Use of the Life Cycle Assessment Method for Waste and Secondary Resources Management

Use of the Life Cycle Assessment Method for Waste and Secondary Resources Management

A.V. Derbenev, researcher of the Association «Nonprofit partnership Coordination and Information center of the CIS Member States»; Moscow
I.S. Kuroshev, head of the department of Metallurgy, Oil and Gas, and Mining of Federal State Autonomous Body Research «Environmental Industrial Policy Centre»; Moscow
The problem of improving the quality of life in the country as a whole and, in particular, the regions of Russia is an important strategic task at the present stage of social development. One of the most important indicators of this improvement could be the formation of global trends in the field of resource conservation and resource efficiency.
It seems that the greatest effect for the country’s economy will be obtained if rational resource management is successfully implemented in the field of industrial production. The rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing the negative impact of economic activity on the environment and ensuring environmental safety are preserved as inalienable requirements for industrial activity.
This article describes the processes of managing waste and secondary resources using such an environmental management tool as life cycle assessment.
Keywords: waste, secondary resources, life cycle assessment, resource efficiency, waste management.
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2019-24-4-31-36

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