.V., Marin V.P., Savchenko V.P. Physics and technology and economic aspects of quality assurance of products of radio electronics. Quality and life. No 2(6). 2015. Pp. 38-44.
8. Pronichkin S.V., Lichev A.V. Formalization of the environment of functioning of actors of national innovative system on the basis of a method of the verbal analysis of decisions. High technologies. No. 4. 2016. Pp. 53-60.
9. Rikov A.S. Models and methods of the system analysis: decision making and optimization. Moscow. MISaA, 2005. 352 p.
Extract of details with an inclined flange
V.A. Krivoshein, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of MSTU of N.E. Bauman; Moscow
E.A. Rukavichko, bachelor of MSTU of N.E. Bauman; Moscow
A.A. Antsifirov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of MSTU of N.E. Bauman; Moscow
e-mail: aaleksei@inbox.ru
Article is devoted to engineering procedure of an extract of details called «Cap» with an inclined flange. Research of process of an extract of similar details is conducted.
In article by calculation of the optimum form of procurement and the greatest utilization rate of material with the subsequent research in the program Autoform complex of process of stamping on the basis of the limiting analysis of coefficient of an extract are certain.
It is certain that the detail extract with an inclined flange allows to increase extent of forming due to localization of the center of plastic deformation at the initial stage of deformation.
Keywords: extract, modernization, modeling, localization, plastic deformations
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Technology of quality assurance of geometrical parameters when handling a privalochny surface of the block of cylinders of an internal combustion engine
V.V. Maksarov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of mechanical engineering chair of Saint-Petersburg Mining University; Saint-Petersburg
R.R. Rakhmankulov, graduate student of mechanical engineering chair of Saint-Petersburg Mining University; Saint-Petersburg
e-mail: ramilan@inbox.ru
In article the Russian experience of machining the surfaces of internal combustion’s blocks of cylinders is analyzed, requirements imposed to quality of a blanket, modern technology of ensuring the required quality of a blanket of a privalochny surface, a way of increase of stability and quality of fair milling processing the privalochnykh surfaces of blocks of cylinders are considered.
Keywords: block of cylinders, privalochny surface, roughness parameters, wear-resistance, mineral-oxide ceramics, milling, technological process, microgeometrical parameters
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Increase of accuracy and quality of production of details from the titan and titanic alloys on the basis of preliminary local plastic deformation
V.V. Maksarov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of department of Mechanical engineering of SPSU; St. Petersburg
E.V. Kosheleva, graduate student of the SPSU Mechanical Engineering department; St. Petersburg
e-mail: 78len04ka@mail.ru
In article the method of preliminary local plastic deformation based on local plastic impact on a procurement surface is described and reasons for its use in case of production of details from titanic alloys are given. The specified method allows to increase quality of handling of details and wear resistance of the tool.
Keywords: technological process, advanced local plastic deformation, technological system, machining of the titan, self-oscillatory process, roughness, production accuracy
1. Bobrov V.F. Bases of the theory of cutting of metals. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1975. 344 p.
2. Grigoriev S.N., Maslov A.R. Quality assurance of details when handling by cutting in automated production. Stary Oskol. TNT. 2014. 412 p.
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4. Kolachev B.A., Polkin I.S., Talalaev V.D. Titanic alloys of the different countries. Moscow. VILS. 2000. 316 p.
5. Veyts V.L. Dynamic processes, assessment and quality assurance of technological systems of machining. Irkutsk. Publishing house of IRSTU. 2001. 299 p.
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The influence of cylindrical surface form deviations of a screw-cutting lathe on the diagnosing accuracy of its technical condition
O.V. Anikeeva, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department «Quality management, metrology and certification» SWSU; Kursk
e-mail: olesya-anikeeva@yandex.ru
In work the question of influence of processed surface form deviations of the metal-cutting machine on the diagnosing accuracy of its technical condition, according to the developed method of functional diagnostics is considered. Results of numerical modeling of influence are given in the Maple program environment.
