Estimates of Resource Efficiency of Industrial Production. Encyclopedia of Technology

Estimates of Resource Efficiency of Industrial Production. Encyclopedia of Technology

D.O. Skobelev, candidate of economic sciences, director of Federal State Autonomous Body Research «Environmental Industrial Policy Centre»; Moscow
M.V. Dobrokhotova, deputy director of Federal State Autonomous Body Research «Environmental Industrial Policy Centre»; Moscow
I.S. Kuroshev, head of the department of metallurgy, oil and gas and mining of Federal State Autonomous Body Research «Environmental Industrial Policy Centre»; Moscow
This article discusses the resource efficiency of production processes, identifies the main causes of insufficiently effective management in the field of resource conservation and resource efficiency of production in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: resource conservation; resource efficiency, technology encyclopedia.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-24-4-66-69

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