Keywords: precision of machine tools, diagnostics, Fourier series
1. Pronikov A.S. Reliability of machines. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1978. 592 p.
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4. Anikeeva O.V. Management of a planning stage for quality improvement of process of repair of metal-cutting machines. Abstract. Kursk. 2012. 16 p.
5. Anikeeva O.V. The functional diagnostics of metal cutting machine tools. Proceedings of the South-West State University. 2011. No 5-1. Pp. 106a-112.
6. Reshetov D.N., Portman V.T. Accuracy of metal-cutting machines. Moscow. Mechanical engineering. 1986. 336 p.
Informatics and computer facilities
Methodological bases of the organization of processes of testing of a program and technological complex for DLm mainframes
A.V. Korablev, head of the department of ISTVB RU ITMO; Saint-Petersburg
N.V. Poyarkova, master of RU ITMO; Saint-Petersburg
e-mail: poyarkova.nataliya@mail.ru
In this work the main problems connected with the organization of process of testing within a development cycle for program and technological complexes are considered, the factors influencing process are also revealed. On the basis of the conducted research it is offered to create the methodological bases of the organization of process of testing providing improvement of quality of a program and technological complex.
Keywords: business processes, QA, testing, optimization, modeling
1. Laura DuBois Robert Amatruda. Competitive analysis. IDC Market Scape: U.S. Open Systems Virtual Tape Library. 2009. Available at: http://www.idc.com/MarketScape/download/IDC_MarketScape_Virtual_Tape_Lib....
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4. Chernikov B.V. ID «FORUM»: INFRA-M. 2012. Moscow. 240 p.
5. Genelt A.E. Software development quality management. NRU ITMO. St. Petersburg. 2007.
6. Project Management Institute. A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide). An American national standard ANSI/PMI 2008. Available at: https://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg246366.pdf.
7. Methods and tools for business processes modeling. Jet Info. No. 10(137). 2004.
8. Ilienkova S.D., Ilienkova N.D., Yagudin S.Yu. Quality management. UNITY. Moscow. 1998.
9. Smirnova I. Presentation on SQA Days-16, on November 14-15, 2014. St. Petersburg. Russia. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net.
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14. Harrington J., Esseling K.S., Nimvegen H.V. Business process optimization, Documentation, Analysis, Management, Optimization. AZBUKA «BMikro». St. Petersburg. 2002.
Decrease of environmental risks at operation of hydraulic engineering constructions with use of optical-electronic monitors
E.V. Muravieva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the Department of industrial and ecological safety of Kazan national research technical university n. a. A.N. Tupolev– KAI; Kazan
D.Sh. Sibgatulinа, associate professor in the Department of industrial and ecological safety of Kazan national research technical university n. a. A.N. Tupolev – KAI; Kazan
A.A. Chabanova, student of group 3243 of Kazan national research technical university n. a. A.N. Tupolev – KAI; Kazan
e-mail: elena-kzn@mail.ru
The article shows the possible methods of reducing the risk of occurrence of emergency situations and injury to life, body or health of individuals, property of individuals and entities associated with accidents at hydraulic engineering constructions and leading to contamination by hazardous substances areas outside of the GTS method of creating optical-electronic equipment for operational monitoring of the quality and quantity of the contents of hydraulic engineering constructions
Keywords: monitoring of hydraulic engineering constructions; the risk of an emergency on hydraulic engineering constructions; environmental damage; safe operation of hydraulic engineering constructions; quality control of incoming waste in storage; control of the impact of hydraulic engineering constructions on the environment
1. The federal law «About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities». No. 116-FZ. 21.07.1997.
2. The resolution of the Federal inspectorate for mining and industry of Russia «About approval of safety rules of hydraulic engineering constructions of stores of industrial wastes». No. 6. 28.01.2002.
3. The water code of the Russian Federation, No. 74-FZ, 03.06.2006; The Federal law «About protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature», No. 68-FZ, 21.12.1994; The Federal law «About safety of hydraulic engineering constructions», No. 117-FZ, 21.07.1997.
4. Romanovskiy V.L., Muravieva E.V. Application oriented technosphere’s riskology. Kazan. RITs «School». 2007. 342 p.
5. Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. The criteria for evaluation of an ecological situation of territories for identification of zones of an emergency ecological situation and zones of ecological catastrophe. 30.11.1992.
Transport. Production, management and operation
Assessment of processes in the air enterprise
D.M. Melnik, The adviser of the public civil service of the Russian Federation 2 class, the graduate student of SPb SU of CA, the assistant department head of MSAS SETS CFD of Rostransnadzor; St. Petersburg
e-mail: cugan@gmail.com
In this article the evaluation method of processes in the air enterprise considering integration of a quality management system and safety management system of flights is offered. Importance of an assessment of processes is emphasized with need of resource allocation of the air enterprise for improvement of indicators, both in the field of quality, and in the field of an aviation safety. The dependence of effectiveness of quality management system influencing on aviation safety indicators from a profile of the estimated processes is established. Need of establishment for the air enterprise both measurable indicators in the field of quality, and measurable indicators in the field of an aviation safety is emphasized
Keywords: quality, safety, process, system, integration, danger, factor, risk, aviation, company, flight, profile, attribute, indicators, performance, efficiency.
1. Federal aviation rules «Requirements to the legal entities, individual entrepreneurs performing commercial air transportations. A form and an order of issue of the document confirming compliance of legal entities, the individual entrepreneurs performing the commercial air transportations, to requirements of federal aviation rules». Order of the Ministry of Transport of the RF from 13.08.2015 No. 246.
2. GOST R ISO 9001-2015. «Quality management system. Requirements».
3. GOST R ISO 9000-2015. «Quality management system. Basic provisions and dictionary».
4. ICAO «Control directive about safety of flights» (Doc 9859). Edition 3. 2013.
5. GOST R ISO/IEC 15504-2-2009. «Assessment of processes». Part 2 «Carrying out assessment».
6. GOST R ISO/IEC 15504-1-2009. «Assessment of processes». Part 1 «Concept and dictionary».
7. Aristov O.V. Quality management. Moscow. INFRA-M. 2008.
8. Melnik D.M. The principles of integration of a quality management system and safety management system of flights in the air enterprise. Transport of the Russian Federation. No. 6(61). 2015. 47 p.
About a forecast arrival time of freights on a railway station of an adjunction and costs on servicing of cargo fronts
E.I. Garlitskiy, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of chair «Technology of transport processes and logistics» of Far East state transport university»; Khabarovsk
D.S. Serova, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of chair «Organization of transportations and safety on transport» of Far East state transport university; Khabarovsk
e-mail: egarlitskiy@yandex.ru
Article is devoted to questions of forecasting of a supply of freights to ports and transport hubs. The factors influencing the flow time spent for transport objects are determined and classified. The technique of determination of a forecast arrival time on a railway station of an adjunction is developed. Transitions of conditions of cargo sending for determination of operating costs on servicing of a railway track of uncommon use are considered.
Keywords: planning, delivery date, transport direction, railway station of an adjunction, railway track of uncommon use, penalty
1. Strategy of development of RRW holding for the period till 2030. Available at: http://doc.rzd.ru/doc/public/ru?STRUCTURE_ID=704&layer_id=5104&id=6396.
2. Garlitskiy E.I. Conditional functionalities of transitions of conditions of system «station of an adjunction – railway tracks of uncommon use». Universum: technical science. No. 11(12). Available at: 7universum.com/ru/tech/archive/item/1759.
3. Borodin A.F. Operational work of the railway directions. Works of ARRIIAC Moscow. Business Project. 2008. 320 p.
4. Serova D.S., Kalikina T.N. Enhancement of forecasting of the time spent of export cargo flows for marshaling yards. Messenger of transport of the Volga region. No. 2(44). 2014. Pp. 29-34.
5. Dolgoruk D.S., Kalikina T.N. Forming of system of forecasting of a supply of freights to ports. Bulletin of transport of the Volga region. No. 2(32). 2012. Pp. 10-15.